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Joined 1 years ago

The parent wasn't looking for an explanation.

They were commenting on how hard your wetware bricked.

I believe what he said was

πŸ“’ He would like to bend your mom over and fuck up her ratio, Mr. Garrison.

Edit: Apologies if your ma is nice; them's the rules.

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Well, he claimed he won in a landslide in 2016 up until Biden won by that exact electoral margin against him in 2020.

Funny how his perspective changed just like that.

Nine figures, baby. Suck it, Ghoul.

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This was glaring when individual pixels were distinguishable.

The offset design is certainly on purpose.

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Understandable, have a nice day.

Opposite. I get the feeling that Willem Dafoe is a down-to-earth normal guy with a haunting voice, intense stare, and unsettling smile with extreme comical affect. He strikes me as an individual with the patience of a saint.

Strange how certain types incorrectly construe constitutional right violations with businesses but completely overlook state enforcement as literal infringement by government. Big gubmint isn't just federal.

I want to know why mainstream media keeps referencing what he said during his 2020 campaign. His 2016 campaign was way more insidious and is actually related to the election interference conviction.

Just use !community@instance, e.g. !openstreetmap@lemmy.ml.

The Hill buried the lede for agitprop.

β€œThe president was irate, saying that I could not keep doing this to him,” Fauci wrote, according to the Times.

β€œHe said he loved me, but the country was in trouble, and I was making it worse. He added that the stock market went up only 600 points in response to the positive Phase 1 vaccine news, and it should have gone up 1,000 points, and so I cost the country β€˜one trillion dollars,’” Fauci reportedly said.

To be fair, "Trump Took COVID Response Personally" doesn't do much either.

Edit: grammar

Don't confuse intelligence with greed.

Trump is bad news for stability.

The expert sounds like they are hoping that there are some adults within earshot that may suddenly wake up and rein him in.

It don't work like that in the really-real world unless it's extrajudicial.

We're talking about the guy that testified, under oath, that he honestly believes everything is rigged against him.

That's demented paranoia.

Yeah, it's sarcasm.

Edit: grammar

This may come as a shock, but some people happen to enjoy content.

Crazy concept, I know.

There's an example at the top along with the instructions.

This ain't exactly the Mississippi.

Yep, and she also had to adopt Bernie's entire rhetorical platform verbatim by the second debate because she was getting absolutely murdered in the polls.

Do it, Beavhead.

You're going to cry like a baby when they vote you speaker.

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I can't help but notice how everyone who disagrees with you is a "nazi".

Ah, yes. The liberal agenda.

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Damn, Bobo. Yousa hoho.

Out of any appointment, Trump views his Supreme Court nominations as exceptionally disloyal. They'll be among the first victims of his retribution.

I think they'll come down hard against him.

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Biden will win the popular vote by a record-breaking amount, 100%; there is no question about that. However, the United States does not elect a president in accordance with the popular vote.

Biden can lose the electoral college at the fringe, which is literally every other metric. If you care about the presidency, care about the fringe; and do everything possible to shore it up.

"Don't compare me to the Almighty; compare me to the alternative."

Yeah, but yuck.

The potential that handies may break out at any moment.

After his father, Kim Ill-Bung.

not being defined except for being confusing and possibly enraging

You just defined shitposting, my guy.

Bah gaw. Terry Davis would say you "glow in the dark."

This is the reality I came to. The establishment would have pulled out all the stops, guaranteed. If Bernie couldn't take North Carolina, he certainly could not take Congress. Facts.

Two separate incidences, videos of both are in the article.

That's ligma, perverts.