Hey lemmies, what are your plans for today?

shiroininja@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 38 points –

Just finished a 25 mile bike ride. Now I relax the rest of the day away. :)

There isn't a lot of today left here in the UK, but I'll be getting bed early and listening to an audio drama shortly.

Tomorrow, I have some shelves to put up, and there may be some clearing up in the garden after the winds today.

Do you have any audio drama recommendations?

Bafflegab's Baker's End series and Radio Static's Minister of Chance are two excellent Doctor Who adjacent shows. The BBC podcast The Whisperer in Darkness is a great Lovecraft adaptation.

Putting W11 on a cheap spare drive and installing Fedora on the new machine

Shopping, cooking, cleaning and trying to get some rest.

Make sure you take time to recharge! The grocery store is stressful these days

Thanks , especially when they keep rearranging the store 🤣. Take it easy too 👍

Got back from errands, now cleaning the bathroom and replacing the showerhead. Then do some computer setup and watch Taskmaster.

Well it's half nine at night and I got maybe two hours sleep last night. So honestly not very much!

Going swimming in the morning though, that's always fun.

This morning was getting rid of a little more of the twenty year's worth of pine needles and dead branches the previous owners of our house left us. Every little bit we get rid of makes us a little safer in the event of a wildfire. After the trip to the transfer station I'm now enjoying a cold beer and doing a little reading while my gf has her book club meetup. Later, sit outside with the cats, chat. Then the daily struggle to decide what to make for dinner.

Since my tabletop game got canceled today... Relax from doing yard work yesterday, maybe work on my programming project a bit. Or trim the plants outside if it gets cool enough later.

Chill until my bar gig tonight with an emo cover band

Oh snap! What bands will you be covering? I love emo music.

We play a whole lot of MCR, Blink, Fall Out Boy, Panic!, and others but of course we have to throw in some crowd pleasers for the bar regulars. We're starting to add some Killswitch Engage to mix it up though!

I’d be down for that! Ever play any The Used?

We did just add in Taste of Ink actually! Would love to do bird and the worm but there's a lot of production that would be very expensive to do live

Svengoolie tonight while trying to learn about using Docker for my local development environment.

Recovering from a cough, possibly organizing/redecorating a room to be my ideal workroom.

I don’t know what it is about this year, but I feel like I’ve had a lot more problems with coughs than previous years. It’s probably the apocalypse lol

I might go shopping for clothes later. I have a few concerts coming up soon and I want to get some fun outfits

I was gonna go swimming in a river and run the rapids a bunch of times but we had a lot of rain last night so the river is probably gonna be high and muddy.

So probably stay home and play games and maybe go hiking later if rain clears up.

A hike sounds good. What kind of environment are you in?

Appalachian foothills, so green forests and fields.

Nice, I’m in the Shenandoah valley. There are some nice places in the Appalachian mountains

My Nanking cherry bushes are exploding with berries right now, so I'm going to go fill a big fat jar and get a cherry liquour going. Come September I'll have a lovely concoction that will sit forgotten in my fridge all winter.

I envy people who can make things like that. People are so resourceful.

It's rare that I manage to catch them when they're ripe and the birds haven't devoured them all. But the wet spring we've had so far has just made my hedge go nuts, and all the volunteers along the fence are covered in them too.

In terms of resourcefulness, I wish I could claim that. But this literally just involves throwing a bunch of cherries in a big jar with a buttload of sugar and letting it sit in the sun for a month or two, throwing in some cloves and cinnamon halfway through. It's about as low effort as it gets.