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Joined 4 months ago

This is like when eary life evolved a soft-tissue that resembled a spine. It wasn’t a spine, but it resembled one.

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Trump: My team will play football only if it’s a home game and I get to pick the referees. Also, your team doesn’t get to to play, only my team does. And if you don’t agree then I’m not showing up and your team is to blame.

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……but will vote for him anyway.

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Even if he was, are you paid enough to care?

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MFW the hot dog flavored water drops:


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If that’s the case then I need to say this: “Penis ass butt cock fart”

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Hell yeah. Aldi is the shit

Fuck all those willing to commit atrocities in the name of land or religion.

Maddock represents a podunk ass area out south of Flint. This is probably one of the first times he’s been to the airport and seen busses at all.

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Mom! Check it out! I’m in the news!

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I know plenty of gay people that would beat the piss out of this bitch.

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Republicans who take bribes when other Republicans take bribes: 😮‍

They are postponing this case indefinitely due to the fact that the Judge's gavel is made from Walnut as opposed to the traditional Rosewood.

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It’s fucked up that this is posted in “politics”

"JOE BIDEN IS TOO (insert current thing Joe has done well)"

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I would never have seen this coming!

Elon Musk tells lies because he’s an ugly man baby

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Kroger: "We repeat, this has nothing to do with our records profits. This is climate change. You should recycle more."

I’m boycotting food

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Their punishment is more tax cuts.

If you run into someone and they’re an asshole, it’s likely that they are the asshole. If you run into people all day that are assholes then it’s likely you need to do some soul-searching.

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I’m still doing my part

Most of which will be from the fermented bullshit that comes out of his mouth.

corporate profiteering

When has corporate profiteering ever hurt anyone?!

That fact is mind blowing, but in no way is that fact fun. Hula hoops are fun.

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If we run out of resources, the rich will taste good.

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How do you take your tea?

"Well, usually I take it right back to the counter, because someone's made a horrible mistake." - Ted Lasso

Go ahead and vote against Biden in the November election then too. When Trump's Nazi Regime is rounding up Muslims to put in camps, at least you will have stuck it to Biden.

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Illegal invaders poisoned him

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You're a psychopath?

“Having sex with adult men is gay. Having sex with little boys is what god wants”. - Papa Pope

Me investing in Goodyear:

I agree with you. Except for Boba Fett. They made a bounty Hunter into an anti-mafia protagonist. This dude was out to kill Luke Skywalker and all of a sudden he’s a good guy because he spent some time in the desert with the people who also wanted to kill Luke Skywalker.

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How do I do that on iPhone?

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Don’t lump Costco in with these bozos

You're right. The equation to lose weight is not hard. Eat less, move more. That's simple, but it's not fucking easy.

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What do you use?

I’m not a cop btw

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Who was polled? People that voted in the primaries. Why would democrats show up to a primary unless they wanted Biden to lose? This article is sensational bullshit.

Only 23 percent of Democratic primary voters said they were enthusiastic about Mr. Biden — half the share of Republicans who said they were about Mr. Trump. Significantly more Democrats said they were either dissatisfied or angry at Mr. Biden being the leader of the party (32 percent) than Republicans who said the same about Mr. Trump (18 percent)

Raise your hand if you or anyone you know was polled. There’s no way Trump is gaining voters. The only way he wins is if Democrats stay home and don’t vote.

Transgendered people are an abomination, but fuckin a kid? Now, well, that’s just god’s will.