
1 Post – 265 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just another reddit exile.

r/the_donald or anything like it. Kindly fuck off with all of that shit.

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Since we're all asking for various content filters, can I kindly request that all posts about this woman have an NSFW tag so I don't have to see that face in my feed?

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Unsubscribing to dank memes would be a good start.

He was president for four years. He ran on making the place great again (?). Why didn't he? Golf was more important?

You know why they think that. They believe, truly, that God made the world for man to exploit and use up, and anyone who says otherwise is spouting the Devil's lies.

Some will claim to believe that it doesn't matter one way or the other, that this is the only life we have, and that there's no point in sacrificing our own joy for the future of others. This apathetic stance is held by many, but it is wielded as a shield and reinforced by those who believe that Earth is just a toy for us to have fun with and break, but won't say it openly.

Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, this conflict is a religious one, and anyone who denies that is only enabling the wingnuts destroying this planet.

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Short for 'munities.

They orbit the central world of the instance.

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Religion is exploited by actual sociopaths to justify their behavior.

Considering how X-Men has long been an allegory for queer identity and the attempted oppression thereof, I hope trans people will take this as the unintentional compliment he didn't intend it to be. In this world where conformity is choking the planet and multiplying suffering, being different is a superpower.

Fuck Trump with a fork along with anyone who supports him.

I figure you're just joking and are well aware that this was a myth invented for a Disney nature "documentary", but I feel a duty to defend the noble lemmings against this scurrilous stereotype. They're not suicidal or mindless followers. They do, however, smell terrible.

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This may be a basic film-bro™ answer, but Oldboy is a good baseline for "kinda fucked up" but also "really really good". It's even better on the second viewing. I even recommend watching Spike Lee's misguided remake, because it makes you seriously appreciate the artistry behind what Park Chan-Wook was doing.

Wait, I thought the objective was to reduce traffic to reddit.

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Using "purge" unironically in reference to human beings is a serious red flag for identifying fascist pieces of shit.

I just wanted to chime in here and add this lame-assed meme template to things we should retire in the fediverse.

Aaron Crowder is a bigoted chode, and using him for your meme template only undercuts whatever point you want to make.

Find a new meme for this purpose. Let's do better.

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I feel sorry for anyone born there or brought there as a child. They didn't choose this.

People who moved there voluntarily are another matter. I don't have much pity for them.

I would like to introduce you to Japanese prefecture flags.

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For a moment I thought I had stumbled on a Lemmy equivalent of r/nottheonion. This man is a cartoon.

Man, this comment is naive as hell. I'm disappointed to see so much anti-labor sentiment here. But what else should I expect from that username.

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Or from the reverse, Lemmy Answer You. Are we okay with the inevitable shortened version being LAY? Perhaps we should keep the "anything" on the end so it becomes LAYA. Much better SEO.

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A) There is no hive mind. That's just you perceiving a bunch of people who happen to hold a similar opinion as a monolith, and that's an illusion. You have no data whatsoever to support the idea that they're thinking in concert or even have the same reasons for their reactions.

  1. Don't take it so personally. They don't know you, and they're not attacking you by downvoting you. They're simply expressing "I want to see less of this."

d) Instead of having a kneejerk reaction when you get this kind of response and immediately being defensive, step back and use it as a reflective moment. Maybe you misjudged the room, misinterpreted the potential impact of what you posted, or are simply on a different track from those who downvoted. What can you learn from it? Do you need to change your own approach, or do you need to reevaluate your audience?

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Religion-driven identity is literally toxic to humanity.

When I see multiple communities on the same subject, I just subscribe to all of them. Either they'll eventually differentiate into their own unique spaces, or one of them will become the dominant one and the others will become fringe alternates. It's a good thing.

I didn't mind the jokes. What I minded was people upvoting the more than the useful responses so you had to scroll to find them. Don't upvote low effort jokes, people.

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The lemmings were inside us all along. Wait

The people with the real power to do anything are the people who will suffer the least. We're going off the rails on a crazy train.

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I will never take these companies' side over a noble sailor of the high seas, but I took a look at the movies produced by Millennium Media, and they need every red cent they can get. They're certainly not getting them from tickets or rentals. Good lord, I haven't seen so much ripe stinking dogshit since the summer I spent clean cages at the animal shelter.

How humiliating to get copyright swatted for downloading something from the studio that brought you such timeless classics as The Prince & Me: The Elephant Adventure and Day of the Dead: Bloodline.

Right? Like I get it, but it's a bit much, you guys.

Getting rid of current Republican office-holders would be one place to start. Voting matters, and shit like this is why.

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Is there any metric measuring that, though? Of course they track app downloads, and can tell if people are using it, but I don't know if there's any way for them to know who is actually keeping it on their phone. A mass deletion wouldn't mean anything unless it's by people who were already using it daily. Giving it a low rating on the app store might be seen though.

Common sense and decency would suggest doing them as child comments so that the whole thread of them can be easily collapsed.

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It's not blind. You've been paying attention.

These women are heroes, and they need as much support as we can give them.

Fuck this orange shitstain and his barnacles.

Iirc, the Satanic Temple has done some things like that, usually in reaction to a specific equivalent act by an evangelical organization. They don't do it often, I don't think, because the backlash can end up being more harmful to the cause, but you're not the first to suggest it.

Forcing mods back is one thing, but it's a lot harder to bring back users once they've found another chew toy to gnaw on.

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For me, it has been slowly turning into a zombie site ever since they hid vote counts, which made it possible for bad actors to game the vote system without anybody being able to see it. When you can't see the hundreds of downvotes on a post signalling dissent or dislike, it becomes easier to unleash bots and minions to inflate your astroturfing.

It's something you don't see every day. What are you asking for?

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Dhis fuckeeng guy.

The Lisa Simpson presentation meme is perfectly cromulent for soapboxing.

But if you didn't know, Aaron Crowder is a right-wing Fox News presenter and commentator (he often hides under the dubious label of "comedian") who has been booted from YouTube several times for homophobic and racist content. The meme format is okay in itself, but I'd love to not see his smarmy mug in it.

The great thing about memes is anyone can make a new one. I eagerly await the replacement for this one, which to my nose has gotten quite stale.

I can only speak from personal experience, but I feel much the same way you do. However, novelty still does it for me. And I think that's the explanation for the gradual drop-off. When you're young, everything is new. By the time you're older, you've seen it all, and so those little spikes of novelty are few and far between.

To what end? You think a user comment on Lemmy is going to change emissions policies? Direct your ire somewhere it might actually make a single bit of difference instead of just perpetuating the infighting that gets nothing done. If you're going to waste your time on the subject, spend your thumb-taps on an email to your congressman instead.