3 Post – 1105 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Wow man….

All superheroes.

I really want a Big Mac now.

Accelerationists 2024!

(Obligatory /s)

And this folks, is why voting in November is IMPERATIVE. Don’t listen to the right-wing propaganda-spreading accounts here that post all day about how you should not vote because both parties are bad for America.

They KNOW you’re not voting for Trump and they KNOW you cannot be persuaded to- so the next best thing is for them to bullshit you into not voting at all- which in the end- will still help Trump win America.

If you think conservatives judges denying us our right to ban a “man” from running because of an attempted overthrowing of our government- denying us AFTER we went through due process to arrive at a legal decision to-

Just wait until the someone even worse than them has the authority to pass laws.

Do the right thing and vote.

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Remember this when certain people here try to tell you that both sides are the same. The people that do nothing but plaster this community with hit pieces directed towards the one side that has a chance to stop this clown from destroying our democracy.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. Because many actually do.

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The instance I posted in was

LOL! There ya go.

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Anyone else notice how quiet the bOtH siDEs camp is on articles like this? Seems they only like to talk about how bad both sides are when Biden is the subject being discussed- but when any of the right wing lunacy is brought up, they’re vapor.

This is a very clear indication as to what their motives are here.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. There are a lot of people here hoping you don’t so that Trump can win November. Don’t give this to them!

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Think hard on this. This is an aerospace tech company.


Remember that Trump, a piece of shit coward that’s staring down the barrel of multiple prison sentences and desperately needs to win an election that could be influenced by the outcome of a trial…..

has the names and addresses of all the jurors in said trial.

Remember this when you see the misinformation campaigns here trying to rationalize both sides being just as bad as the other as a reason for everyone to not vote for Biden this November.

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If he could go back to being rich, he was never poor- nor homeless, but a clown trying to profit from his shit antics.

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Fetus’ brain not attached….

Conservatives just trying to protect their own kind.

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I’m not sure which is more unbelievable:

That a bunch of mouthbreathing simps would think they’re owed an apology because a young girl wants to live her life as her own, or that these dirtbags actually received one.

This is shameful.

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I mean, shouldn’t they have had to do that from the beginning?

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While this is all good to see/hear/read about, what have you…

VOTE ANYWAY. Because those clowns that walked away from his rambling are going to be despise having walked away.

Don’t take this as a loss of interest. I wouldn’t put it past these assholes to have planned this type of shit.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. And know that many do.

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Again, I’ll say that everyone should remember this when certain people that post all the time here try to tell you that both sides are the same. The people that do nothing but plaster this community with hit pieces directed towards the one side that has a chance to stop this clown from destroying our democracy.

VOTE LIKE LIVES DEPEND ON IT. Because many actually do.

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“His supporters think…”


To him…. That’s a lot of others peoples money.

Keep in mind though, that there’s a LOT of bad-faith propaganda-shilling accounts right here on lemmy desperately trying to convince you that both sides are equally as bad and not to vote this year.

Best advice is to report and block them when they share their misinformation and don’t fall for it.

I’m sure we all know who I’m talking about.

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But the flimsy delay tactic that wouldn’t have worked for anyone else, worked flawlessly- right in our faces.

So in a way- it was a total success.

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He’s going to get that money any way he can. No one is safe. He will sue his own children if it bails him out.

Just in time to never be released!

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Yep. Here we go again.

It is not clear at this time who the group is or affiliated with…

The GOP. They’re affiliated with the GOP.

He has far more right to speak than any of us would in the same situations. That clown has violated every gag order he’s been given with zero repercussions.

No man says that.

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There’s a lot of people on .ml, Hexbear and Lemmygrad that are probably celebrating right now.

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If Trump won in 2020, he’s ineligible in 2024. They need to pick a lane.

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I will not be surprised at all if they receive very real and very serious death threats. Florida MAGA doesn’t mess around. That place is a lawless swamp.

Yes. This has been explained to you every time you post your anti-Biden propaganda.


Nothing will change. You’re not doing anything that hasn’t been done many times in the past- provenly with zero results. All you’re going to do is help us get Trump- but you know this already, don’t you?

And the fact that you don’t care, shows how little respect you’re deserved in this.

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Good, but not good enough. It needs to be 0. And if you’re still on that shithole of a propaganda spreading platform- you’re supporting it.

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Oh I agree. I’m disillusioned with the entire thing as well. But I’d rather pick up a sword and fight along-side the lazy asshole against the tyrant dragon instead of telling others that the lazy asshole deserves to be eaten- like some people here suggest.

Because I know that after the tyrant dragon eats the lazy asshole, we’re all next. And these people don’t seem to understand that this is how it works.

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That there’s such thing as “crypto influencers” and that they’re awarded for pulling people into the scam not only blows my mind, but also indicates how fucked we are as a whole, when it comes to being able to think critically.

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And lastly:

”There’s more I could say about the limitations of your character and judgment,” Bankston added. “But instead I’ll conclude with a very simple request that I hope will reach your ears: Could you please shut the fuck up?”

Yeah… VERY brutal!

Remember the bOtH siDeS antagonists who will tell you not to vote this year? This is the shit they ignore and look past when they post their Biden-BAD hit pieces. Vote this year because lives depend on it. And as an added bonus- it’ll piss them off.


Maybe take a break from the internet. I know this sounds like I’m being harsh, but I’m serious. There’s a lot of doom and gloom pushed on you because it sells.

Take a step away for a bit.

It helps to get perspective.

Another idiot leading the charge to do nothing and expect results. At least this isn’t out of character for her.

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Yep. I have them and .ml and lemmygrad blocked from my feed. It’s toxic there.

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If a computer auto generating music isn’t called a musician, or a robot tossing a football isn’t called an athlete, then a person making a picture with a computer isn’t an artist. No matter how badly that person wants to be called one.

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Give it a rest.