
1 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

i don't even know what the desired effect is. you would think that they want the courts to be apolitical and not bow to outside pressure, and that's what sparked the protest, but now they are politicizing the court decision and trying to apply outside pressure.

there are lots of things this protest could effect, but the court's decision isn't one of them.

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would you share this tool

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ya. i noticed, and i fixed it. idk if it has propagated yet tho. i fixed it p quick.

You also don’t think that if Biden wanted to commit genocide, we’d have American troops there win in a day, and we’d have taken Palestine within a week.

biden doesn't need to want to commit a genocide to be enabling it. considere what our secretary of state said about it:

Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security

it's an american asset committing the genocide. and we could stop it.

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by virtue of the fact that they choose which stories to cover, they are slanting the conversation.

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they never said it would protect anyone

i literally have a list, but some of them are my alts. i feel like you've given enough hints that i could probably duplicate your work, though.

no one said don't vote

even characterizing them as "kid" is condescension. maybe some other platform would suit your behavior better. have you heard of Facebook? or X?

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you haven't even engaged on the topic. you're rhetoric is purely accusatory, and doesn't deal with any of their specific objections.

so, yes, your accusation is, itself, bad faith

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I haven't seen them use any right wing reasoning

Because if Biden’s “nazi” administration committing genocide, WE’D BE AT WAR.

that doesn't follow

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I’m blocking you now

i've heard that one before

I am going to ignore you

looks like this was a lie


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methinks the lady doth protest too much

But he’s not, and we’ve proven that here today.

nothing of the sort has been proven. in fact, the preponderance of evidence is that he is complicit

!remindme 6 years

Rachel maddow? Keith olberman? Hillary Clinton?

i'm not the one whining about the user base

what is pure socialism?

the most charitable thing i can say is that it's possible that the anchors in the 80s didn't understand their own biases. but i think they knew. we've all seen Network.

cows can live 15 to 20 years if they have protection from predators, and weather, and disease, and access to enough nutritious food, clean water, and veterinary care.

their natural life span, being a domesticated animal, is usually about 18-20 months.

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There’s nothing natural about being slaughtered against your will.

this assumes non-human animals have a will to live. this would require an understanding that they, themselves, might die. we have no proof of understanding personal mortality in non-human animals (though, if you have a study that shows otherwise, i would be very interested to see it). therefore, we have no reason to believe nonhuman animals have a will to live.

none of them would live that long without human intervention. that's an artificial lifespan.

Growing less profitable is not a natural cause of death.

no, and it's also not the cause of death for any of the animals we eat or otherwise exploit.

this accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith.

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i think we've all seen enough chuds whine about their freeze peach. i also think it's pretty naive to think there exists an instance without bias: that would be like saying there is a newspaper or tv news without bias.

so i don't think this is a good question. it betrays ignorance or naivete, and can't really be answerd succinctly.

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can I help you find the block button?

I am going to ignore you:

thank god

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I don’t know anything more disturbingly capitalist than to perceive intelligent living beings as commodities.

intelligent is a relative term. but i can certainly show you something more disturbingly capitalist: exploiting people for profit.

That’s insane

that's ableist

that chart is all lies. none of those animals have a natural lifespan that long

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calling me a troll doesnt change that joe is enabling a genocide

the vast majority of make dairy calves are brought to full weight before slaughter: 18-20 months

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You don’t think that if Biden were trying to wipe out an entire civilization, for no good reason- everyone on the entire planet would be complete fine with it?

no, i odn't think people would be fine with an american-enabled genocide. my evidence is the number of people opposed to it.

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what account do you think was banned that i am an alt of?

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you can leave literally any time. there are dozens of instances, you don't need to stay on flagship instances. you might like truth.social, which runs mastodon's software, or gab.com which does the same.

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there is no proof for this. it doesn't even make sense. trump loves the Israel genocide

What pool of voters do you think are gonna be drawn mostly to a green party ticket? It’s not gonna be republican voters

the pool who don't like war and environmental destruction