Biden won the Michigan primary decisively — but not by enough to calm Democratic angst to politics – 137 points –
Biden won the Michigan primary decisively — but not by enough to calm Democratic angst

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You don’t think that if Biden were trying to wipe out an entire civilization, for no good reason- everyone on the entire planet would be complete fine with it?

no, i odn't think people would be fine with an american-enabled genocide. my evidence is the number of people opposed to it.

Not arguing with a troll. Especially the alt of a banned account. Go find something to do.

what account do you think was banned that i am an alt of?

I’m not going to block you, but I am going to ignore you:

have a nice day.

I am going to ignore you:

thank god

Wait… you came to MY comments to talk your propaganda, and are now saying “thank god” when I say I’m ignoring you?

Yeah. I’m blocking you now. Find others to troll.

I’m blocking you now

i've heard that one before

calling me a troll doesnt change that joe is enabling a genocide