3 Post – 606 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

it almost seems you are missing the point on purpose

Welcome to every conversation w

I'm glad I'm not the only one. That account is truly bizarre (from the point of view of how they write and express themselves). I've engaged with them a few times and it's like a weird loop. I know it's a real person, but it feels like talking to a script or dialog tree because it always goes down the same 1-2 dialog paths

Ok, can we talk about the hand held steamer for a hot second? I got convinced into getting one. Now, can you explain how we do:

  1. The collar
  2. The seam along the buttons

Because it doesn't seem to do much for either


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Zerg swarm VS marines

Something is not quite adding up in this story. People are saying he may have been complacent, but for some reason I feel like we're not getting the full picture. Family or friends didn't realize he was missing until father's day? It's 2024, even if you don't have cell signal your gps signal stays on. You should be able to at the minimum gauge north, right? Why would you bring scissors on a hike-was he planning to cut snowflakes from leaves? What is going on???

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In the dark we'll take off our clothes And there'll be placing fingers Through the notches of your spine

--Neutral Milk Hotel, Two Headed Boy

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You mean she's learning how to build coalitions to get real policy enacted? Or is she not enough purist leftie for you?

32 more...

Way to lose all credibility in one event

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Remember guys, both sides are the same. We should probably vote third party or something. /S

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Regardless of the online mob, she was done dirty by the Italian police system. A small town cop singled her out without a shred of evidence while the Rudy Guede who was later convicted for the murder and who's DNA was all over the place was on the run in Germany. Just tragic situation all around because she spent 2 years in jail awaiting trial. I live in Italy, and I can tell you the Italian justice system is a farce.

EDIT: Correction was made to this post. Rudy did not confess to the actual murder as far as I can find. He did confess to being in the apartment however. Thanks to for the correction.

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It's funny, because mixed use zoning is some of the most desirable places to live in terms of market value. People don't want to drive for. Every. Single. Thing.

I'm afraid we've reached the point of no return for Gaza. Israeli settlers are exploiting Oct 7 for maximum effect and are aiming to settle all of Gaza. I really hope the US withdraws all support soon before Joe is fucked. I bet this is not the legacy he wants to leave before he retires.

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It really sucks that Joe is hitching his legacy to this shitty government (Israel). I'm guessing this is meant as a general strategy to moderate the conflict leaking out of Gaza. But I can't imagine support for the conflict is still high among US Israelis but I'd have to fact check that. Does Joe need the Jewish vote more than the youth in this election? I just don't get it.

18 more...

Would be nice if they made 'dumb' EVs. Like the kind where even the windows are manual old school roll up. I don't need to walk into a spaceship to drive to get groceries. But all they're selling are luxury spaceships. For all the good Tesla did to rebrand the market, I feel it also did a lot of harm by creating an incentive for luxury vehicles.

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They should milk it for PR purposes. That's how politics works. Politicians need to pander to their electoral base. Eventually the pressure from Gaza will also influence policy. The issue is the youth protesting Gaza don't understand politics and don't engage politically beyond protests so Biden doesn't have to pander to that base (yet)

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Per the NBC article, it took them an hour to arrest the guy:

When officers arrived at Monahan’s house to investigate the shooting, he refused to come out, Murphy said. Authorities spoke with him through a 911 dispatcher and in person for about an hour before he was taken into custody, according to the sheriff.

How wild is that

7 more...

Yeah ...I hate to break it to you: these guys chanting death to America aren't on your side

There is a vocal segment of Lemmy that can ONLY frame the world through the lens of class warfare and nothing else. That's why they hijack every topic and thread with the same rhetoric. They have no plan, guidance or recommendations on what to do. They are only here to inform us about the ills of capitalism as if the collective psyche woke up yesterday and forgot all of history. They are so enlightened and privileged that they can't help themselves in their need to share this valuable knowledge with everyone else. Capitalism bad. That's it. Then they scuttle off to the next thread and start over. That's the extent of "the Revolution".

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I don't mind being banned from the ml instance. The issue is their users come to all the other instances and use the same old strategies to stifle any speech by engaging extremely hyperbolic language and name-calling. The goal is to have a chilling effect on any discourse where their opinions are scrutinized in the slightest.

They can't engage with any topics or offer counter arguments. Every response is:

"I don't know how to respond to your argument. You must be a _____________[insert 'racist' or 'genocide defending' or 'fascist' or my new favorite 'zionist']"

26 more...

I thought....I thought they were the good guys we were cheering for? here you at???

20 more...

You're really committed to the act, even after multiple people have pointed out your error in reading this situation. Kudos to you I guess?

15 more...

As a parent of a child with Level 1 autism I would never dare speak as an authority on the subject. There's just so much nuance to it. I could give people a surface level introduction but that's it. Being a parent does not make people by default into expert psychotherapists.

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There was this short sci fi story I think about a lot. I forgot what it's called but it's essentially about some kind of particle (it's physics related) that floats around the universe and has the ability to engulf everything in it's path or something? The story is about the last few hours on earth when one such particle happens to stumble into our solar system. Ill have to dig it up.

Edit: Found it! It's called "the blue afternoon that lasts forever"


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The niche communities are missing. It's a bit of a wasteland. What is holding people from migrating over I wonder?

14 more...

It is not. Israel is a multi-party coalition based system.

You think Biden is "Far left"??? Laughs in European...

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I disagree. I find the stronger contrast easier to pick out while driving. I found myself squinting a lot before.

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But has anyone reached out to Ja Rule about what he has to say on the matter?

Just a reminder that one side wants to end school lunches for children starving. One side tried to end DACA. One side overturned R.v.Wade. but please, keep telling us how they are "both the same"

4 more...

That''s not how this works.

Probably a good suggestion it's time to go out and touch some grass. 🥲

As a parent with two kids you are spot on about the financial aspect. Kids get hurt/sick a LOT. Their immunity is still developing, so we ended up in the ER almost several times a year. We had good health insurance, but it still broke our bank because of deductibles.

This is not accurate. At.all. it's really funny how much stuff gets repeated online without any evidence. Social media is just one big game of telephone

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What does anything you said have to do with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?

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Don't worry guys, I heard both parties were the same. We are all being played.

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Does this mean I could install and run Blender on my phone???

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What a bad day to have eyes. "Boebertjuice"??


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Yes please. This sounds great. What's the difference between a bookworm instance and a Lemmy instance?

Watch out for all that edge, you might cut yourself on it