Right Wing Activists are attempting to strip democratic voters of their right to vote in critical battlegroud states ahead of 2024 election (NYT free article)locked

Wahots@pawb.social to News@lemmy.world – 445 points –
Trump’s Allies Ramp Up Campaign Targeting Voter Rolls

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Remember this when you see the misinformation campaigns here trying to rationalize both sides being just as bad as the other as a reason for everyone to not vote for Biden this November.

Can you elaborate a bit? That statement is too broad. Are you saying the goal of every post critical of Biden's policies is to convince people not to vote for him in November?

How long have they been going on? Did they start before the last election? Are they brand new for this one? Are the disinformation campaigns from Russia? The RNC?

I often post things critical of Biden and the DNC in general. Before i hated Biden i hated Hillary. I have been posting about politics since 2011 on Reddit, i even called folks and donated to

bernie Sanders. Is this a lie? Did i make up this story? Am I part of this russian/RNC campaign?

Vote for Biden. (Did i say this ironically?)

No. I’m talking about the right-wing propaganda campaign that is spreading the suggestion that no one vote this year.

Being critical of politicians is essential in a democracy. Not voting and suggesting others don’t- and expecting things to change…

is, by definition- willful ignorance.

I have not seen this campaign. Are there any particular things i should look out for? Like, are they saying explicitly 'don't vote and send a message to the DNC'? I've only personally seen peeps saying they'll not vote for him but that's not the same

Pretty much that’s exactly what they’re saying. Keep an eye out. They’re around. And they’re obnoxious.

Super Tuesday is tomorrow. And I have decided to not vote for Biden. Does this make me a part of a right-wing campaign?

If you’re suggesting people not vote in November?


I’ve always advocated for people to vote, or not vote, their conscience as individuals.

Then I’m not talking about you.

Calling everyone who doesn’t have the same views as you a right-wing conspiracist is what got us into this dilemma.

Nope. It’s what got YOU into this dilemma. I have no dilemma. If you’re advocating that people don’t vote come November- you’re spreading right-wing propaganda.

Wittingly or not.

If you’re advocating that people don’t vote come November

So it’s okay if they vote for Trump? I’ve never called anyone a right-wing conspiracist.

Edit: Serious question- Should I vote for Nikki Haley in the Republican primary to stop Trump?

I’m done wasting my time here. I’ve said what needed be said, and I don’t entertain trolls with bad-faith questions.

It's everywhere lately. It's mostly something along the lines of both Biden and Trump being bad choices, so just don't make a choice to "send a message". Especially with the Israel/Palestine stuff, a large group has been convinced that Biden providing aid to the massacre of Palestinians means them voting for him is immoral. I agree it fucking sucks, but not voting is the immoral option. Remember how Trump tried to move things even further to Israel's favor.

Some of it is a disinformation campaign to get people to not vote, but I think a large portion of what you see is people who have been convinced of it themselves and spread it organically. It's impossible to tell the difference though, and it doesn't really matter that they are different. They are effectively the same, but you can't tell who actually believes it and who just sees it as useful.

Yeah. It’s like we’re re-living The_Donald all over again.

don’t make a choice to “send a message”.

no one has said this.

I have seen it plenty of times. How can you say no one has said it. In this thread, yeah I don't think so. It's all over the place though.

I will vote for him the second he stops supplying arms to a genocidal regime.

Oh look! Here’s one now!

Oh look here's someone who can't handle the slightest criticism of his God-President!

It’s not your criticism. It’s the temper tantrum you’re throwing over a single issue that you’re using to spread bad-faith rhetoric to sway people not to vote.

I’m not going to apologize for stepping in the way of propaganda.

This just in, standing against genocide is "bad faith rhetoric!" More at 8!

I never once said standing against genocide is bad. You’re manufacturing an argument.

What I said was- using this as a reason to beat people over the head with suggestions to not vote in November is bad.

Learn the difference.

No you called my position bad faith rhetoric and doubled down on it being merely propaganda. I'm not manufacturing anything. I didn't commit any war crimes. I didn't ask Biden to be complicit in any war crimes. I have observed that he is complicit and have decided to withhold my vote on ethical reasons.

You so desperately want me to be a GOP shill you cannot see that I'm a progressive who will not vote for enabling genocide. It's really that simple. And apparently I'm not alone.

So who are you going to vote for, and what do you hope to achieve with that?

I'm not going to vote for any presidential candidate if he continues down this road.

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