Biden won the Michigan primary decisively — but not by enough to calm Democratic angst to politics – 137 points –
Biden won the Michigan primary decisively — but not by enough to calm Democratic angst

Imagine getting 80% of the vote in an unopposed election, in a massively important state, and completely ignoring the explicit reason why. If Biden loses Michigan it will 100% be his fault.

Worth noting that Michigan lets people vote on either the democratic or republican ballot, regardless of how they are registered. Lot's of people like myself chose to vote on the republican ballot against Trump because we felt confident in Biden winning. That probably put him closer to 80%.

Lot's of people like myself chose to vote on the republican ballot against Trump

Yup. Me too. Had to hold my nose to do it though.

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Go ahead and vote against Biden in the November election then too. When Trump's Nazi Regime is rounding up Muslims to put in camps, at least you will have stuck it to Biden.

Biden will win the popular vote by a record-breaking amount, 100%; there is no question about that. However, the United States does not elect a president in accordance with the popular vote.

Biden can lose the electoral college at the fringe, which is literally every other metric. If you care about the presidency, care about the fringe; and do everything possible to shore it up.

It’s good to see comments like this getting upvoted. It gives me hope that lemmy isn’t a lost cause.

oh God I got banned from subs in for saying this. It really made people angry.

there is a huge portion of the population who think like toddlers and just say "NO!", cross their arms, and fall to the floor.

Yep. Actively arguing with them now on another thread.

there are sensitive people in who sort by new comment and hit the F5 button every 5 seconds. they have no life and are waiting to pounce. pretty much substitute "communist" with "Facebook Evangelical" and it's the same thing.

Yep. Had a few accounts there before I knew what it was. One got banned for suggesting that responding to everting with memes is juvenile.

Deleted all of them and moved elsewhere.

I joined there because it was the devs' instance. Had no idea what "ML" meant. I lasted only a couple months before it was explained to me that I'm actually a horrible racist for supporting Ukraine because, trust me, Russia is totally an Asian country and so if you don't support Russia, you're racist against Asians. That was when I woke up and realized that we were dealing with people no different than Sovereign Citizens. They've figured out their special words and magic phrases in just the same way,

Worse: I'm actually very sympathetic to the concept of socialism in general and communism. But these people would rather be right at all costs than swell their numbers.

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Tens of thousands of Michiganders on Tuesday cast their ballots for “uncommitted,” putting them on track to garner more than 10 percent of the vote statewide. That figure seemed likely to exceed past levels of “uncommitted” votes in Michigan Democratic primaries, though fall short of sparking a political earthquake.

I would say that as a Biden supporter, I do have some jitters, but "angst" isn't the right word. The current fraction of "uncommitted" votes is 13.3%, which isn't much higher than Obama's 10.7% in 2012. The difference could be random noise, but if it does represent approximately 2.6% of voters voting in protest then it should be something that the Biden campaign takes into account to some extent.

The weird thing to me is how many people showed up to vote - a little over 760,000 as opposed to 195,000 in 2012. I'm not familiar with Michigan politics enough to explain this, but I assume it wasn't caused by the presidential part of the election and it might have altered the average demographics of the voters relative to 2012.

760,000 as opposed to 195,000 in 2012

Probably because Michigan had a caucus in 2012, not a primary.

In 2016, Trump beat Hillary in Michigan by less than 11,000 votes

Yesterday, 101,436 Democrats voted uncommitted in a noncompetitive primary against an incumbent president after just 3 weeks of statewide organizing to advocate for an "uncommitted" vote selection

The Democrats should be extremely worried. They would need to win Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania to get 271 electoral votes without Michigan. Do we feel so confident in that result to entrust the future of American democracy to it?

Worried? Why? Did you not see Trump lost 35% of his own primary as a former president. There are WAY more warning signs for Trump in the general. 40% of Haley voter are never Trumper republicans. Pair that with him not being able to clear 65% as a former president and he’s toast.

I think it's a mistake to count all 100,000 uncommitted votes as results of that protest. (But it was clever for Tlaib to pick something that surprisingly many people would have done anyway - it was impossible for her to lose in the court of public opinion even if literally no one actually supported her.) The 1/5 or so of the uncommitted votes that were (by my estimate) protesting are important but they're not essential. Their votes have to be balanced against appealing to other voters elsewhere and against what Biden considers to be prudent policy.

If the extra 3 points of uncommitted don't vote Biden in the general, Trump wins Michigan. His victory margin last election was less than 200k votes.

Not necessarily, Trump has also lost a lot of voters since 2020.

In 2020 38% of the vote was from Dems, 38% from republicans...

What wins/loses Michigan is independent voters, and Biden doesn't do well with them, because they want more than "I'm not the other guy! Even tho we agree on lots of stuff, we're still different"

Hell. biden isn't even doing well with Dem voters in an unopposed primary.

That should make everyone very concerned, but there's a vocal minority of Biden supporters who demand 100% loyalty and 0% questions.

More like we're tired of people like you not offering any solutions, just shitting on the only non fascist with a chance.

Could just be that you can only run so many campaigns in a row with "If you don't vote for us, it's going to be the end of the world as we know it. And at least I'm not as bad as the other guy." With the exception of Obama's first run against McCain, that's been the pitch for every single election I've ever been able to vote in, as well as a few before it. It gets old real quick, makes them come off as insincere, and doesn't motivate anyone when we're still largely dealing with the same BS issues that we were 20 years ago.

Trying to browbeat people into voting with the same old song and dance has diminishing returns, especially when your candidate is increasingly out of step with many of the voters they should be courting on major issues.

We're just suppose to be happy with voting against a facist instead of voting for someone who's political philosophies match our own. The worst part is Dems don't realize this is basically going to be every election from now on and if they don't change their tune they'll lose to voter apathy

Well read leftists have often said things like neoliberalism leads to fascism, or neoliberalism holds space for fascism to take, and I can't believe how few people have recognized that they've been right about that all along. It's not even just a duopoly issue too, fascism is rising around the whole world.

That's how the world works. Pretending that's not what's happening is how you get a fascist takeover. Primary better candidates or deal with it. The rest of us don't want to deal with your angst in the form of the end of our democracy.

Check this out:

That’s how the world works. Pretending that’s not what’s happening is how you get a fascist takeover. Primary better candidates or deal with it. The rest of us don’t want to deal with your angst in the form of the end of our democracy.

If you take another look at your sentence, its so fuckin vague and filledd with emotional platitudes that i can use the same words, changing not a single one, to argue against your position.

We leftists are tired of you and your ilks tantrums about us not voting for Biden.

Tired of your victim blaming, tired of your complete and aggessive ignorance of the current issues and how politics actually work.

The loudest of you dumb motherfuckers are simply repeating what you heard on the boob tube. You know nothing, and my yelling at your now will change nothing, because you have been reduced to nothing. Nothing but a parrot.

its a bad joke, and the punchline is you're never gonna understand what a useful idiot you have become for fascism.

You'll wind up dealing with a bleaker outlook on democracy one way or another. Just see how long the Democrats can cry wolf with "Oh no, the other guy is going to destroy our democracy, and I swear to god, guys, just vote for us one more time and we're totally going to fix it this time." You can only pull this bit so many times before people stop taking you seriously. At a certain point, you have to ask how stupid the DNC can be? This was a losing tactic with Hillary Clinton, it's not looking so great for Biden, but just keep rolling it out every few years, it's bound to start working sooner or later, right? Definitely sounds like a winning move to me. Heck, it's real convincing when that's what Biden ran on last time, and he's not exactly crushing it with his strategy of "I'll just go talk to these Republicans like I did 40 years ago, I'm sure we can reach an understanding like we used to, back when I still wholeheartedly helped pass laws that would lock up minorities."

I'm sure being able to say "I told you so" will make you feel much better if things don't pan out and it turns out you can't just nag and guilt trip people into voting for a candidate that holds views they can't stomach voting for.

You’ll wind up dealing with a bleaker outlook on democracy one way or another.

Well ONE of the ways is literally a fascist takeover. So excuse me but I'll take Option B please.

You can bitch and moan about the DNC all you want but that won't stop it.

I’m sure being able to say “I told you so” will make you feel much better if things don’t pan out and it turns out you can’t just nag and guilt trip people into voting for a candidate that holds views they can’t stomach voting for.

I'm not going to have time to rub your dumb faces in it when I'm literally fleeing for my life. Your principals will get people killed.

Can I just butt in and say that you both have a point? On one hand, yes, things could be better than what moderates offers, and moderates don't like what moderates do while yes, moderates have a disdain toward those left to them and yes, those who received that disdains are correct to throw it back at them and make their life harder. On the other hand, yes, democracy comes first before feuds, and feuds can resume later.

Sure, but if the people dissatisfied with Biden would put more an effort apart from presidential runs it would make more sense. All this emphasis on hating the primary candidates every four years is senseless. If you really care show up for the other stuff like local elections/ midterms, or put forward a better candidate yourself, or maybe even run yourself! In other words: shit or get off the can. This obsession with the president is unhealthy. You want progress? Get us a house/Senate with more than a slim majority so we can pass policy. Anything else is just jerking off in the wind.

The reason Biden got such a big uncommitted vote is the current ongoing genocide in Israel. The solution is him doing more than simply calling Netanyahu an asshole then turning around and saying "I'm a Zionist".

IDK, it could also be that Biden is continuing the trump era "lock kids in cages" border policies and has signalled he wants to be even more cruel at the border. So he could stop that as well.

The time has passed, but he could have also not ran this time around. However, his ego got in the way. He has had dismissal approval numbers and he still chose to run which has put us in this position.

The solution is for Biden to listen to the voters before November and to change tact on critical issues. Before he loses a chunk of voters that simply don't vote because the choice between two genocidal candidates violates their moral compass.

I say all this as someone that will vote Biden. He's out of touch and running a terrible campaign. For fucks sake, he should be saying "abortion" at every rally, but he won't because he's a devout Catholic that has a hard time hitting so hard on a clearly winning issue.

His campaign can be summed up as "I'm not trump" which is exactly what fucking got trump into power the last time.

No, no, NO! voters need to understand that democracy demands sacrifice. Stupid, uneducated and selfish voters should grow up and learn that their problems, their dreams and desires aren't representative of the country's, the vast majority of which is center-right somehow.

Democracy is when you hold your nose, put your own desires in the back seat, and vote for who you're told to.

Anything else leads to fascism you tankie/shill/russian/chinese agent/you absolute child!

Edit: Holy shit i did such a good job pretending to be a liberal biden lover it even fucked up the guy i was agreeing with! Sorry cogman. read it again as a satire

Grow the fuck up. This is a primary, not the fucking general election. Voting against Biden in the primary to tell him "I don't like what you are doing" is a perfectly valid and important way to vote. Why the fuck do you think we have primaries for incumbent presidents in the first place?

Democrats aren't the fascists so stop fucking acting like it when someone strategically votes. Biden isn't god and a vote against him, IN THE FUCKING PRIMARY, is not a vote for Trump. You dipshit. It does not lead to a Trump presidency. If anything, it's the fucking opposite, because it gives Biden time to course correct before he loses votes due to apathy or anger. Justified anger, if you consider the fact that the people voting uncommitted believe he's supporting a fucking genocide.

It's not like if biden got 100% of the primary vote he'd have any better or worse odds at beating trump. Use your fucking brain.

Half the fucking reason biden is as progressive as he has been is because of how well bernie and warren did. That's what happens when you vote your heart in the fucking primary. Biden wouldn't have been nearly as good on things like antitrust without the votes against him, IN THE FUCKING PRIMARY.

Dude, he's agreeing with you, he just went overboard with the satire

Was not clear before the edit and he deleted other posts where he furthered the satire.

Well, i was gearing up for a fight and really for real didn't read your reply so i raked you over the coals when you didn't deserve it. I already deleted them so cmon man, forgive a brother eh?

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"I'm not the other guy" is actually a very strong case when you look at the other guy.
The other guy wanted a "Muslim ban".
The other guy has a subdivision in Israel named after him.\_Heights

Biden supports Israel due to long term alliances/treaties.
Trump supports Israel because they're killing undesirables.
They are not the same.

and because the evilgelical christian nationalists who worship the ground trump walks on supports israel (but they support israel because it's necessary for the rapture and the return of their god in their death cult, but trump doesn't know or care about that).

Biden supports Israel due to long term alliances/treaties.

That's not what Biden says...

He said that when he was a small child and Israel was formed (Biden is literally older than Israel) his dad told him that Israel were the good guys, and had Biden promise to always support them.

That is why Biden calls himself a Zionist and will always support Israel.

A promise a toddler made to his farther almost a century ago.

But hey, that's just going off what Biden has been saying for decades, and unfortunately we can't just believe what Biden says. He could be lying or just confused, it's a coin flip.

Let's simplify the situation for you. Israel has been designated as a U.S. Major Non-NATO Ally under U.S. law. So Biden can say whatever he wants. He is compelled, by US law, to support them.

But you're right, we should all vote in Cheeto again who definitely would do better in the situation.

I get it, they're both shit choices. Spicy Cuttlefish or Vanilla Bean Paste situation.

I don't know what would be more ridiculous, that you're right and once someone is a US ally we have to support anything they do, up to and including genocide...

Or that you know you're wrong and rationalizing that hard to defend a genocide.

Things I have not stated:

  1. We should support anything an ally does
  2. Defending a genocide

Come back and read the thread once you've taken a few deep breaths.

As I did clearly state "I get it, they're both shit choices. Spicy Cuttlefish or Vanilla Bean Paste situation."

Don't be angry at me because the system has been fucked since before either of us were born. Russia wants us to be devisive against each other. They want a strong disenfranchised faction of Dem voters to "go against Biden" so that the Russublicans take power again.

has been fucked since before either of us were born. Russia wants us to be devisive against each other. They want a strong disenfranchised faction of Dem voters to "go against Biden" so that the Russublicans take power again.


Which is why Biden needs to stand up to Israel to stop his political bleeding on this and mitigate the harm that has already been done

Ending Israel's genocide immediately is the politically pragmatic move. Biden is losing votes and helping Trump by not prioritizing this to the greatest extent possible

And Netanyahu knows this. And Netanyahu prefers Trump to Biden for innumerable reasons. Which is why Netanyahu has been making the killing as barbaric as possible - it hurts Biden and helps Trump; in addition to it satisfying Likud's own goals of annexing Gaza

Likud Israel is not Biden's ally, and Likud Israel may not even be the West's ally. Biden needs to immediately reorient our view of Israel or the world will suffer the consequences of a final Trump presidency

Bruv, I’m just making the rational choice in a binary system. The choice that leads to less bad shit happening to me and the rest of the world.

Begrudgingly voting for Biden probably isn't enough. It's too close, and Biden doesn't excite voters enough.

You need to get others to do it too. And the fact is, that's really hard to do if you're trying to convince voters directly.

What's easier and has a chance of working is being outspoken now before the general has even started, and pray that someone on his campaign team realizes Biden is going to have to move left to beat trump.

Or you could tell people to shut up and hope Bidens campaign team realizes on their own before it's too late while getting zero feedback from voters.

Pick inaction all you like, I just don't like it's chances.

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Cute how people are still in denial that everyone in Michigan will accept Biden supporting Genocide.

These people are not as spineless as you.

I too like to get all my political knowledge from YouTube university of political science. Seems super legit and accredited.

You have a strange binary thought process and you've done this repeatedly in our conversations. For some reason, you think that because I don't trust YouTube as a news source I must by default be a Ny Times subscriber; I don't agree with Hamas massacring people, so by default I must be defending Israel. It's really....weird.

In his statement late Tuesday evening, Biden thanked “every Michigander who made their voice heard today,” noting that “exercising the right to vote and participating in our democracy is what makes America great.”

thanks to laws and policies Biden helped craft throughout his political career not able to vote as are some others but Biden has the arrogance to say things like this

He discussed abortion, union jobs, prescription drugs, and the need to protect fertility treatments. There was no mention of Gaza or Israel or the cease-fire demands that sparked the “uncommitted” protest vote campaign.

you have to actually do something to inspire people to vote for you not just ask for funds and votes to hopefully maybe do something

Roe v. Wade happened on your watch as did the rail worker protests and we still have $7.25 as a national minimum wage despite you promising to try and help with that and defend workers rights too on your last presidential election campaign

And on the last election you promised national health care but have you even mentioned that since the last election or was that just another ploy to try and grab more votes

Another election promise was police reform on a national level but here we have cop city cropping up to endanger our democracy again on his watch with his prosecutor as a vice president saying nothing

Roe v. Wade happened on your watch as did the rail worker protests and we still have $7.25 as a national minimum wage despite you promising to try and help with that and defend workers rights too on your last presidential election campaign

If you're blaming what the GOP-elected SCOTUS did during Biden's tenure, you don't understand the separation of powers. If you're arguing that the court needs to be unpacked or otherwise de-fuckified and he's at fault for not doing so, then we'll have something to talk about.

If you’re arguing that the court needs to be unpacked or otherwise de-fuckified and he’s at fault for not doing so, then we’ll have something to talk about.

We still don't have something to talk about in that case. Biden couldn't do that unilaterally. He'd need the house (possibly doable but very uphill) and the Senate (not a chance in hell) to sign off on it. Which 10+ senate republicans are going to vote to tank the majority Mitch spent his life working to stuff the court with?

Hopefully that could be a topic for discussion if he wins a second term - he said without much hope

Most of your criticisms aren't his fault and there was little he could do about them.

Here is a list of all the things he accomplished either in his first two years or through executive action.

costs on families are higher than ever

not sure if more people are working but with a minimum wage of $7.25 what is the point of working and most places such as Wally's Hell lowered the start pay since covid lower than $15 sometimes only paying $12 an hour if not lower

what is made here because hardly any of just the essential everyday items depend on are made here maybe assembled here or just a small amount of parts are made here but bulk of assembled parts are not US made

when was the economy rescued because we missed the announcement and could not tell by driving around town

when did he rebuild infrastructure? the main artery i40 that connects east coast to west coast has a bridge that was so badly in need of repair but the state that part was in would not pay for the repairs and neither did Biden - taxes from Arkansas had to and part of those taxes came from medical cannabis sales which Biden refuses to legalize

Biden helping veterans? my grandfather who served had to wait over twelve hours in a hospital recently nearly dying because the VA Hospital was too far away and they said to go to the nearest ER - VA was hour and half but given the wait the ER gave still though

Meaningful gun violence reduction legislation? is there not news out everyday about someone being shot or groups of people being shot? not to mention a cop recently was the one to mishandle a gun by firing on a kid

Do not feel like my child or their friends are protected in this day in age while they are out in public anywhere without constantly worrying about something happening when they are not home and especially do not feel like Biden is our LGBTQI+ savior - there was just someone murdered in Oklahoma

When did he give an executive order to restore abortion rights? oh yeah he just less than quartered assed it and is now looking for credit for doing 100% of the work that was needed and is asking for payment mean donations

Wife still has this student debt and the school she went to is a technical college that leeches tax money from our county from property taxes and the like and know she is not the only person still with this problem so this one is just words on a webpage as well

when did he and prosecutor Harris end the failed approach to cannabis? it is legal in all fifty states and all cannabis users have been released and or pardoned? must have missed this entirely or are you not living in the same United States on the Planet Earth as we are or?

when did those two ever advocate or do anything to advance equity and racial justice including historic criminal justice reforms? What about cop city? What about the campaign promises for police reform which might have helped with making this statement a reality

what environmental reforms did he help with exactly? again have you been outside lately

not sure about the numbers on how many people are insured but the quality and amount of medical staff are very poor and not adequately staffed

not sure if more people are working but with a minimum wage of $7.25 what is the point of working and most places such as Wally's Hell lowered the start pay since covid lower than $15 sometimes only paying $12 an hour if not lower

Not something the President can do.

what is made here because hardly any of just the essential everyday items depend on are made here maybe assembled here or just a small amount of parts are made here but bulk of assembled parts are not US made

Also the CHIPS Act

when was the economy rescued because we missed the announcement and could not tell by driving around town

Economies worldwide have taken a shit and the US is doing better than pretty much any other nation. So maybe it isn't great but comparatively it's pretty good.

when did he rebuild infrastructure?

...the main artery i40 that connects east coast to west coast has a bridge...

Are you talking about the one that ArDOT was supposed to be inspecting but didn't?

Biden helping veterans? my grandfather who served had to wait over twelve hours in a hospital recently nearly dying because the VA Hospital was too far away and they said to go to the nearest ER - VA was hour and half but given the wait the ER gave still though

Sorry your grandfather had to go through that but where does he live and what was his problem? There can't be a VA hospital on every corner and unless his problem is service related he should be to a regular hospital anyway.


Meaningful gun violence reduction legislation? is there not news out everyday about someone being shot or groups of people being shot? not to mention a cop recently was the one to mishandle a gun by firing on a kid

Once again, the president does not introduce legislation.

Do not feel like my child or their friends are protected in this day in age while they are out in public anywhere without constantly worrying about something happening when they are not home and especially do not feel like Biden is our LGBTQI+ savior - there was just someone murdered in Oklahoma

All anti-LGBTQI+ legislation is at the state level.

When did he give an executive order to restore abortion rights? oh yeah he just less than quartered assed it and is now looking for credit for doing 100% of the work that was needed and is asking for payment mean donations

Once again... not something that can be done by EO. Abortion rights were stripped because the Republican party slow rolled Supreme Court nominations under Obama giving Trump three seats whose nominees lied to the Senate about their position.

Wife still has this student debt and the school she went to is a technical college that leeches tax money from our county from property taxes and the like and know she is not the only person still with this problem so this one is just words on a webpage as well

I'm still paying my student loan debt as well but he has gotten $136 billion for 3.7 million people forgiven.

when did he and prosecutor Harris end the failed approach to cannabis? it is legal in all fifty states and all cannabis users have been released and or pardoned? must have missed this entirely or are you not living in the same United States on the Planet Earth as we are or?

The proposal to reschedule marijuana from a class 1 to a 3 is with the DEA after the HHS recommended the change.

when did those two ever advocate or do anything to advance equity and racial justice including historic criminal justice reforms? What about cop city? What about the campaign promises for police reform which might have helped with making this statement a reality

You got me here mostly because it's pushing midnight and I can't think of anything of the top of my head. I can't imagine that, at a minimum) Harris (a black woman) hasn't done with work towards this.

what environmental reforms did he help with exactly? again have you been outside lately

not sure about the numbers on how many people are insured but the quality and amount of medical staff are very poor and not adequately staffed

Without nationalized healthcare I don't know what Biden is supposed to do about that. Also depending on where you live, state policies are driving doctors out of the state. Idaho has lost 1/4 of their OB/GYN doctors in the last year because of their policies.

BLAB: Biden isn't perfect but he's a lot better than you're giving him credit for and you're blaming him for things he can't control. In the end his general election opponent will likely be Trump and things are 100 times better under Biden.

You can never calm Democratic angst. Clutching pearls is inbred.

The Democratic party is made up of every group that isn't okay with fascism, which means it's diverse and not uniform. There will always be factions that are upset. The problem is when those people torch their own side and inadvertently help the people they're fighting against.