30 Post – 118 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Mind your business.

Culture is identity. Isn't that obvious from looking at different people all over the world? It is true, there is a clash of cultures because everyone is proud of their identity. Nationalism is extremely powerful because it is human instinct to look upon kinship. Humans are social animals.

Coincidentally, the first article that came out of that thing from a poster was Israel lobby propaganda that said that Russian propaganda on social media is the source of worldwide antisemitism. It has no credibility. It disseminates state run propaganda because "if it comes from the government, or a politician, it must be true" and the think tanks that work for them.

They only want your loyalty.

Apparently, researcher doesn't understand comparative advantage.

Ludwig Von Mises was a highly educated man and spoke post college level English and his native tongue, German. Are you sure you want to compare credentials? Joe Biden speaks well below high school level. Joe has nothing on a genius. His economic advisor is an embarrassment to responsible statecraft. The meritless kakistocracy that democratic Marxist activism promotes, for example DEI, promoting based on social justice instead of merit. Mises was a great man, Biden is a mediocre man who is elected by people who consider themselves less than him.

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Even without arms sales, Hamas is still much weaker than Israel. To put things in perspective, the Oct. 7 militant attack consisted of about 2,900 fighters. The people, they killed 1,139 people. Presumably, all 2,900 militants armed. The memberships of Hamas are estimated at 20,000 or 25,000. Perhaps as high as 30,000. Hamas is not an existential threat to Israel. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, not a standing army with modern weapons and heavy equipment. It is like saying Al-Qaeda could take over the entire United States. The threat is simply not there. Al-Qaeda are like flies, the US military is like Godzilla.

"Suspected" is American language for no hard evidence. The Americans are so eager to fire sanctions, evidence does not really matter. On the other hand, Israel is either committing mass murder or genocide, whatever you want to call it. What Americans believe is evidence is penal labor, which is a legitimate punishment as much as prisoners making state license plates. Chinese actually punish their criminals and discipline their citizens for bad behavior. Unlike the American justice system that treat their hardened criminals gently and humanely as possible as to not cause duress or discomfort. The stereotypical American criminal has a decade long rap sheet of crimes. American death penalty is so rare, you're more likely going to die from a car crash than being on death row. If they land death row, they spend decades living their lives reflecting on the good times. That is the incompetent American justice system. Their justice system is so bad, they have no idea what to do to lower crime other than don't prosecute crime. Look how El Salvador is made safe by leaps and bounds that the current leader has an 80-90 percent approval. G.I. Joe is lucky if he reaches 45%. That is competent leadership.

Mexicans stoled the land from Spain. Mexicans did not until the Spaniards created them and made them Catholic.

Be sure to check if there is a Russian, or Chinese person, or Iranian person, under your bed before you go to sleep tonight. Be safe, my friend.

Did you want communist sources?

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Already fixed.

The assumption is that people care that they are voluntarily starving themselves.

More like babies are an unintended byproduct of sex and birth control fixed the unwanted consequences.

Zionism is extremist to liberal ideology; the idea that a people have a right to settle a land and create a country while dismissing the people who lived there for centuries. It is not that extremism took over Israel. The premise of Zionism is nationalism. It is the same type of nationalism that motivates an Argentine to claim the Falkland Islands. The only difference is Israeli nationalism is justified by theology. Similar to how Islam gives Muslims the right to "put civilizations to the right path". It is a matter of supremacy. Westerners cry about racism all the time, it is always on the news, something racist happened, a person is racist, while at the same time, they seem quite tolerant of supremacy in the Greater Israel region. While activist treat Zionism as some kind of special supremacy, it is just nationalism. The State Of Israel is a primarily Jewish. That is the whole point of in the foundation of Israel. The "People Of Israel" run the state. A Christian, a Muslim, a pagan, a non-Jew, are not part of the Nation Of Israel. If Israel is thought of in this way, it makes you wonder why American politicians, who preach about democratic liberalism being the correct order for the world, using this as a justification to blow people up, supports a nationalist country that is arguably, at the very least, of committing war crimes. I don't consider American civilian leadership particularly smart people, but most of the laymen do. American military leadership on the other hand do understand Israel is a liability, and this is from their cold military analysis.

Immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa would still prefer Italy. You don't need to focus on babies, open borders fixes the problem.

Source link has been updated for your pleasure.

I support New Caledonia independence. I support your cause New Caledonia.

If you don't fight the Russians in Ukraine, you will be fighting them in Germany. Don't say you weren't warned.

You are ignoring causation. The explanation by the West for Putin's invasion is he decided in 2022 he decided to begin the campaign to conquer all of Europe and the explanation for the timing is that Donald Trump weakened NATO, but at the same time NATO unity is stronger than ever. These explanations are not convincing. Then we are expected to believe that the US never thumbs it nose in other countries' business. The United States of America is the great destabilizer of the world; it is not China, or even Russia.

What is logical is that Putin is reacting to an EU and NATO threat to a historically and culturally intertwined region with Russia. What does the US want in Ukraine? You tell us.

Sorry, wrong forum. I will delete.

Pregnancy is unfair for women, it is a difficult period of time, a painful birthing, then you have to spend your money to support it for 18 years minimum, which takes away money from other more enjoyable things like beach vacations and big screen TVs. It is easier to have a cat or dog. The new family unit is to maximize the household income and minimize liabilities, which is: Husband, wife, and dog. The new family unit. Animals can fulfill the maternity experiences of a person. Human population growth is bad for the environment too.

British government needs to teach everyone what is good and what is bad; teach them how to be nice to one another and hold hands.

Explain to the forum how water generates power. This should be funny.

Macron reiterated calls for a third way between the U.S. and China, saying Europe must show that “it’s never going to be a vassal for the United States.”

I would agree to a certain extent, but Biden is a different kind of imperial leader, he fights useless wars that benefit nor gain America. He is a dummy. I guess when you are the superpower of the world, you feel you can afford to be a dumbass.

No communist in America is a communist. They all want to be communist (wannabe communist, like wannabe badasses), but they are not. You are what you eat.

Yes, artillery shells fall off of trees.

Because the elites don't want to be conquered by NATO via color revolutions and geostrategic advantage. Survival is rational. Ukrainians dying to the last man is not rational because they want to join NATO and the EU so bad. A next door country that is being militarized by a political alliance is more than enough justification to invade a neighboring country. NATO is a political alliance, it not a defensive alliance that it use to be when there was security competition between the USSR and the US. USSR collapsed because military control of an empire is expensive. Needing the military to have a presence to quell rebellion and maintain control is expensive. Ruling over people who don't like you, doesn't work in the long run. This is why the Russians gave up the business of imperialism over other countries/nations. Ukraine is a very big exception because of the history of Russia and Ukraine. Russian and Ukrainian history is intertwined. Crimea was won over by Catherine II the Great from the Ottomans. The Donbas has a lot of Russian history. The industry of the Donbas was developed from the years of Russian investment under the Soviet Union. New Russia would become part of Ukrainian Soviet Republic, which was incorporated by Russia in 1917. Then, the name New Russia was disused after incorporation. If you want to be a pendant of who has a great claim to the land, neither Russia nor Ukrainians have the greatest claim because it is conquered land by the Russians. That is like saying Texas, California, etc. does not belong to the United States, they belong to Mexico. What about Hawaii? What about Diego Garcia? The Russians don't care about the Baltic States. Russians have no interest in Estonia or the rest of Europe. They gave that up in 1991. Ukraine, however, has a special place in the history and culture of Russia, not just geopolitical balance of power politics.

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Joe Biden is a Zionist, he has admitted this. He loves Israel more than America. Look how he is trashing America's image for Israeli nationalism. The Israeli government considers Palestinians subhuman. I wonder if Genocide Joe considers them subhuman as well.

Hong Kong people did not want to be ruled by the CCP. There were no human rights abuses regarding the Hong Kong riots. Chinese handled the riots well and the riots subsided. There was no Chinese "crackdown". What Americans are doing to anti-Israel protestors right now is far worse than what the Chinese supposedly did to the rioters in Hong Kong. You are clearly biased and have no interest in the facts. You are very one-sided; you are presenting speculation and even misinformation to give a false presentation of infallible Western countries. Hillary came up with a term regarding Tucker Carlson, the irony is that "term" is appropriate to people who believe, and follow Hillary Clinton, and the establishment she is a part of; yes, the Deep State is the establishment. Western governments looted Libya, war after war, lies after lies, and you imply I live in rock ignorant to the history of sins of the West. That false story does not work on me. I deal with facts, not hearsay, or semi-truths with great omissions.

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Well, isn't that counterintuitive; if we make bats extinct, that means no more coronavirus, if we exterminate mosquitos, no more malaria, if we exterminate the Tsetse fly, no more spread of parasite, if you exterminate birds, no more bird flu. You don't want rats or cockroaches living in your house, you kill them. I think they study is absurd. Urbanization reduces disease because there is less biodiversity. Just another study among many.

Euromaidan had nothing to do with the president's domestic policy and had everything to do with foreign policy. The US wanted to isolate Ukraine from Russia, including steering Ukrainian big business away from Russia. The Russians provided an economic deal than the EU could give. The declared independent republics wasn't about whether Yanukovych was strengthening or weakening his own power. Even the news media doesn't claim your explanation.

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Tell us, what did the evil Chinese do to Hong Kong? Please inform me. Hong Kong belongs to China, that is why the British gave it back to them. It is the British colonialism, the reason why Hong Kong was under British control. China does not take too kindly to Western imperialism by historical experience. You bet they are not giving up Taiwan to the United States.

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G.I. Joe is the clown, and you are in his circus. If he doesn't say it is genocide, then it isn't genocide, and the Western news media won't call it a genocide either. The psy-ops continues.

Putin wanted the civil war resolved, and he thought he could trust NATO to resolve it. Instead, as Angela Merkel pointed out, the Minsk II Accords were merely to buy time to arm Ukraine.

In her interviews with Alexander Osang, which took place over a period of a year and in various locations, Merkel insisted that her stance on the Minsk agreement – which brought a ceasefire after Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula – had been right. Key points of the Minsk peace talks, including disarmament and supervision by an international body, were never followed through. But Merkel said the agreement had nevertheless helped buy Kyiv time to arm itself better against the Russian military.

Angela Merkel says she lost influence over Putin as a lame duck leader Minsk agreements Real intention behind Minsk agreements further destroys credibility of the West No apologies: Germany’s Merkel defends approach to Ukraine

I deal with facts and logic. Putin does not want to fight NATO, but NATO clearly wants to fight Putin without initiating a nuclear war. Using Ukrainians to fight their war for them, which is the reason for arming them in the first place, and to use Ukraine as a NATO bulwark against Russia. Ukraine is in trouble today because of the refusal to handle the situation diplomatically. The motive is obvious, the US wants Ukrainians to fight Russia, and plotted to agitate Russia to invade Ukraine. NATO has absolutely no interest in any peace. They're not fighting it, and they promote Ukrainians as fighting their war. A war which they can't win. The US does not care about NATO. Caring would involve saving the lives of Ukrainians and to ensure peace and prosperity through diplomacy. If Lindsey Graham had his way, he would lower the draft age to 14 years old. It is an unhinged foreign policy; it is a war that did not need to be fought if there was a compromise. It is foolish to reject compromise because of valiant defiance. Bravado alone is not enough. The case in Ukraine shows there is irrational leadership in Ukraine. Zelenskyy was naive not acknowledge interests of other countries, especially a neighbor. Ukraine was ill-equipped, by all metrics, weaker than Russia. Russia was weak in the first year of the war, because the military was not prepared to go to war, but now Russia has a much better military, and they have the resolve to win. This shows a lack of reason on the part of the Ukrainians who seem romantically obsessed of joining NATO, which is a political alliance, and the EU, which has a military component.

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Not all countries in the EU support Ukraine. It is not in their interest to support the conflict in Ukraine. If Russia was such a looming threat, they would have paid their fair share in NATO military funding. Barack Obama pointed this out, not just Trump. Obviously, they preferred to get rich, instead of spend money on the military. Viktor Orbán is the sanest leader in the EU because he tells it like it is. A Russian threat is greatly inflated with myths of a new USSR. Russians are not ideologically communist, and they have no interest in controlling other European people. They have been there and done that. The Soviets had to deal with uprising and insubordinate leaders when they controlled Eastern Europe. Uprisings in Romania and Hungary. Ukraine is a security matter for Russia. There is no imperial motivation for it. It was well established long before this conflict that NATO expansion into Ukraine would be a disaster. Angela Merkel and Sarkozy said this much including Bill Burns as Secretary of State, and ambassador. Bill Burns still works in the US government.

MOST NATO countries did not pay the mandatory 2% minimum. So, yes, the European states were not that considered their own security. Another thing to consider is the capabilities of Russia; Russia has no ability to project power across Europe. It is physically impossible for the Russians to conquer Europe, and it is illogical that Russia would attack a NATO country. That is a myth created to create hysteria as to garner more support against Russia. Ukraine is a security concern for Russia, not for the United States, or the rest of Europe. The US is more fascist than the Russia, since it wants to control the world and export its culture. Fascist believe in autarky and see every single nation or country as a threat. Balance of power politics is not fascism, it is rational, and common sense. The US has toppled far more governments than the Russians did in their entire history. When you are forcing other countries to become liberal, that is fascism.

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Is it climate change, or is it another cover for not wanting to raise little brats? I don't want kids because: 1. "Cost of living." 2. " I never met the right man." (Despite being sexually active). 3. "Nobody pays for my childcare."

Of course, it does. When your enemy is arming your neighbor to be against you, that is more enough justification for any country, including the US. You act as if the US obeys international law and never staged a coup, or invaded a country. What is the US doing in Syria now? The US has up to 800 bases around the world, and you talk about Russian imperialism as if that is real. The US wants to dominate Europe via NATO. NATO is how the US exercises influence on Europe. This is power politics by Russia, it is not about conquering anything, but keeping US influence in check. You have no evidence to support your claims.

Why do they care? They want solar panels and wind turbines. Fossil fuels are killing people.

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