4 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Some broad answers:

  1. Fee is higher than people are willing to pay
  2. People don't trust the experts
  3. The experts don't exist yet
  4. People have no idea how to find the experts
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Though in all seriousness, isn't revenge porn illegal? I hope Hunter takes her to court.

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I only re tie the loose one, I've never heard of anyone redoing both. But your logic is sound. 😆

Maybe AAA games just don't need to be as large or sprawling. Release one full campaign with everything you need included in the price. Then if it does well offer dlc.

As the article points out, balder's gate was early access for 3 years, sold at full price, and still has bugs. It's not an exception to the rule, larian just delivered a good product that had good source material behind it.

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Threads hasn't even implemented ActivityPub yet, and there's no guarantee it will do so in the future. Or even that it will implement it in a way that links with lemmy.

I personally haven't seen a post from admins pledging to block threads. Even if you do, take it with a grain of salt.

I've personally blocked communities and users that talk about reddit/threads all the time. It's cool that they have a space to do it, I'm just not super into those topics right now and can always unblock them later.

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Gotta have metrics by which to deny employee raises. 😔

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Jara said she tried everything short of kidnapping to keep them from leaving, but nothing worked. Now, Jara wants to warn others about the risks of surviving in the wilderness.

“I do not wish this on anybody at all,” Jara said. “I can’t wait to get to the point where I’m happy and all I can think of is the memories.”

I feel so bad for the stepsister

Are people really mad about nudity, or are they just mad that it's not all het nudity?

Edit: ok so after some research, looks like full nudity is an optional setting, and all body models (male or female) can have dicks or vulvas. Which makes me think there's an anti trans component to complaints as well.

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Our preregistered screening criteria were: age 19 to 65, homeless for less than 2 y (homelessness defined as the lack of stable housing), Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and nonsevere levels of substance use (DAST-10) (21), alcohol use (AUDIT) (22), and mental health symptoms Colorado Symptom Index (CSI) (23) based on predefined thresholds (see SI Appendix, Table S1 in SI Appendix, section 1.3.2). These screening criteria were used to reduce any potential risks of harm (e.g., overdose) from the cash transfer.

Kind of speaks to how bad homelessness has become that you can have pretty strict criteria and still have a ton of people who need the help.

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Isn't FBI too high level to prevent swatting? Seems like if the local police are getting sent out, any solution would have to happen at that level instead.

Like if the local PD couldn't figure it out with 43 reported swattings on the couple mentioned in the story, how is a national database going to help?

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It's the name. PP and abortions are tied together in the minds of conservative voters, whether or not that particular branch provides abortion services. Texas legislature wants to burn down PP at all costs.

But then, Texas did something no other state had tried yet: It walked away from about $30 million in annual federal funds rather than allow Planned Parenthood to continue to provide contraception to low-income women. In 2013, Texas launched its own women’s health program, relying entirely on state dollars.

Texas’ reproductive health care landscape never recovered from this tornado, even when the state tried to make up the lost funding in future sessions.

I don't like how restrictive the apple ecosystem is. I have an ipad because the android equivalents just weren't doing the job, but use android and linux for my daily drivers. I feel like the adblockers aren't effective, and I can't sideload apps.

Maybe they're preserving the option to try again with a new restaurant?

I'm also concerned about the potential for embrace/extend/extinguish, but searching for other fediverse users and posts is enough of a hurdle that threads might end up naturally staying a fairly separate instance.

Wow the potential for a /c/lemmydrama is already brewing with that admin's responses lol.

I see what they mean about petite/young looking people, but is this the hill they really want to die on? They're making proper moderation more difficult for themselves by splitting hairs.

I'd only heard of covenant eyes being used in super religious circles. Can't believe anyone would think it was a good idea to integrate it into the legal system.

There are so many wtf moments here.

This is an incredible amount of surveillance of everyone in the house, just based on an allegation?

How do the probation officers know who's using the device? Could have been Hannah, and accessing pornhub alone doesn't mean that cp was viewed.

The officers also didn't understand how covenant eyes even worked, based on what wired found about background data triggering flags.

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Commies, even

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Tbh i was not aware that Ireland was ever in love with Joe Biden?

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Aren't studies like this part of how to solve homelessness, though? Like this method helps around 16%, then other methods can be used to help people who need more resources.

Part of the frustration with dealing with homelessness is that it's so difficult to help the most visibly homeless, so people think the programs aren't working or are lining people's pockets.

Power users to me are people who don't use the default settings/apps. Could be add ons, could be third party apps.

That's still a big range in tech savviness, but it generally separates out people who are willing to troubleshoot, put up with a bit of wonkiness in their experience, and in general care more about how the powers that be operate the site/software/whatever.

Usually about 20min? I set a sleep timer on podcasts for 30 min and i usually don't hear it stop.

When i can't fall asleep quickly, it's maybe an hour? Eventually sleep happens.

It's a condition of his release, otherwise he'd have to sit in jail while it all gets sorted out.

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I'm watching this thread with great interest 👀

For the US, maybe Dolly Parton?

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I have a feeling that once they start getting into how exactly to implement ActivityPub, they're going to run into the existing issues, decide it's not worth the effort, and just quietly not do it.

Tbh I don't mind proprietary apps, so long as the user experience is good.

I don't mind the ui nudges to buy nitro - the server costs have to come from somewhere - but if discord starts seriously serving ads, I'm gone.

People are trying to seed new communities with content, but i think they overdo it by copying too much stuff over at once

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Just navidrome & the Synology suite (drive, photos, video)

I'm lazy 🫠

What was their reasoning? It wasn't as if you were writing other students' papers. What's wrong with some notes?

It's never worked for me no matter what I try. Lemmy seems to be built only to follow communities, not users. 🥲

Implementing something like that for something as open source and decentralized as lemmy sounds tricky. People can already donate directly to both instances and the lemmy project.

Yes, once a year or so. I've gotten a lot of value out of it and i like the idea of paying it forward for people who aren't in a position to donate

Instances can defederate whenever they want, but skimming the sidebar and announcements, it's weirder to me that is still federated with lemmygrad, which seems to be very similar to hexbear.

Anyone have any insight into the difference between lemmygrad and hexbear?

No, because documentation should be more like a dictionary than a novel - it's written to convey info quickly and accurately, not interestingly. 😆

Next time no need to add on apologetic stuff at the end of your post. People will engage with your post or not, it's the Internet, it's fine

Most news sites have rss feeds, sometimes even by category.

Tumblr also supports rss, and a bunch of people have fandom specific or aesthetic blogs. Tumblr's tag system remains one of the best, so I'd use that to find interesting blogs to follow.

Does the machine know that box is not an option? Thinking that A, A+B, and B are all valid options is something I could see an AI doing.

There also isn't much penalty for taking A+B? You'll always get at least $1M. And if you took only B, the max you could get is $1M.

Edit: I can't read lol. I'd still take both, the result is

Predicted A+B: $1M

Predicted B only: $1001M

If you only take box B, the result is

Predicted A+B: $0

Predicted B only: $1000M

Yeah the policy OP described just creates a culture where people lie about why they need time off 😆

It's not school - if someone agrees to cover the shift, just let em

How much are replacement batteries? Just swap it out for peace of mind 😵‍💫

Wordle and 2048 are also games I've enjoyed

If you're still bored, maybe an ebook reader like Libby or librera reader

Or a podcast app - I use antennapod

Recovering from a cough, possibly organizing/redecorating a room to be my ideal workroom.

If it's learning something new that you're after: take classes, whether irl or online, about things that interest you. It's more fun without midterms/exams anyways.

If it's the social circle, maybe move to a more urban area?

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