TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)

@TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)@lemmy.world
0 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All games like this have massive daily player drop offs a few months after release.

This makes me feel super old, because I must have played Quake 1 daily for 8 straight years. Same with Counter-Strike. I'm still not used to people changing games every few months.

It’s been called out multiple times by even left leaning sources like NPR and motherjones its so bad.

Ok, here's Motherjones guide to mass shootings

Weapons: Of the 143 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally. They included dozens of assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns with high-capacity magazines. (See charts below.) Just as a perpetrator used a .40-caliber Glock to slaughter students in Red Lake, Minnesota, in 2005, so too did the one in Aurora, along with an AR-15 assault rifle, when blasting away at his victims in a darkened movie theater. In Newtown, Connecticut, the attacker wielded a .223 Bushmaster semi-automatic assault rifle as he massacred 20 school children and six adults.

Or here's Pew Research:

About eight-in-ten U.S. murders in 2021 – 20,958 out of 26,031, or 81% – involved a firearm.

The overall increase in U.S. gun deaths since the beginning of the pandemic includes an especially stark rise in such fatalities among children and teens under the age of 18. Gun deaths among children and teens rose 50% in just two years, from 1,732 in 2019 to 2,590 in 2021.

The rate of children dying to firearms in the US is 6.01 per 100,000

The rate of children dying to firearms in Canada is 0.21 per 100,000

In 2023, 754 people died in mass shootings in the USA.

In Canada, there have been 171 deaths to mass shootings for all of the 21st century so far.

We would have had to lose 83 people per year to shootings to keep up with you for 2023. We lost 11.

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For anyone panicking, this is exactly like what happened with the transition from ICQ to AOL messenger, from MySpace to Facebook, from 9gag/etc to Reddit, and so on.

Website makes a mistake, some people leave. Makes another, more leave. Each time this happens, more 'main' people of said website leave. Hell, I already saw PoppinKREAM here, so that's a great start.

So this is exactly how it always goes. The fact it is still here means it's staying. Look at Threads, or Metaverse, whatever those things are. All dying or dead, barely lasted. Lemmy is still here, people are still posting, so just keep doing what you're doing. It's already working.

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Wow, imagine where we'd be if Oil and Gas hadn't convinced almost everyone that solar was never going to work well.

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The problem is an hour of what. Me wandering around trying to find something described vaguely and being frustrated, is not the same as an hour of well written and interesting dialogue.

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In the second quarter of 2023, Google's revenue amounted to over 74.3 billion U.S. dollars, up from the 69.1 billion U.S. dollars registered in the same quarter a year prior.

But man if we don't pay for youtube premium how will they survive?

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It's definitely worrying as I sit here North of my American brothers and sisters, to see the sheer amount of "Yeah but Biden sucks". Sure 100% agree, but you're welcoming in Orange Hitler if you don't vote, or vote Republican.

So definitely worrying sleeping beside this particular elephant.

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I still can't look past the rootkit anticheat for a goddamn co-op game.

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Lester, who later said he saw a large Black man at his door and was scared, shot through a glass storm door and then shot Yarl once again when he fell.

I don't think the media needlessly added race to it, the guys statement did.

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Check out Starlight Tours, and that the last Residential School was closed in 1996.

Canadians also coined both the term Final Solution ("_to the Indian Question _") and gave the Nazis ideas on how to achieve such a thing.

(I am Canadian and I think it's important the world sees us for our flaws as well as our strengths).

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If you're a fellow Canuck, here's a petition to get this realised. It's not much, but it's something.

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nProtect GameGuard (sometimes called GG) is an anti-cheating rootkit developed by INCA Internet.

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Or hell, what if I play the game for 20 minutes and hate it? Do they pay me? Do I give them 25 cents?

Eight six seven five three oh nine.

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I'm Canadian, and every time I hear a stat like this I think of the following quote:

"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt." -Pierre Trudeau to Richard Nixon

They would have a similar list of problems that seem insurmountable

I'd love to hear how climate change 'seems' insurmountable. We aren't even stopping ourselves making it worse, let alone actively looking to work towards fixing it.

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He wasn’t making that video “as a reviewer” he was making it as an entertainer.

“It’s a bad product. It’s bad because it makes absolutely no sense and nobody should buy it”

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The NDP got us national dental and doubled CERB payments, all while not even the opposition.

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I love tribes - I even still have the same mousepad from when I played it last - but I want to warn people this is being made by Prophecy Games, who have straight up abandoned their last game. Starsiege Deadzone, put out in July, is already dead. Take a look at the steam charts for proof. I want Tribes more than most other old IPs, but we have to be real cautious with our hype, so to speak.

Who's calling it this?

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xoxo... the old convention for hugs and kisses.

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Remember that the people actually doing the work don't decide who to make deals with.

Does that say the new total is 3/hr?

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I thought it was First Encounter Assault Recon.

But the world is a complicated thing and we’ve got >7 billion people to feed!

Yes, and capitalism works to deny those people as much food as possible, to give it to others who can pay more. If you buy groceries and literally throw them away, that's better for the companies selling the food than you using it. We've known for 50 years that climate crisis was coming, but in order for capitalism to keep expanding, they kept pouring (literal) fuel onto the fire.

I think we should be very careful before deciding “yeah it’s time to tear down the existing systems and hope that there are better systems out there”. It’s easier to make things worse than to make things better.

Worse for whom? We're literally looking at unlivable temperatures popping up all over the globe, not to mention the storms, land erosion, lack of water, and the fact that soon, we won't even be able to grow food like we do now. You think we'll have cattle farms in 50c heat?

We don't need a new system, we have one: Socialism. Not communism, socialism. Governments should exist to enrich and help their people, not to enrich a tiny percentage of them at the expense of everyone else.

Capitalism is about exponential growth, on a planet with finite resources. Eventually, you get to where we are now: End Stage Capitalism. A tiny number of people have a bulk of the wealth of the world. The game is over, they won. They made the planet unlivable for humans in a few generations in order to do it, but they won. Congratulations (confetti)

Till they stop making money off skin/etc sales.

'Land of the free.'

The cheapest home I could find in my hometown of Vancouver, BC is:

1 bedroom, 1 bath, 696 sq/feet 398,000

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Somehow, most articles written by feministsI've read love to stereotype and bash men.

Does anyone have a link to any of these? I keep hearing recently that somehow this has been a thing for ages, but last I checked "wanting gender equality" was the driving idea of feminism, and that a large portion of women and men agreed with this.

I'm in my early 40's and I definitely haven't seen some deluge of articles by women, who while proclaiming feminism, "stereotype and bash men."

EDIT: Seven downvotes, zero links. Pretty par for the course, guys. I'm not surprised, just disappointed.

EDIT 2: To any men, or boys, reading this who have been assaulted, there are supports for you. Feminism is as much about getting you the support you need that you don't have just as much as it is about getting women the support they need. I can't cover every country here, but if you're from Canada like me here is a government link to services for men and boys in intimate partner violence situations, and for 'general abuse' there is this link. There are people out there who care, please reach out to them.

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I was in the industry for just shy of 20 years, and it hit me seeing that list just how many studios are missing from it.

It was nice though to see New Blood do this, and I honestly don't expect them to run one with all of the studios because frankly that would take hours to show.

I don't think I'll ever go back to games, but know that the people who make games: QA, design, art, etc, are leaving in droves, which is for the best. Microsoft is struggling to hire people in Vancouver. Why? They've lowered pay for many positions, fired almost anyone with over 2 years of experience there, and hire part time. A friend of mine was offered a Lead position... For 14 months.

If they don't believe in the games they're making, neither should you.

A streamer I was watching was playing PUBG, made it to a 1v1, and then an ad played.

A good 99% of the chat was just 'WHAT HAPPENED?!' and we came back to an empty chair, with the streamer in the background.

I haven't watched since.

(The streamer won with an insane pan-throw over a small hill, so it wasn't even a lame win)

Wow, that's...

The minimum wage in my province (British Columbia) is $CDN 17.40 (that would be 12.65 in USD)

It really is a dystopia down there.

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To be blunt, if the owner sets the company up for sale, all the seniors in the company start sending out resumes. Always, always villainize the owner(s) who did the selling.

There's a firefox addon called ' Hide Youtube-Shorts' and now I just never see them.

My county courthouse has a mural of the original constitution and the bill of rights: are they making a political statement by omitting all the other amendments?


🎶 If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate. 🎶

I hear that train a comin'...

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I've heard this is an American thing. I'm Canadian, and my kids are teenagers and only one friend they have has an iPhone, the rest are on Android (as are all of my friends now, the last one went over to Android last year)

In addition to her just being a miserable person, her actual composition is just awful. The following quote is a sentence:

“Productiveness is your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live--that productive work is the process by which man's consciousness controls his existence, a constant process of acquiring knowledge and shaping matter to fit one's purpose, of translating an idea into physical form, of remaking the earth in the image of one's values--that all work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, and no work is creative if done by a blank who repeats in uncritical stupor a routine he has learned from others--that your work is yours to choose, and the choice is as wide as your mind, that nothing more is possible to you and nothing less is human--that to cheat your way into a job bigger than your mind can handle is to become a fear-corroded ape on borrowed motions and borrowed time, and to settle down into a job that requires less than your mind's full capacity is to cut your motor and sentence yourself to another kind of motion: decay--that your work is the process of achieving your values, and to lose your ambition for values is to lose your ambition to live--that your body is a machine, but your mind is its driver, and you must drive as far as your mind will take you, with achievement as the goal of your road--that the man who has no purpose is a machine that coasts downhill at the mercy of any boulder to crash in the first chance ditch, that the man who stifles his mind is a stalled machine slowly going to rust, that the man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap, and the man who makes another man his goal is a hitchhiker no driver should ever pick up--that your work is the purpose of your life, and you must speed past any killer who assumes the right to stop you, that any value you might find outside your work, any other loyalty or love, can be only traveller you choose to share your journey and must be traveller going on their own power in the same direction.”