6 Post – 345 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

just to spite the British

A fine justification, no matter the situation

Americans: be sure to make snide comments about them while it's still legal for you to do so.

Gilead is calling.

Fuck TIME Magazine for giving anyone a platform to make threats against others.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Holy Fucking Shit what a goddamn baby.

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This article is one of the most down-to-earth, realistic observations on technology I've ever read. Utterly striking as well.

Go Read This Article.

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On another forum, I was complaining about how Microsoft was planning to remove WordPad from Win11. I was advised that installing OpenOffice or LibreOffice was an appropriate replacement. I replied that WordPad was only 3 megs large, as opposed to the recommended replacements, which are decidedly larger.

I guess not everybody appreciates tight code, but I surely do. Things like this are amazingly impressive.

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It's pretty upsetting to begin with, but if you change the wording to: "Pregnant women in Missouri don't have the right to get divorced" it's somehow even worse.

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old cables. because YOU NEVER KNOW

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this still smells of propaganda, like it's woven through the whole thing. "The American worker is making peace with a longer ride".
and yet the very first example they provide is someone who works from home twice a week.

I'll tell you this: the commute is even better when you work from home. WFH means less carbon emissions, less time wasted in traffic, and less time literally putting your life at risk from vehicle collisions.

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remember how over the past few years almost everything brand new had the word "blockchain" shoehorned into it for no good reason?

This is the same kind of thing. It's an atrocious boondoggle. There must still be a serious amount of cocaine floating around Venture Capitalist parties, because one of those boys is gonna drop 500M on this company and think they bought the dip, when in fact they, themselves, are the dip.

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Every article about how poorly this man is as a candidate is merely an attempt to charm Democratic voters into not voting.

Do not let them sway you. Everyone Must Vote.

Friend, they still have your original comments. and they have sold them all. they're just not viewable to the rest of us.

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next, imagine them doing the same thing to US Citizens

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how about something like Jennifer Lawrence FLAYED Mike Pence ALIVE with BLOODY WHIPS OF LEFTIST FURY

or would that read better if it ended with


I mean, go big or go home, right? (also Jennifer Lawrence is awesome holy fuck)

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the people that payed $90 for this are probably not the sharpest knives in the drawer

maybe, but even stupid people should be protected from being taken advantage of.
They should at least get a refund of 50% of the purchase price.

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it's like a no-fly list, but for food

"Always let a horse know where you are."

Accidentally surprising a horse can lead to sudden injury and/or hilarious internet videos. When moving around them, it's a good idea to talk quietly to them (or to yourself) so that they can hear you and know where you are. if you have to get up close to one, gently place your hand or forearm against them as you move past.

The same advice works if you are around someone concentrating on a physical task like cooking, construction, soldering, etc, especially if they are holding something that could hurt if it poked you. You want them to know where you are without breaking their concentration.

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remember, " Illegal " means "Something only the truly powerful can get away with."

The face of an Ethnic Cleanser when he's not holding a gun

YouTube without suggestions? You mean how it was back in the early days?? I would LOVE that.

uh, it was BLUE states?

so what I'm hearing is that America doesn't run on Dunkin', it runs on exploitation

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hear hear. Offices are outmoded, office managers are outmoded, paying for parking is outmoded.

All of it is horseshit, and like horseshit should be deposited indiscriminately and walked away from without looking back.

Yes, we are defeating non-human life without trying. if we were trying I imagine we could make quite a dent.

but if the animal kingdom was trying, I think that would be pretty terrifying.

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The fun part is, that definition is eloquent.

Raishik obviously isn't.

They'd ask for a mistrial if someone in the gallery looked at them funny

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we should fucking hope. Might catch on

has that bag of shit Alex Jones paid a fucking dime yet?

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This just in... Sources state that Jared Kushner's kidneys, liver, and spleen "could be very valuable" on the black market.
Sadly, his heart was deemed unfit for transplant.

now when have Microsoft ever lied before? I mean, other than the falsified evidence they submitted during their legal battle with the US Department of Justice.

a far better timeline

people also used to vote in their own interests

I'd get it one piece at a time And it wouldn't cost me a dime You'll know it's me when I come through your town I'm gonna ride around in style, Drive everybody wild 'Cause I'll have the only one there is around

it's just so disappointing that the GOP literally has no standards, while the Dems get called out for literally everything they do. Those criticisms can fuck off. The fascists are at your doorstep, you fools.

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literally write the laws and hand them to legislators who pass them

Remember, they pass them without reading them.

/ AI removes Depeche Mode from streaming playlist /

the only massive pile of wank in that equation would be Elon.

The time spent to commute to work is much longer than the time it takes a hedgie to plummet from a window of their own free will.

not exactly the age or attractiveness that most people expect

What gets me is that, for the right style of music, age or attractiveness shouldn't matter as much as it does. You should be able to create your art, whatever kind of art it is, and have the art itself be judged on its merits. Instead we've got a bunch of our culture still somehow wrapped up in these veneers of attractiveness. It's kind of maddening, to be honest. If you're in your 50's and making 90's style Acid House or 2000's style Trance it shouldn't matter what you look like. If you're a DJ it shouldn't matter if you look like Shirley Temple or Shirley Manson. And yet here we are.

8 million listens netting you only 40 bucks really is insane, isn't it? I used to think radio royalties were bad: I remember Sting talking about how every time Roxanne got played on the radio someone somewhere got 3 cents. He didn't say who got the 3 cents, nor did he say how much of that 3 cents went to him. I'm not 100% sure about those numbers ("my memory is muddy, what's this river that I'm in?") but they're a damn sight more impressive than whatever crumbs the streaming companies are paying, somehow a thousand times less than the radio. Spotify's announcement last year that they weren't even going to bother paying for songs with less than 1000 streams per month was a shocker - what stops them from making it 2000, or 10,000?

Still, being a hobbyist isn't all bad. I've been releasing jazz cover-versions of pop songs for about 2.5 years now, and have netted about 25 bucks so far :) Who knew jazz versions of Toxic or Rusted From The Rain could be so popular?

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