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Here I think lies the main problem. When Biden was elected in 2020, in my understanding the goal was always for him to warm the seat for the next/younger generation. In those 4 years nobody stepped forward, and they are scared of proposing a forward looking vision because it may alienate some voters (either on the left or in the center). So now we have the choice between stagnation or actively tearing down Democracy.

I guess it depends on what you mean by Democrats. There were some quite high ranked people openly critical and suggesting replacing him (more than I would expect). Dems are not a singular entity… but the only person with the power to replace the candidate at this point in time is Joe Biden himself. So if he doesn’t step down I do expect most high-ranked Dems to fall in line.


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There is a great podcast by the Daily on the firing of air traffic controllers by Reagan. There are now enormous issues because such a large group had to be hired in the 1980s which are now all retiring at the same time threatening flight safety. Long-run consequences of conservative policy.

I find this so infuriating. How do they think this strategy gets rid of Hamas? Israel indiscriminately bombing Palestine is the best recruitment tool Hamas ever had. Why do world leaders with the best advisors money can pay espouse such nonsense. Is there anyone who seriously believes this?

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I would really like this to be true. At least in my country the younger population (e.g. under 25s) is moving extreme-right instead of anti-capitalism. The amount of Andrew Tate fans that apparently do not even oppose human trafficking is insane.

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Just to add, if Trump wins, they will certainly step down and Trump will appoint 40-year olds to the SC. Possibly the crazy lady from Florida. Voting Blue is the only thing that will stop this distopia.

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Now change she by he, and nobody will enforce this clause of the contract. She’s fired because she’s a woman who dares to have premarital sex.

This is just such a false narrative. The issue is not a lack of funds to help our own citizens and refugees. The issue is that those funds are concentrated among very few very wealthy people. Those wealthy people would very much like us to blame the refugees.

Wtf? Did Iraq/Afghanistan ask you to invade??? When was the last time the US did a military intervention to help somebody else?

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I am also a bit lost as to why Swift would bring this suit. Most of her (work) trips are already public information, since being a public person is part of her job description. It’s a bit like the president complaining that we are tracking Airforce 1 when all news networks already report where he is going.

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Newer pools have the water intake all around the pool rather than a suction valve at the bottom/side.

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It is difficult to say because you do not observe the counterfactual. I would definitely say we would have progressed more on climate action if HRC had become president. Also, the culture war issues would have definitely played out differently. The Trump presidency also emboldened Putin, which may have affected the situation in Ukraine. But again, in foreign policy so many things happen simultaneously that it’s often difficult to pinpoint direct causes.

Inflation is not exactly a new concept, and not that difficult to understand. I

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In a jury trial it should really only be double jeopardy when the jury comes to a non-guilty verdict. In all other cases both sides should reserve the right to appeal.

The thing that makes this somewhat relevant is how close the election is. If those tapes exist, and you can get them to the right social media accounts, it might make 0.5 percent of his voters reconsider (and that might be sufficient).

There was NEVER anything any of us could do. The moment Biden announced he would run for reelection, everyone who mattered fell in line.

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That’s a nice thought, but I am pretty sure that Trump leads among white voters. The election wouldn’t be close otherwise.

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I hate how so many critics talk about they when criticising a political party. Get involved. Run for local office, become a part of the inside of the party. How can Democrats ever represent younger leftists, when so few of the younger leftists let their voice be heard outside of anonymous forums?

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What a straw man. The question is: what is inflation? Not: is inflation beneficial or detrimental.? The latter is indeed a more subtle question, but that’s

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Can journalists of respectable outlets please just put the conclusion in the headline? Those that briefly read headlines (90 percent of readers) will now assume that Biden lost 88,000 children. Even worse behind a paywall.

It would be pretty insane if Cohen does time, and the person ordering him to do the crime does not. Of course, par for the course in the US justice system, but nevertheless crazy.

This is one problem, but there’s a much bigger problem: the ratio of elderly (retired) to workers will increase substantially. Unless there is some AI productivity boost, many young people will have to work in health care/elderly care and standards of living will deteriorate A LOT.

The entire point in sentencing people like him is fear that he may unite the majority that is against the regime. Also Iran is not your typical Islamic country. The average level of education is high among men and women and until the 1980s women had a lot of freedom. Repression is truly the only way for the current leadership to stay in charge.

Come on, are we really going to pretend that being in your 80s is ideal for a president? At age 81 the probability of dying in any given year is more than 7 percent, reaching more than 10 percent at the end of his presidency at age 85. Let’s not even mention the risk of mental decline. What do we do exactly, if Biden goes the way of Feinstein (incapacitated but unwilling to leave office)?

He’s miles better than the alternative, but it remains a very risky choice. I fear what will happen if Dems need to use the 14th amendment to remove him from office.

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Who is this degrading to exactly?

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Probably not in Trumps specific case. If he goes to prison, or otherwise runs out of cash( which is not unlikely) Truth Social will likely go bankrupt, so it’s not really useful as collateral.

Very different from e.g. Bezos who (for all his faults) build a company that continues to hold some value even in the unlikely event that Bezos makes stupid personal financial decisions.

Democrats are insanely stupid. Don’t they remember the last time Nethanyahu was invited in campaign time? Even if you support Israel, certainly as a Democrat you cannot support this guy??

Doesn’t seem to be an SC case. Should be obvious that you can’t have a trademark that includes someone else’s name. How did it end there?

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Hate to break it to you, but foreign policy will not win you any election except if the US is at war.

Has there even been a terrorist attack in the US since January 6th? Why doesn’t police/TSA etc. profile Maga instead of people of colour?

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If the orange guy wins, he will likely pull troops from Eastern Europe. At that point we (Europeans) can no longer count on NATO support. The nuclear arsenal of France/UK is not sufficiently large, and most European countries spend too little on conventional weaponry. This is potentially happening in 11 months.

There is no exaggeration in stating that Ukraine is fighting for our freedom.

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Any evidence that this actually happened in Europe?

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For politicians they usually you the term previous or past to indicate they are no longer in power. So Trump would be past president or PP. since he was only in power for one term, you might want to add the adjective small, such that Trump’s full title becomes small PP.

That unwatchable news network might well be CNN to show the world just how “balanced “ they are.

I don’t think anyone is saying that. Don’t shut up, but do vote!

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Not (frequently) mowing your lawn is one of the best things you can do for your local bee population. Dandelions and other meadow flowers are great sources of nutrition for them. Obviously, don’t use pesticides either.

There’s not now, nor will there ever be a perfect choice. Fact is that all US presidents have, to some extent, blood on their hands. Is the choice this year bad? Yes. But all previous presidents in recent times supplied arms to regimes like Saudi Arabia, Israel etc. In the past the US itself committed its own genocide on native Americans, interned Japanese, killed hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, invaded Iraq and Afghanistan etc etc. And with all these atrocities, voting the lesser evil helped (a bit). Perfect is not for sale this year, nor will it ever be.

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It depends on whether you think the Justice system is fair. I personally think the justice system is unfair, but since it is biased in Trump’s favour, his conviction is an even larger blemish on his track record. Of course it should also weigh heavily that this crime directly relates to misleading Americans prior to an election.

The US is both a constitutional Republic and a democracy . In fact, the democratic part is included in the constitution.