Dr. Jenkem

@Dr. Jenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube
0 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

hacker / leftist / shitposter

Mastodon: @drjenkem@mastodon.blugatch.tube

Matrix: @drjenkem:matrix.org

Speaking of ruining it for everyone... Paid Plex shares do exactly that for those of us using Plex for friends and family.

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He admitted to sexting a minor. How the fuck is he not guilty and why are you out here trying to defend pedophilia?

No it's not. Beahm, a 38 year old man at the time, was sexting a minor. That makes him a pedo.

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It's called statutory rape. And he was married and 38 at the time. And he was also trying to meet this person at twitch con. And this is the same year of twitch con that he was caught cheating on his wife.

No amount of spin makes this OK. Please stop trying to justify pedophilia in defense of your favorite streamer. Sexting a minor is not ok, and the fact that even Beahm himself couldn't spin this in a way that's good for him should tell you something.

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Twitch con was in California. And in the legal sense, almost an adult is a minor. So yes, this is a crime. And immoral. And worse than cheating. And yes, I'm ok with personally attacking pedos and those who defend them.

Also a lot of those states use age-gap/romeo and Juliet laws. In most states it's illegal for a 38 year old man to solicit a minor.

Raped at twitch con is better than raped in an alley? Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm guessing libertarian and pedo, you probably don't actually give a shit about Beahm.

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The country is America dumbass. Age of consent is 18 in America. She was a minor, he was trying to solicit her at twitchcon. If you want to go the legal angle, that is a crime.

That's not societal definition, that's the clinical definition. But If you want to be pedantic, yes you are right. He's actually an ephebophile, which is still detestable and is still illegal, still immoral, and still very fucking creepy.

Sexting a child is wrong. How is that hard for you to understand?

Are you a Doc fan? Are you a pedo/ephebophile? Libertarian? What's going on here?

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but I am unsure whether I'd call him a predator (of course, language differences apply, too). That's just because I need words to express the predatory nature of people like Maxwell who prey on teens and YA.

What do you mean by this? Beahm was preying on a minor by sexting that minor and asking to meetup at twitch con. Are you specifically referring to people operating child sex rings? In either case, I don't think anyone else uses your ultra-specific definition. For myself, and I assume most others, pedophiles are merely a type of predator. For example, the show, to catch a predator, was about creeps sexting kids online. This is precisely what Beahm was doing so I don't think it's unreasonable to call him a predator.

Very true. I've seen no info regarding the minor's age, which honestly is probably a good thing. The victim's identity should be protected.

I have half a mind to start releasing cracks just so there's 1 cracker who isn't a fucking bigot.

EDIT: btw, didn't Voksi get arrested back in 2018? And EMPRESS started releasing cracks in like 2019. So are we to believe that Voksi goes to jail for a year, and immediately comes out and starts cracking again, all without receiving another visit from the feds? Doubt.

EDIT2: lol here's Voksi's response: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/2218172

Fuck EMPRESS and SKIDROW, SKIDROW for dragging Voksi into the petty bullshit and both of them for their childish, edgleord bullshit.

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Yeah the lack of federation is a deal breaker for me. Nothing stopping it from going the way of reddit.

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You ok man?

IIRC, reddit uses vote fuzzing. I think it's an attempt to mildly curtail the effect of bots, vote manipulation, and bandwagon effects.

In other words, don't put too much thought into the votes on reddit. Or reddit in general, fuck reddit.

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Football manager uses a really old version of Denuvo too.

the joys of a 5tb hard drive plugged directly into my TV

You're missing out on the joys of a Plex or Jellyfin server with a quality streaming device plugged into the TV. No way would I waste time manually transferring files around like that. With Sonarr and Radarr I don't even waste time manually downloading stuff.

I use a Nvidia Shield Pro to stream to, it works great for my 4k BluRay Remuxes. I personally hate using the built-in TV features because the quality and codec support can be a total crapshoot.

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The article opens with "what about America's response to 9/11?". JFC, what a shitty justification. America was clearly wrong to war crime all over Iraq just as Israel is in the wrong for warcriming all over Palestine. I refuse to "both sides" imperialists and their victims. Frankly, "both sides" is the trap one should avoid.

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I'm out of the loop, what's the issue with the current Nixos maintainers?

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Ok Boomer.

Read any of her nfos, almost certain the Hogwarts one is filled with a bunch of slurs. Also the few before and after that release. Frankly, she's probably got some mental issues, reads kind of schizo. Not an excuse but yeah...

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I don't know, lots of people deal with mental illness without being bigoted.

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Maybe a leaked YouTube link from their Patreon?

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Too harsh? Can you name one that isn't?

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I used to work as a pentester. It's an open secret that like a good chunk of people in the industry are former criminals. But former is kind of the keyword. Not only is he doing crime after being arrested and still under surveillance, but he can't even lie and say he won't do it again. The kid is unhireable, at least not until he can get his compulsions under control.

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VC's and companies like OpenAI have done a really good job of propagandizing AI (LLMs). People think it's magical and the future, so there's money in saying you have it.

Worth also mentioning the Tolkien estate is notoriously letigous. There are piracy sites that specifically ban Tolkiens works from being uploaded for that very reason.

Futurama season numbering is messy and inconsistent. In some places the movies are counted. In some places, the aired ordering of episodes is used. In other places the dvd release order is used. I think there's some seasons that were aired in 2 separate parts, so in some cases those are considered 2 seasons, or 2 half seasons, or 1 season.

Since both Plex and Sonarr use thetvdb, I tend to use that as the source of truth as well. And according to that site, s8e10 doesn't air until end of September.


Why are you so passionate about MLP? Like, who gives a shit?

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That's what I use it for lol.

I think for most people, they become an asshole on the way to becoming a billionaire. You don't make that kind of money without exploitation and plundering. The only exception I could think of would be if they inherited the money. And even so, if you inherit that kind of money and don't give out a good chunk of it, you're still scum imo.

I just saw this be community pop-up: !trackers@lemmy.dbzer0.com

If you’re ashamed for being overweight, that’s something that should motivate you to lose the weight.

You would think so, but you'd be wrong. As I said before, shaming not only doesn't work but has the opposite effect.

As James Corden said:

If making fun of fat people made them lose weight, there'd be no fat kids in schools.

If you're sincere in your desire to make people healthier, then shame is not the way.

If you're only interested in a feeling of superiority, then carry on I guess.

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Depends on the man. Depends on the women. Orgasm is not guaranteed for some men.

And I'd like to thank you for your hard work. Voyager has been my main client since before it was called Voyager!

Soooo whats the point of this ? Is it supposed to stop you from pirating the content from their sites . If so how exatcly when you can just literaly record screen ? I honestly struggle to understand the purpose of this.

Well, it kind of depends on the exact type of DRM being used. But yeah, some types of streaming DRM can be circumvented with a screen capture, but these will always be worse quality. There are two types for movies and shows you'll see online when the source is a streaming site, either WEB-DL or WEB-Rip. WEB-Rip is sourced via a screen capture, I'm not super familiar, but there exists a standard called HDCP which is supposed to protect the content at the hardware/HDMI level. My understanding is this is largely ineffective as the HDCP master encryption keys have been in the public for quite some time. WEB-DL is when the raw video/audio is downloaded from the streaming provider and decrypted through some means, this is where defeating the browser-based (often Widevine) DRM often comes into play.

The problem is it's the largest and is being attacked. Use a different instance and you'll have no problem accessing this community. If it weren't for people posting about the outages, I'd never even know.

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I mean, so many alt-right tropes don't hold water the moment they're held up against any sort of critical thought. I think ultimately, the far right isn't interested in making a logical appeal. But rather, they're interested in making emotional arguments disguised as logical arguments.

I agree that we should strive for people to be healthy. But there's a lot of evidence to suggest that shame not only is ineffective but can actually have the opposite effect.

Besides, I think you're being pretty reductive. Health includes both physical and mental, we should take steps to improve both of these. And I get the sense that you specifically take issue with body positivity specifically around fat people, as I assume you don't think being short or tall is unhealthy. In which case, you're ignoring the economics of it (at least in America, there are a ton of government subsidies for corn, incentivizing businesses to load up our food with corn syrup).

The issue is complex and so would any solutions. At least in America, we need to deincentivize the production of unhealthy food, better access to healthcare, and cultural shifts as well. And I'm sure there's a whole lot I'm missing.

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Over the years I've used Usenet, public trackers, and private trackers. I always come back to the private trackers.

If your public trackers have what you want at speeds you want, and you're happy using a VPN for all downloads, then by all means.

But I like private trackers because I get my hands on the content ASAP (both because they get posted quickly but also because of high seeder ratios). The quality of the encodes on the good trackers is maintained by moderation teams. And often times I'm looking for rare content that can only be found on private trackers. Most have a request system that allows you to even get stuff not immediately available.

Yes you have to seed, but usually it's doable to maintain a good ratio even with slow upload speeds (freeleech or bonus systems help here).

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I was a big fan of the game. Always thought it had potential to be great. I had already quit this wipe pretty much as soon as I hit Max traders. Don't think I'll be returning back next wipe.

can I reliably access lemmy in China?

Not really, you would only be able to access instances that China hasn't blocked.

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