Not sure if this is allowed, and if it's not, can someone direct me to where it is- but.... what is considered to be the most unbiased lemmy instance? to Ask – 3 points –

Where there’s no “agenda” or biased mods/admins. I’d love a good community where if there’s issues, it’s handled fairly and with respect to both sides of the argument.

I don’t care how big or small it is. I’m willing to help it grow if need be, but I’d like to find somewhere that isn’t so obvious with its bias.


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i think we've all seen enough chuds whine about their freeze peach. i also think it's pretty naive to think there exists an instance without bias: that would be like saying there is a newspaper or tv news without bias.

so i don't think this is a good question. it betrays ignorance or naivete, and can't really be answerd succinctly.

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