4 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

my rental office rose my rend $200 and I couldn't afford deposit on a new place. am fucked.

Is it real antisemitism or just not supporting Israel?

About when they start going on about “Zionists” Is where I draw the line and where it typically takes a turn.

As a Jewish person, I find it healthy to criticize the Israeli government. Most young Israelis do. Their government has been steamrolled by a wannabe dictator that is corrupt as hell and his team of racist, backwards conservative orthodox buddies.

They were just protesting in the streets weeks ago and now we’re expected to turn around and support the government? Nah. This doesn’t change anything.

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They're wasting money on big buildings and rent.

Also, they want control of your activity while your on the clock. It bothers them if you're more productive, get the same amount of work done but can relax more at home. Which is the way it should be. If I can do the same work in 4 hours than I can in 8, I should get paid the same, and be able to relax, instead of being made to stay at work for 8hrs and be given even more things to do to just stay busy.

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Yeah, you can’t trust Americans. They’ll steal your own land out from under you and Rob your grandma and call it good business sense. Saying this as an American.

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Anybody remember that one piece about our servicemen being involved in trafficking women overseas about three years ago that was swept under the rug?

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Every game I’ve bought this year has ran perfectly in Linux. And I don’t check the Linux status before I buy them. Yolo has paid off

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Maybe games shouldn’t have a release every 1-2 years and try to milk players with useless micro transactions and gimmicks

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Let’s see, I’m a month away from being $500 short on rent. Me and my wife separated this year after 3 years. I’m a single parent of a two year old. I was diagnosed with autism and panic disorder last august at the age of 35. My mom died of a fentanyl overdose in 2021, two weeks before my son was born. I’ve been dealing with work burnout after working in food/retail management during Covid, the lockdown, and customers cussing me out over Covid policies and being disgusting in general. I changed jobs, hate the current job, still burnt out. And I’ve had Covid 3 times and my lungs haven’t been the same since the first time.

I’m honestly doing OK. I’ve found my passion for my hobbies again and am feeling confident I can weather this

Sorry to dump all that on you . It’s like therapy.

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Some smaller companies are doing this. It makes them more agile financially and actually helps their growth to not have a building to pay for. I don’t understand the larger companies.

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I have a mental illness, don’t lump me in with these jerkoffs

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Sounds like something a nazi would say.

It’s super weird. Me and my coworkers all have AT&T, and none of their phones worked and mine worked perfectly the whole day.

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This game has taken so long that it's either money laundering, the devs are just incompetent, or they suffer from the inability to edit themselves down

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Evangelicals are sleeping with the devil to do the lords work

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Well that’s unescessary

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How else would you write code? you write it, you run it, and do it again until it works.

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It’s so nice when a politician finds their billionaire trust fund daddy. Like a match made in Heaven. 🥰 it’s a shame DeSantis and his split up. 😭😂.

Also, please god no America. He’s less insane and weird, but still has the same shitty worldview and policies. He’s just quieter and more sneaky about it.

Who has arms deals and links with Russia ? Iran.

Who supplies and works with hamas? Iran.

Who would benefit most from global focus shifting? Russia.

Hmmmmmm. I’m starting to feel like a nut.

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This so much. Put it up there with Lockheed

I’m holding my judgment on AI assisted content. I already feel ai writing and image generation is still shitty, I’m less interested in something more complex like a video game.

Also, my 20+ years in the workforce has taught me that large and small companies suffer the same exact problems and both are greedy. Ai will be used to not hire workers, but to increase worker output , not lighten their load.

I trust indie companies to maybe make better content, but I expect them to rip off workers.

Not that I’m defending EA. There’ve ruined so many franchises.

people are shitty

I literally made money on a contract this year doing something I’d never even done. Thank you google. Love it

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Ok I know I’m going to get ripped for this one, but I have a sincere question. I don’t understand how a food dye can create behavioral problems. What chemicals are in red 40, and how are they directly linked to behavior, not just through correlation? Like is there actually proof of this that we’re ignoring? Because I only hear really crunchy moms talk about this, and I take their opinions on diet with a Boulder of salt.

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As someone out in the country, it’s not much better.

Yeah I’m not into the government limiting the internet at all. Also, sometimes the internet is a safe haven for people who are alone or have trouble with their peers. Anonymity can help also get things off your chest, and be yourself. Although the big social media players aren’t about anonymity.

Young pre-Autism me was helped greatly by the early internet and chat rooms. And adult me really is surviving socially online due to living in an area hostile to me and and indifferent at best. Discord, Matrix, and IRC have great communities that have made me feel welcome and share interests. I’d be completely isolated and alone without them.

But notice I didn’t say traditional social media. I don’t like algorithms manipulating and all the tracking.

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I mean he’s kinda right if we don’t just commit to fully helping Ukraine instead of waffling with every budget, bill, and election.

But him saying that is a good way to motivate stubborn Americans, so he can keep on saying it. It’ll get us going.

Because it's gross, and they do it to minors now. and all they need are pictures of your kids from your social media profile. They even use AI to undress them.

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I think they just want to kill Russians anywhere and everywhere. That’s one less that will come to Ukraine. I don’t blame them

I miss the wild west feel and community. And that it wasn't always online. I also hate that everything is in a web app,etc. I miss exploring random websites. I feel like the internet is just a series of walled gardens these days.

I’ve never had TikTok, and i showered.

But I’m not saying it from a conspiracy angle, I’m viewing it from a huh, technology is weird sometimes angle. Or more like, I want to understand why from a technical standpoint.

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Yes, I was in management in multiple companies, mostly the service industry. I burned out after a year of Covid. I never want to be in management again. I just want to do a job or if my coding side hustle continues taking off, I’ll do that.

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I'm in the middle of a divorce.

uhh.. We're completely different people. Physical intimacy is really important to her, and I'm newly discovered asexual. I mean, I was always uncomfortable with sex, but I never realized how. I thought I had some kind of sex anxiety or something, but that's not it. So I can't provide what she needs and she can't provide what I need.

Also, I'm kind of feminine and submissive in most aspects in life, and she prefers a more confident, in charge kind of guy.

Just try to live my life like I did during all the bad presidents I've had over my life. I grew up protesting against George Bush Jr and my friends still died in Iraq. now I just try to live my best life, and love and help protect others. I've always been lower class and on the outside of middle class suburban America, so I'm used to just going about my life, no matter what's taboo, or illegal at the time. Hell, DnD was the devil when I was growing up and I still played it. I still smoked weed when it was illegal, and I'll still love a man even if they say I can't.

Where may I rate these?

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I can’t wait for something like this to hit SCOTUS. We’ve already declared corporations are people and money is free speech, why wouldn’t we declare chatbots solely responsible for their own actions? Lmao 😂😂💀💀😭😭

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I care, because I don't think freaking public services shouldn't be in the hands of corporations.

ProtonDB recently told me civ 3 didn’t work or had major issues. Here I am playing flawlessly.

I think people were expecting fallout no man’s sky…and I don’t know why.

I’d rather play nms for exploration/sandbox

And then a Bethesda space game for goofyish gunplay with a decent story.

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drone strikes, small teams, espionage, choking of funding, offering of jobs ( A lot of people join terror groups not because they actually believe the shit, they don't have a lot of opportunity, read the book "Children of Jihad"), winning hearts and minds with propaganda, social services.

All invasion and decimation does is create terrorists. Israel is make ALL the same mistakes my country did after 9/11. All we did is destabilize the region, create more terrorists, and waste a ton of money and lives.

Because I can guarantee that if you invaded my home, killed my neighbors, god forbid my child, you can bet you'd create another terrorist for me, and my future generations will hate you too.

You either keep up with the times or get steamrolled by it. As an individual, you’ll never stop the March of time. It’s best to keep improving yourself and learning new things and jumping ship when need be