
0 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

There's no way the guillotine went away naturally.

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Great idea. Could be cool to blacklist people. Say you're reading an article and think to yourself "damn, that man or woman is a muthafucka!" Then you just highlight their name, right click, and bam! The summaremoved ain't to be seen agin.

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Well then I guess that makes ya mum a pirate! 🦜🏴‍☠️🍆💦

As much as 512gb...

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I know I'm open for your source 😘

It worked for me, I haven't really used reddit much since July 1st. That's good enough for me. It's not about bringing the whole thing down ad most of society dgaf about shit like it's been since the beginning of time.

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I was high the whole time, beginning to end.

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It's crazy how in the past 5 years my faith in not only American government, but pretty much all of humanity has gone to nearly zero.

It's like that "oh really" Willy Wonka meme.

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Not from people that earned what they have. Corporations mmmm idk.

As far as I'm concerned Reddit=Facebook=Twitter...

Although, it would be nice to see more actual useful communities that don't just latch on to pop politics, news culture, and media trends.

Or mushrooms.

Ops not joking. It literally allows your brain to create new pathways instead of being stuck with the same boring bullshit that repeats in daily life.

Just make sure you dose right and teach yourself in a proper way instead of taking what some friend hands you to "tRiP bAlLzzz, mannn". Treat it like medicine.

So ridiculous... I never used the term but understood it basically meaning "mindfulness and accepting humanity".

Then pop politics took it, stuck their chodes in it, fucked it, dragged it through the streets and shot it in the head.

And now its basically a hate term for anyone that lives with respect towards humanity.

But don't get me wrong, I hated when people threw it around as conveniently as "lit" or some shit like that.

Now using the word woke basically means you're too dumb to understand life or your own existence, because it's only grumpy selfish assholes that use it.

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That's cool. I get punched for that.

Edit: didn't mean to post tinder you... But I'm too lazy to fix it so I figured Id take more time out of my life to write this explanation of why my post is threaded to yours. And omg life is so fucked my misspelling of "under" auto corrected to tinder. God save us.

Lcd would be fine at a higher resolution imo. But... Are they staying with 720p again?

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You think thats going to stop the movement...? No one gives a fuck about your company.

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Defrag all night and wake up to the sound of the hard drive failing.

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Huh? The screenshots reduce clicks. I don't need to go to reddit if someone else posted a ss.

Holy shit are you serious?

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Weird... It's so late it's almost pointless. How about publicly break Roger stone and the American mafia.

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Fuck this scum bag. America needs to start fucking with these clowns on a real level.

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Is quality worth the 50gb?

I don't have any fancy speakers or monitor...

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What's net flix?

I pirate all Foss apps. No sense in thanking people that give to the community. /S.

The only thing I see holding people back is software availability. If it could run adobe and games natively I don't see why anyone would want to pay for windows.

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Oh yeah, the fuck me in the ass option.

It is 2023, you want that check on.

So promote peertube more?

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When we aren't drinking craft beer...

Personally? I smoke weed, drink, and contemplate death. It doesn't pay the bills but it also doesn't make me happy.

On android; Settings > apps and notifications > default apps > on the bottom is "opening links"

From there check the settings for YouTube and YouTube revanced and change as needed...

I don't know if that helps but that's what I would try.

Yup and this is my first post!

Idk but when I was kid my sister made a Reject-Proof fort.

In my most upset manager tone: "figure it out." As I walk off to eat and drink merrily.

I have a pp too, would recommend aside from the fact it constantly turns on randomly.

(This is a joke)

Yeah thats why America should fuck up marketing and marketed politics instead of wasting time on trivial bandaid social fixes that are bullshit in disguise.

Same for any pop media. Some is fine, but if they think every current trending show or movies is "the best" than I know they don't have a system of standard.

Shit I just posted that.

I e been using 8008135

  1. An article about someone's DUI and personal life is trashy and lame. Its like when newspapers used to out gay men.

  2. Police are just human and can be corrupt and gang like. You should never blindly trust anyone.

  3. I'm sick of waiting for America to collapse. Let's speed this up, whatever the ending is for America's "freedom", we are just wasting time pretending we aren't passed a point of repair of our social collapse. The longer society doesn't fight corruption the stronger corruption becomes. I'm convinced only common men and woman making war can make a change now. Corrupt people aren't going to save you.

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Smoke wheat... Erl day. N set up docker or some server or some shit, daw. Nah mean?

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It's almost as if some aren't mature enough at 18 to be in the military.

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