Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden to politics – 192 points –
Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden

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It's definitely worrying as I sit here North of my American brothers and sisters, to see the sheer amount of "Yeah but Biden sucks". Sure 100% agree, but you're welcoming in Orange Hitler if you don't vote, or vote Republican.

So definitely worrying sleeping beside this particular elephant.

The elephant will do damage to the whole fuckin world if he gets elected, including but not limited to wielding the military in a way that I bet will cause disasters we didn't even really have on the radar as possibilities before they arrived.

So don't worry. Being close up to the carnage probably won't make it any worse, and being far away wouldn't make it any safer.

including but not limited to wielding the military in a way that I bet will cause disasters we didn't even really have on the radar as possibilities before they arrived.

Everyone who paid attention during 2020 and has read the Project 2025 plans should know that this will happen.

But it doesn't even have to be malicious, though he will for sure be malicious, stupidity is enough. A million people died because Covid was so much worse here than it could've been, all because he was too petty to say "Put on a mask, save your country" which his base would've inevitably eaten up.

But no, his stupidity caused a million avoidable deaths.

LOL, an Orange Hitler has more support from Latinos and Blacks than Biden. Hitler was a warmonger. That is exactly what Biden is.

Yeah, Biden is a warmonger, are you implying that Trump isn't? Because that's fucking insane.

Based on what? We have Joe Biden's voting record. Decades worth of voting records. Joe Biden wants to maintain NATO, which is an organization of bullies. He was "The Big Guy" of Ukraine, fomenting conflict and destabilization. No peace deal, Biden. Trump actually spoke with Kim Jong-un, while the neoliberals said it made America look weak. Trump was willing to have diplomatic talks with Putin, the neoliberal called hims a Russian asset. At his worst, he killed Qasem Soleimani. Neoliberal like Joe Biden wants to put US military bases all over the planet, in harms way, resembling the outpost strategy of the Roman Empire. Joe Biden is an elitist, a warmonger, a foreign asset, a liar, and I believe a war criminal.

Joe Biden wants to maintain NATO, which is an organization of bullies

If you think Biden is a foreign asset and that NATO are bullies, then holy sweet shit you enjoy your delusion.

Just going to gloss over Trump moving of our embassy to Jerusalem and the Abraham accords which were both escalations in the eyes of the Palestinians.

Your level of misinformation is problematic and it seems to be a pattern for you. Banned.

My god that was a hilarious read. Thanks. By the way…. Can someone check to see where the Hexbear leak is?

And Hitler also was a dictator, something orange hitler desperately wants to be.

Joe Biden is dictates more of your life. He wants you to drive electric vehicles, he wants to control the stoves you buy, and wants to tell business how much they should charge, he expects to pay for green energy. He is a boondoggle president who believes he knows better than the people on the ground. EVs is one of his boondoggles, leading car manufacturers to rush in to take advantage of the next big thing with tax incentives. EVs are a money loser. We have one EV manufacturer here, despite local and federal tax incentives, went bankrupt. Trump is the man of the people in more ways Joe Biden is. Joe Biden is an elitist. He wants to run everybody's life on the planet. He wants to dictate the politics of foreign countries. That is a dictator. Joe Biden's policy is elitism. Elitism is dictatorship.

Joe Biden does not stand in the way of democratic processes. I assure you, he won't falsely claim voter fraud or incite an insurrection if he loses the election. Trump has done that in the past. He's also proven to be a liar and a rapist. Besides, elitism does not make a dictator. While dictators usually are elitist, in actuality, they define themselves through a totalitarian regime aka them being able to do as they wish without consequences. Something Trump and his Supporters have also claimed they want. Very recently.

And sure, Biden might not make politics for everyone and he most definitely is not the best man for the job, but he doesn't just make politics for rich white men as Trump does, who, for example, wants to undo anything the Obama and later the Biden administration did for social security, healthcare, etc. You know, the structures average people profit most of. Those who are not the "elite". Not to speak about Trump's and the Republican Party's stance on various minorities.

Don’t waste paragraphs on a troll that is barely worth a sentence.

Generally I‘d agree with you but I was bored in class.

As if democrats never cried rigged elections. Joe Biden is an elitist in democrat clothing. He suggests that large segments of the American population are too stupid or evil to vote. They're called "deplorables," useful idiots by Hillary Clinton. These are the elites who tell you to shut up and take it. Does that sound like pro-democracy to you? Nope.

Sure, Biden might be an elitist in democrat clothing. As I said, he definitely isn't perfect and definitely not the best man for the job. But you know what he is not? He is not a far-right, misogynist, racist, homophobe, elitist, openly anti-democratic, bought-by-russia rapist, liar and traitor who wears most of those traits very openly.

I wish he was nearly as useful and as progressive as you think he is, because whatever version of Biden you have in your mind, I want some of that

Joe Biden is a progressive. He is an activist. He is as much of a progressive as FDR was. We don't need activism, we need pragmatism, not confusion, and pointlessness.

This is honestly one of the most stupid things I've read in recent times on Lemmy. This take is so brain-dead that I worry for you. For any of what you wrote to make sense it takes a level of propagandization that would make Reagan and orange Hitler cum in each other's pants. Thank you for setting the bar so high for morons everywhere.

Amoxtli describes themselves as

a colective social-capitalist. What does that mean? believe capitalism is the best economic system to have, though not perfect, it can be utilized, based on reason, for the common, & greater good. I abhor the self-centered individual rights of Western culture and law.

Who the fuck describes themselves that way? This has to either be a troll or a bot. And if it really is a person, they aren't worth engaging with. Just report, block and move on.

Who the fuck describes themselves that way?

A Russian propagandist.

Hey Ivan, give it a rest. We get that you’ve got your manifesto to deliver, but outside of Hexbear and .ml, no one wants to hear it.