2 Post – 606 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you ever feel like doing a second playthrough (the side quests and DLCs are fun) then train with captain Bernard, the captain in Ratttay, he teaches you some combos and blocks that make combat a whole lot more manageable.

obvious to anyone with a brain that they are intending to hit the occopying israeli soldiers.

No, no it's not, they would be using guided missiles if their goal was to hit specific troop concentrations, this is just the regular old terror bombing.

One week old account. 684 Comments. 383 Posts. That's 152 posts/comments a day, 9 an hour, and most are over a paragraph long. Almost all of them focus controversially on third-party advocacy in the middle of an election year.

Not saying this account is a bot, but a person would certainly have to be spending a whole lot of time on lemmy to be posting this much in one week so it certainly feels spamish.

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ESPECIALLY IF THEY'RE AN ADULT ARTIST OR ENTERTAINER. Last I checked using your PayPal for that is against tos and PayPal has zero scruples about seizing all that cash.

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The moment who is waiting for exactly?

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TLDR: Mcdonalds and an ice cream machine company are up to some scummy shit to fuck over franchises and customers for more profits.

TLDW: Mcdonalds and the company that makes almost all fast food ice cream machines, Taylor, have had a long time partnership.

Through this partnership, Mcdonalds franchises are only allowed to buy a singular type of Taylor machine. All of Taylor's machines that other chains use work just fine, but the ones Mcdonalds is forced to use through the partnership are basically designed to be shitty. They break all the time, and when it breaks down, the error code doesn't even tell the employees what's wrong, even if it's something simple the employee could fix themselves. It forces the Mcdonalds franchises to get a repair technician from Taylor making them pay assloads of money on repair costs, and these repairs of Mcdonalds' machines account for a massive amount of Taylor's revenue.

Mcdonalds corporate is hurt none in this process, only the franchises, so Mcdonalds Corporate and Taylor stay buddy buddy. Some other company made a third party addition for the Taylor machines that puts out proper error codes that allow employees to fix minor issues on the fly, Mcdonalds has banned their franchises from using these for "safety issues".

I would still suggest watching the video in your spare time though, it's a really fascinating case study of how companies collude to fuck over customers and even their own lesser partners.

Edit: Grammar, Formatting

Socialist Party of America, Socialist Alternative, The Communist Party of the USA, and plenty others have been trying to run left of the Democratic Party for a century, it won't work in a FPTP voting system, converting the Democrats into a Socialist party would literally be easier.

If you want a left wing party other than the Dems, you're gonna have to change FPTP first.

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Yes, the man who has been leading his country in a war for survival and winning is the real clown! /s

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You did see what happened after the kicked Kevin out though right? We all thought Kevin was a horrible pro-maga sleezeball, and yet they found someone worse.

I really don't want to underestimate their ability to do it again.

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I lived in a very rural area back then, I know a friend whose family was all watching that debate together in their living room, all hard-core Trump supporters of course. That debate literally made them so sad they turned off the TV mid debate, it broke my friend free from being a MAGA diehard.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Biden campaign saw something like that reflected in polling, even marginally, and is trying to recreate it.

Wdym the Western aid is restricted from counterattacking? Nothing about that is true, U.S. aid is being held up solely by the Republicans, and European aid is continuing mostly as normal. None of Ukraine's counteroffensives have ever led to a decrease in aid, only an increase.

This person is like 90% of the time, they literally just told me they'd prefer Joseph Stalin to any Democrat.

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Yes, hopefully in the section on how he, possibly the worst president in U.S. history, tried to destroy American democracy.

Just because that picture looks "strong" doesn't mean he'll be remembered that way.

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You may be joking, but that's pretty much the attitude of the Ukrainian Intelligence Services at the moment, there's no point in sending well trained operatives into a meat grinder on the eastern front, much more efficient to just let them go around the world hunting the Russian Intelligence Services

"HUR Chief Kyrylo Budanov vowed to “destroy Russian war criminals anywhere in the world, wherever they are.”

You think that the Saudi population would rather keep living in a country that chops up journalists for fun?

The Saudi monarchy is entirely propped upon religious fundamentalism, and the oil currently ruining the climate, I say the sooner they find another system the better.

Microsoft has actually voluntarily recognized a gaming company union before. It seems they prefer to voluntarily recognize the unions and then fight them during the contract phase, not sure exactly why they do it this way instead of trying to stonewall the first step like most companies.

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Yup, the same works for passports from other countries like Malta and Cyprus which iirc literally just sell citizenship.

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I'm not defending

Then why bring up the victim at all? Really just sounds like you're justifying what happened by saying "Well she took money for it, therefore consent".

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More weapons than money, but yes that's what you have to do when your country is being invaded and you don't have the industrial base to suddenly build an army from nowhere.

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instead of being prostituting herself.

This is putting the blame on the minor victim, implying the choice was her responsibility to make, and not the fully developed adult.

Or if we wanna be historically accurate, they brutally cane each other.

Like the time a senator got bludgeoned on the senate floor for condemning slavery.

It's almost as if they don't exactly care or pay attention to actual reforms in the country, and are just pissed off at a politician because he hasn't unilaterally ended a war being conducted by two other countries.

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Have you listened to any of these Republicans who have endorsed her talk? They all think she's wayyyy too progressive for them during normal times, they're not endorsing Harris because she's somehow a conservative now, they're endorsing Harris because their party got taken over by fascists and they're rare spine-filled conservatives.

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Lmfao stfu Tankie.

It's a "coup" when I dislike it, and a glorious revolution when I do. /s

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"revolution of dignity"

Is what Ukrainians called it after countless of them were murdered by police in the streets and they successfully ran their Pro-Putin dictator out of the country. Seethe harder fascist.

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including but not limited to wielding the military in a way that I bet will cause disasters we didn't even really have on the radar as possibilities before they arrived.

Everyone who paid attention during 2020 and has read the Project 2025 plans should know that this will happen.

But it doesn't even have to be malicious, though he will for sure be malicious, stupidity is enough. A million people died because Covid was so much worse here than it could've been, all because he was too petty to say "Put on a mask, save your country" which his base would've inevitably eaten up.

But no, his stupidity caused a million avoidable deaths.

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Believe it or not, conservatives aren't lying 24/7, they actually believe the things they say. That goes for both Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump conservatives.

If you were actually engaging in good faith political analysis, you'd see Harris is significantly more left wing than McCain or Romney.

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Honestly it's possible. Certain diocese of the church (looking at you USA) have become far more conservative as the rest of the Church has passed them by. Vatican 2 has fully taken hold, and I really don't believe the conservatives hold enough power in Rome to elect one of their own when Francis passes.

They very well might just take their ball and go home like the "Old Catholics" did after the reforms of the First Vatican Council.

And the party establishment can and has changed over time, the Democratic Party of 1890, or 1910, or 1930, or 1970, were massively different parties.

The party has generally trended more progressive over time on everything except economics, and that's starting to change with the tepid integration of democratic socialists.

Her acceptance speech was bog standard for a democratic nominee, she played to both conservatives and progressives. Don't act like she's suddenly now a conservative because she pandered to the military and veterans.

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Just so you know, when you say shit like this you sound exactly like the MAGA lovers that are frothing at the mouth for the start of violence because then "they have to take our country back".

There's plenty of ways to avoid fascism that doesn't involve just letting the world burn because you're upset it isn't perfect.

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You understand that Castro went after than more than just slave owners right? It's super disingenuous to pretend that most of the 1.5 million people who have fled Cuba were slave owners.

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Nothing in that article mentions an Israeli veto, just that peace talks should happen between the two groups, and not just unilateral recognition that fixes nothing on the ground.

The two state solution is a fucking joke anyway.

Tell that to the Palestinian people.

If this was South Africa, would the solution be a two state solution?

South Africa didn't and doesn't have an equal amount of White and Black people like Israel-Palestine has Jews and Palestinians that each want their own state. The two state solution is literally the only credible solution and has been for 30 years.

He's just lying so people in the US stop calling him Genocide Joe and vote for him.

That was a handful of people online and a few protestors at his rallies. Those don't change longstanding U.S. foreign policy of support for two states, and Lemmy isn't representative of the U.S. voting population.

I'm pretty sure this is happening in the US because of those pages no longer being profitable to run.

There's a big difference between that and losing chunks of the internet because of rampant censorship, something we aren't experiencing in the West/US.

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Yes, but it comes from a domesticated genetic line. Imagine if a Pug or Chihuahua went feral. It wouldn't exactly be the same as the original wolf-like starting point.

It's the same with horses. After generations of being bred by humans for specific traits, they're very different than the original wild population. They're probably also easier to re-domesticate than wild horses.

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I'd say that's primarily because the conservative arguments have gotten so crazy/illegal that it'd be hard for almost any judge to agree with it. They ruled against Moore v. Harper and almost everything Trump tried to do with the election for example.

Yes, because no population on this planet ever acts against their dictators without the U.S. forcing them to do so.

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Careful, the Joe haters really don't want to listen right now with the current state of Gaza.

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Iirc he wasn't even in DC at the time of the insurrection. However, he was nearby in Virginia (I think?) calling the shots and issuing orders.

It's entirely because of his actions as an organizer that he's getting charged.