Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift. to politics – 610 points –
Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift: Mélanie Joly

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They don't need to elect anything. Fascism is inherently militaristic.

If the US goes full fascist, then it's only a matter of time.

No place in the world will be safe.

Most places in the world were never safe from the US anyway, it has had aggressively competitive foreign policy for the last 80 years.

No argument there, but it can always get worse.

Meh, the USA won't invade Canada. Even if we go full fascist Canada is way better as a frenemy.

Our largest trading partner won't be able to give us a reason to invade.

Mexico on the other hand should watch out, given the amount of scapegoating our right wing throw their way.

Mexico is their largest trading partner now, just a heads up.

Facts have never had an effect on conservative feelings, despite one of their favorite sayings being “facts don’t care about your feelings”

Yeah but the fascists are already talking about invading them. And like hey, last time we did it we got our most profitable state out of it

Who's? Canada's or the USA? In both cases that's false.

The Canadian economy is inextricably linked to ours (USA). Any plans they have to deal with a racist USA has to take that, and the military disparity, into account. Canada is in a very shit situation if the USA falls to fascism. Appeasement is their only realistic option.

Canada is in a very shit situation if the USA falls to fascism. Appeasement is their only realistic option.

Ah, yes, the famous stopper of fascist expansion: Appeasement.

Canada has already been identified as a valid target for decades due to South Parks "blame Canada."

Our largest trading partner won't be able to give us a reason to invade.

Water and farmable land?