15 Post – 947 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The article mentions 2 important things: Compressed Battery technology which allows for greater capacity per kg, and The fact that it is currently testing 4-ton aircraft, with the intent of getting to 8-ton by 2027-28. 4-ton aircraft can hold 6-8 passengers and 8-ton aircraft can hold up to 30 passengers, so this tech is still super early.

Something to note is they intend for this Compressed Battery technology to be usable in EVs as well which is imo more important but electric planes make for a more interesting headline, I guess.

Something like hydrogen would be better for planes


But Why???

Oh, alright. Similar story here. I watched him when I was younger, but his content is just focused on a younger audience I no longer seem to fit in.

The Ocean and Oxygen sound themes now include bell sounds, so our automatic “make the system bell not not make you want to commit homicide” transformer can get its sound from those themes


Wait, Anthony is Emily now? I guess I missed that one. Anyways, everyone seems to talk about them in the past tense which is concerning. Are they no longer doing videos?

I have seen a kernel panic once, when I was failing to set up a raspberry pi (the SD card installer was corrupted).

So while this is super cool, I honestly don't think I'll ever see it

Nope. Just a bunch of tabs and bookmarks, don't need anything else.

Yeah, I've dropped DT and Mental Outlaw. As for Luke Smith, I'm going through some of his older, purely technical videos about vim, grep, sed, awk, etc. and that's it. I'm dropping him too after that

What's the logdotzip drama? I've been trying to find out just now and there doesn't seem to be any.

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Idea: Create alias for /dev/null as /blackhole

Not really. This 1 minute video is all you need:

It's Frostyx! The package maintainer for Qtile and the Qtile COPR repo on Fedora!

Oh I absolutely get it. But I guess someone will eventually end up making a GUI for ydotool (or so I hope). Alternatively, there is this (Wayland support is WIP):

When I say I get it, I mean there was a time I kept Xorg around only so I can use PyAutoGUI (I no longer need it but if I did, I'd have probably created wrapper scripts to allow PyAutoGUI to call grim instead of scrot when on Wayland, or something like that).

It's my first time seeing an OSS app that doesn't at least have an own F-Droid repo, if it isn't already in the official F-Droid repo.

At least it might actually get delivered, unlike the librem 5.... /s (but not really)

The downvotes suggest nobody has read "Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind". A great book that I very much recommend.

Yeah, I bet most people don't even know she's a woman (I assume when you say EU PM, you mean president of the European Commission)

Why are people downvoting? This is huge and should make LLMs more power efficient and memory efficient.

I agree with pretty much everything after "on that same note", except I'm not familiar with LG. What did they do?

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Have you tried using ydotool or other wayland alternatives to xclicker? Last I used it, ydotool ran great.

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So what's the solution?

He's a paedophile, convicted felon, corrupt, bankrupt, a wannabe dictator and his entire team are either incompetent, criminals, or have left him, which proves how much he sucks.

It's clear the zombies following him will keep on believing any of the bullshit from the White House's Dementia Patient Number 2 (Mr. Dictator) so what can Americans do (I'm European but genuinely concerned).

To all Trump supporters and general Republicans reading this: Listen, I know the Deep State is real, but this indirect Russian puppet that keeps on deflecting to China is not the solution. And if you see Trump as your Biblical God-sent saviour, remember the Bible also states that before the second coming of Christ, there will be a false idol, the Antichrist, which is far closer to what Trump is. America needs a Democratic Leader to uphold the Republic. By supporting a wannabe dictator, the Republicans slipped up. The Grand Old Party? Where is the Grandeur in felon and pedophile? Show the Republicans they screwed up by not voting for Trump and we can hope they regain the grandeur they claim to possess.

North Korea: 316 downloads


In all seriousness, in both my home country and the country I live in, the number of downloads surpasses the population numbers which is kinda insane.

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Report to the FSF so they can help you sue North Korea.

So it isn't even local private AI but rather just an Interface for NOT-private LLMs like ChatGPT (which specifically stated, at least at first, that all your queries to it and their responses are being monitored and saved by OpenAI)

Yeah, NixOS is great as a server/enterprise distro, so if it gets proxmox, that's a big win imo.

I can't really afford recurring donations but I've done one-off donations to projects I value (especially smaller ones).

And it runs great! Only solution for YT on TV.

Framework is such a good pairing with any Linux distro

There, fixed that for you.

Completely agree. I mean, I'm what you'd call a power user, and I still opt for using a flatpak for my browser (Floorp) because codecs are a pain.

I'm switching to COSMIC on Debian Stable when that becomes an option. Until then, It's Fedora with Qtile Wayland (and Hyprland as backup).

Edit: though I have a Debian VM where I'll try to get Qtile Wayland set up via pipx and document the process so might go to Debian before then.

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Oh, that's a bummer. Feature request time?

Edit: that's already in the works, so it seems.

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I tried the prealpha and it's missing a few things I want (they're WIP). I'd suggest checking out some Youtube videos of it, and not to expect too much, as it's still not there imo.

When I started living by myself a while back, I realised how much random housework was being done by my parents. There's the obvious ones like cooking, shopping and doing the dishes. But there's also meal planning, cleaning, buying non-obvious essentials like toiletries, and more, which I wouldn't normally think about.

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I'm a simple man: I see Firefox, I upvote

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I firmly believe this will be the year of the Wayland Desktop. Everything is shaping up to finishing off the transition for regular people and further stabilisation of the Wayland desktop space.

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I like the idea of FreeBSD, but I can't see the point of giving up on my Linux conveniences to switch over to it. What advantages does it provide, and are they worth the switch, considering I'm losing a lot of software, as well as any semblance of gaming?

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Seeing this prompted me to do an experiment.

There was a time when Nixpkgs was smaller than the AUR. And, until recently, Nixpkgs was larger than the AUR but still smaller than the combination of the main Arch repos with the AUR.

As it turns out, the current total package count for Arch and the AUR is 85,819.

For nixpkgs unstable, that number is 88,768.

NixOS 23.05 Stable has 83,740.

And considering the mention of 9,147 new packages and 4,015 removed packages, that would mean that 23.11 would have a total of:

88,872 packages. This is more than the current figures for Nixpkgs unstable, but this is going off data from separate sources (NixOS devs and repology, with repology still being slightly outdated)

And, as such, I think it's fair to say the winner is (drumroll please)....

The USER for having such incredible distributions, giving him the vast breadth of choice for what distro matches their workflow best.

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Wait, so that's a proper *NIX system? A non-linux system? That's quite impressive!

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So X.Org fully dies on the 31st May 2035 with the end of Extended Life Cycle Support for RHEL 9. We have XOrg's death day. Even if it will likely be on it's death bed taking its final breaths for years before that.

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I read this and was like "Wait, Discord had it's own AI?"