New York AG says $175 million Trump fraud bond isn't properly backed, should be voided to politics – 434 points –
New York AG says $175 million Trump fraud bond isn't properly backed, should be voided

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But the flimsy delay tactic that wouldn’t have worked for anyone else, worked flawlessly- right in our faces.

So in a way- it was a total success.

So can we all use this as precedent to skirt the law? "See mister Trump got a reduction on his bond, can I get it too?

They'll laugh in our face, because those laws are only for the poor.

Good lawyers can be good at stalling. If that's your only priority, they can do a decent job of it. Even better if you can find any kind of complications for the court to deal with. A particularly good complication is being the Republican nominee for president, if you can manage that.

He's just trying to stall until election season to claim it's all politically motivated and use it in his campaign.

Yeah and that’s the annoying thing. If you or I are in trouble in court it’s likely in our benefit if things are settled quickly, if only to minimise billable hours for our lawyer. It’s only the very rich that really benefit from drawn out procedures.

can we all use this

You can certainly try. Bond reductions are rare, but this is not the first time it's happened

He and his employees had handled thousands of bonds. In that time, he's heard of only about a couple dozen instances when a New York appeals court reduced an appeal bond.