
4 Post – 457 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I live an increasingly confusing double life as TeaHands the game dev, and TheGiddyStitcher, multicrafter extraordinaire!

Currently working on my first ever commercial indie game, a minimalist city builder.

You can also accidentally post to a Lemmy community by tagging it in your Mastodon post. Hi from Lemmy!

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Came into this thread wondering "who the hell wears belts?". Then saw everyone in here was taking belt wearage as a given. Then looked over at my husband and saw he's wearing a belt.

TIL, all men apparently wear belts and I just never noticed before.

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Honestly, I can see why some people find it annoying but in my experience so far it's been fine. Do a sweep on lemmyverse, sub to all the communities around a given topic, never really think about which one it actually came from when I see a post in my feed.

There are some quite niche topics that have been unnecessarily split, essentially just because people want to be in charge rather than joining forces, but that's people for you and railing about it isn't gonna get us anywhere. From an end-user pov, subscribing to multiple has been fine.

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Every night when we go to bed, whoever gets up and leaves the living room first gets to wish the other one "good luck with the lamps!". As in, turning off the lights. I have no idea why it started but it's been going on for years and years.

If we're watching a TV show and the last episode of the night is ending the whole atmosphere changes, we get super tense and both start trying to get ready to go without the other noticing and then we'll spring up and run for the door to be the one who doesn't have to have good luck with the lamps. If we were lying snuggling together on the couch, we'll literally wrestle to be first one up. I got him a custom printed mug with it on, and our first lamp is like our relationship mascot. It's just a whole thing.

We are middle-aged marrieds.

I expect one day, hopefully far in the future, as one of us peacefully passes away while the other holds their hand and gazes tearfully into their eyes, regardless of which of us it is their last words will be "good luck with the lamps".

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I don't know where they get this idea that treating women as lesser is somehow attractive*. I had one once tell me that I was lucky to have a pretty face because my body would put most men off, and then he expected to get laid. Like, what? My dude that is not how any of this works.

But experiences like this help us learn to spot those red flags earlier. And frankly it can also be a self-esteem boost, like you clearly respect yourself enough to have kicked this guy to the curb and that's something to feel great about! You know you're worthy of better and that you didn't bring this on yourself. Meanwhile he's just got another in probably a long line of romantic failures that are entirely of his own doing.

Have to admit, and I don't mean to pry, but I am SO curious how he responded when you laid it out logically for him like that.

Anyway, solidarity. So much solidarity.

* well ok, I do know. but it's very very silly.

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Fatigue mask seems cool, until you're just spending 7 extra hours a day procrastinating doing the thing you thought you'd use all this extra time to achieve.

The glasses are OP. With them, nobody can even be mad at you for all the procrastination.

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Given that one of those resignations talks about Beehaw like it's a separate platform entirely, I think it's just some good old fashioned misunderstanding. Looks like they've set up separate user accounts on Lemmy and Kbin too.

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TIL I'm a fingertip gripper

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I joined .world when there were only about 100 of us (was trying to find a nice small server to settle on, so much for that!), and rolled up my sleeves and went full-time tech support for like 2 weeks to help with the influx. So from that pov:

  • When the Reddit exodus started (slightly earlier than people had anticipated), .world was one of the only instances that didn't require a proper application to join.
  • There was a bug where acceptance emails weren't being delivered to Gmail addresses (probably some others too but for obvious reasons Gmail was noticed first). That meant people waiting for their applications to be accepted on other servers didn't realise they had been. As well as this some people were just impatient waiting in general so gave up on their original instance choice and joined .world instead.
  • Other instances also started to close registrations completely due to not being able to handle the scaling. World wasn't handling it great but Ruud specifically announced he wouldn't be closing signups, which is one of the reasons it became the default recommendation while everything was on fire.
  • There was a thread tracking how quickly we were growing, I remember us celebrating 1000 users and then a couple weeks later 100,000! And that was kind of exciting so I can't blame people for wanting to be part of it.

The best part is, I was the one who reported the Gmail thing to Ruud after seeing the admins of another instance had figured out a fix. I remember saying it was good we'd noticed it now, before the influx "next week" (ie Reddit's scheduled meltdown). Turned out, he had no idea that was about to happen at all and the timing of setting up .world was just a total coincidence! 😆

Edit: This was only like six months ago and recounting the tale to all you whippersnappers is making me feel like an old grandma telling tales of the war.

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I happened to notice an ex-Pebble user in my feed asking for Mastodon help, a couple weeks back. Had never heard of it, but I did some digging, found there was a whole group of them wandering around lost and confused, so reached out and welcomed them and offered help. Honestly they're very nice people, it seems like Pebble's whole "thing" was a focus on people being cool to each other so attracted that certain sort of user.

Proud to say I was nominated first post-Pebble member of Pebble club 😎

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On our old WoW guild application form we included:

"Please rank all of the Star Trek captains you know from best to worst"

and then gave them a nice big empty text box to go to town in. Some answered seriously, and exhaustively. Some only knew Kirk, or didn't know any at all. Some chose to go off on a rant about Star Wars being better, or include a joke or tell an anecdote about their relationship to scifi.

Whatever the answer we always learned something about the person and that was a good jumping off point if they got accepted. We did get the occasional humourless "wtf this is stupid" type response but, shockingly, this was rarely the only reason we had for denying such applications.

OP may have made a tactical error asking this on the internet

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Sparrow is staying with us this week and she's making it extremely difficult to Lemmy right now

Also been taking quite the interest in my knitting (as well as favourite pastime, leaving soggy bits of carrot all over the floor)

Love how OP thinks whatever this is is just normal common knowledge and the rest of us are like....erm....

If it's a long complicated surname you can't go wrong with a short simple first name. I'm gonna throw Sam into the ring, after our lord and saviour Samwise.

It's community. But to answer your main question:

  • sub.rehab lists some alternatives to old subreddits, official ones marked as such
  • lemmyverse lets you keyword search communities hosted everywhere
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On Lemmy it is literally called cake day in your profile. Admittedly derivative, but I like cake so whatever.

Gotta actually link things if you want people to find them, my friend! 😉

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Must appreciate good sticks.

Edit: !stick@sh.itjust.works

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Ohhhh, now I get it!

‘Bough’ and ‘bow’ are pronounced the same

Except, of course, when "bow" is pronounced "bow" instead.

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Put this to a friend of mine whose mam taught at her small rural secondary school. She had two older siblings at the same school too.

"Weird. We couldn't really misbehave so that's probably why we all went so wild at college."

Makes sense. She really did get weird with it in college.

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  • £80 would pay for a Steam page for my little indie game thus fulfilling a lifelong dream
  • £200 would pay for Christmas which is always a big money stress
  • £500 would let me get some much needed dentistry done and remove that worry
  • £1000 would give me a decent emergency fund to reduce stress in general
  • £10,000 would be the point where I could feel more independent, maybe even get a car
  • £100,000 would let us move somewhere that isn't totally isolated from civilization
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I honestly never know what people mean by "niche", everyone seems to have a different cutoff. But also the word you're looking for is "communities", we users are the lemmings 😄

When someone sees you at your worst and your most vulnerable, and they can not only handle it but (this part is very important) they don't then use it as ammo against you down the line, you know they're a keeper.

Swear nobody ever understands when I do this and they look at me with even more confusion than people usually look at me. Which is a fair bit of confusion, to be clear.

Not sure how old 4th grade is, but I'd have been about 6 or 7 when Amanda Jackson told me I couldn't borrow her colouring pencils because I didn't believe in Jesus. We're in the UK, it's not like it's even such a huge thing over here, and joke's on her anyway because in the end the teacher ruled that she had to share.

Screw you Amanda. Never forget.

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Like, I'm talking to you now from the back bedroom of a random house in a small isolated town in the north east of England, and you could be anywhere. Travelling on a train is crazy fast. There are SO MANY leaves on that tree. Dogs are the best and there's no way humanity deserves them. Isn't it cool that we invented bread? My travel mug can keep hot tea at an acceptable drinking temperature for hours. Hugs are amazing. Windows are insane.

Sometimes I have to take motion sickness pills and they make me a bit loopy to the point where I start to really notice things around me, haha.

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The old school forum muscle memory really came back fast.

Lemmings when someone mentions cake day: Stop trying to make it like Reddit!

Lemmings at all other times: Why is this not more like Reddit?

Get on lemmyverse.net, search for your interests, build your subscription feed. Stop looking at All, and if you do insist on doing it at least block the communities that are making you mad.

Little did you know startrek.website was gonna become the coolest instance of all!

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Coming into an established venue and insisting everything change to be more like what you're used to is certainly A Choice.

I like to think most of it is people just genuinely not realising things already have a name, so as long as we continue to nip the "sublemmy" stuff in the bud it'll peter out. Saw a lot of the same stuff on Mastodon last year but it settled down pretty quick.

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Not to be harsh, but you've asked this question a few times in different ways over the last few weeks. My suggestion and advice is, download Godot and find a tutorial and give it a try. You can't find out whether you'll enjoy something by reading about it, only by doing it.

Reddit had a whole thing about looking down on emojis for whatever reason. But during the influx over the summer there was a discussion here somewhere about whether we were going to keep that attitude going here, and the general consensus was no because it's ridiculous.

We've been using emojis and their earlier equivalents to help clarify meaning and intent (as well as for humour, obviously) for as long as I've been on the internet, which means they've been in common use since at least the mid-to-late 90s. I use them all the time, all over Lemmy and Mastodon, and haven't had anyone comment on it or call it out (except once but that was in a positive way).

It's possible different communities have different attitudes, but unless you're using them in an inappropriate way I expect the downvote thing is more of a coincidence (or possibly one person with a weird anti-emoji vendetta, we all know there are weird folks out there) rather than a site-wide culture thing.

p.s. just realised I got through a whole post without any of the things for once so here's a few of my most often used just to brighten things up 😄 😅 😬 🤓 👍

I choose to go in with extremely low expectations, and if it's crap then whatever, but if it's great it'll be GREAT.

I've found that the trick is not to actually sub to meme communities, even if you want to see them. That way you can browse your subscribed feed for all the discussion on the topics you want, but then you can switch over to All > Top Day or whatever and still end up seeing most of the memes in there because they're so popular.

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And to think I made this account because it was a nice small instance with only 100 active users. That worked out well.

Could've picked something easier to pronounce, though.

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