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Joined 1 years ago

How tragic that man can never realize how beautiful life is until he is face to face with death.

They're Communities here!

17 more...

I don't know how much you know about the political history of Indonesia, but it's already pretty much a fascist state.

Check out The Act of Killing. It's brutal.

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Wow. 99! That's impressive, he had a long life. RIP

I always remember it was so fun as a kid to watch The Price is Right with my grandma when I'd miss school. Those were seemingly mundane moments then, but I'd give anything to go back for just one episode like that again. Good times.

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They don't need to elect anything. Fascism is inherently militaristic.

If the US goes full fascist, then it's only a matter of time.

No place in the world will be safe.

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Dude, be realistic, by the time this comes out there won't be enough people retiring anymore to justify the existence of retirement homes.

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As a fellow side sleeper who just bought a Purple mattress, just remember to buy a plush/soft mattress. The reason you are hurting is because you are sleeping on your side on a, probably, cheap and firm mattress.

Firm mattresses are for back sleepers. Soft mattresses are for side gang, like us.

I will say Purple is just incredible if you can afford it but try it at a store first before committing. The important thing, though, is to get a soft, well-made mattress.

15 more...

"I lasted three days."

Thank the fuck Christ.

Let's hope they do something to prevent this from happening again.

Why can't we just have nice things?

I don't know if I would consider this "dishonest", it seems like maybe there was some misunderstanding or miscommunication happening.

Either way, if you think it's too expensive you could just use the free account. I pay for an account but I also have a couple of free, extra accounts and they work perfectly fine.

I always hated those subs that prevented you from posting unless you had a minimum amount of karma.

I used reddit for nearly a decade, but sometimes I wanted to make a throwaway for a specific, non-trolling purpose but was unable to do anything because of stupid, worthless karma.

I don't understand all the hate. They're just fucking funny. I have a great time there.

Maybe if you're not a Leftist then there's no appeal.

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A brick.

No, I won't explain.

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I don't understand why they didn't motion against her in the first place. Can't they just strike her?


I'm gonna go get some döner instead.

We are dealing with the current world that capitalism has given us, a capitalism that only a billionaire would cry over.

That's where you're wrong! Billionaires still have loyal friends unlike you!


Jesus, dude. You need a drink.

If those Right-wingers could read, they'd be very upset.

Honestly, corporate footprints is all that needs to be thought about when thinking about climate change.

The shifting of blame to the individual or even putting it on the individual to "help" is avoiding the real issue. And even if individuals are contributing, which I acknowledge they are but at a much lower rate of impact, then probably the best way to change individual consumption/waste is once again by abolishing capitalism which guides the production of the material reality utilized to create such individual waste in the first place.

This is going to be really atypical: smoke cigars.

I never really smoked cigarettes so I never had an addiction with them. But I do like cigars. I smoke them occasionally, as do most people with few exceptions. I've heard, though, from some former cigarette smokers that switching to cigars helped them mostly painlessly stop their addiction to constantly smoking cigarettes by instead just having an occasional, even maybe weekly, cigar. Cigars may be more intense but also don't have all the chemicals and crap that some cigarettes have, and cigars even intentionally remove some of the chemicals that cigarettes may add, like ammonia.

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Most of the world is what we would consider hellish right now, yet people still find a way to laugh and love. Watch these poor souls recycling electronics in Africa. Watch bald and bankrupt in bengladesh. Most people alive today live like this and it doesn't stop them from living life.

You really threw bald people in there as the miserable, wretched of the earth.

What if they are hiding and fighting a secret, ancient war with anarcho-aliens here to help us liberate ourselves from fascism and oppression?

That would be a pretty cool plot twist.

Nihilists? Fuck me...

Say what you will about the tenents of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

I found this explanation way more hilarious than the meme itself.

...I assume Israel are only bombing valid military targets and not pulling a Russia and targeting civilians, apartment blocks etc, instead, so how could this happen?

Well, if you assumed it then you must be right.

I have really good hand-eye coordination, move very quietly, have fast reflexes, and am good at solving riddles.

I think it sets me up to be talented at a profession which pays very well but is very illegal so it shall go nameless.

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I feel like using the word "people" here is too broad.

As someone with dogs, I envy this so fucking much.

You weren't just too dumb to notice, they were also too scared to be explicit. Don't be too hard on yourselves.

But it's also true that we were all too dumb as shit to notice.

Wait. Sorry, I'm trying to understand, are you saying you actually don't think patriarchy exists in the West?

I agree liberals will just be reactionary and any critique will be received in bad faith, same way if you're a Leftist and critique Democrats or Hillary Clinton then they think you're really a fascist mysogynist, but I'm not sure if that's what you meant.

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What? Sounds like a stupid fucking concept.

It shows they always argue in bad faith.

Pointless to engage with them in it.

I don't know if this counts but Assassin's Creed Origins sucked and its story was cringe. It could be fun at times but generally wasn't great, I'd prefer the original two games.

Also, Final Fantasy 7 Remake should have not deviated from the story of the original FF7 and it's taken way too long to be developed/released. I bought Part 1 during presale and picked it up Day 1 and even bought my PS4 to play it but I don't know if I'll bother getting the others much less playing them. But I haven't even played Part 1 because I was waiting for all Parts to be released and play all at once, then I heard about the changes to the story and was disgusted. I don't even care to play it anymore. I think the original FF7 is the greatest game of all time.

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I have a friend who was deported from India back to the US.

And I almost got deported from Canada and China back to the US.

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You may not be as rational or smart as you think you are.

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The next day, the anti-communist task force said it felt “betrayed” and “hoodwinked”.

That's ironic projection after literally blindfolding these women.

The United States is a key defence partner of the Philippines and recently concluded two weeks of joint military drills with the country’s armed forces.

Not surprising. I wonder if Philippines gets School of the Americas style education too, would explain where they learned to kidnap young women activists and force them to lie under threat of death as an anti-Communist tactic.

These women are badass though.

Most days, honestly, about 2-3 hours. I'm not working at all today. Although, some days come by and I put down a solid 10-12 hours without asking for overtime.

Everyone at my job thinks I'm overworked and doing a great job though. But I think it's just a balance. I work hard some days without complaining and I get to mostly chill the others. Best part is that I work remotely, but I'm not working in tech so I don't collect those fat checks. That's another trade. Great work-life balance, but not much money. Worth it though.

Dude, I just realized, is your name a play on Søren Kierkegaard?

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You're selling my nudes?!

I wish I was a teen with $200 to burn again.

I have no idea what you should buy in particular but just have fun, you won't be a kid for long.