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My theory is that psychosis due to self-imposed sleep deprivation causes some of the crazier things Elon Musk does.

The funny thing is that a basic understanding of the Bible is actually important for making sense of American history - the people making that history were strongly influenced by the Bible and so unless you know at least the major "plot points", their actions (and a lot of literature) won't make much sense.

With that said, I don't trust Oklahoma to teach about the Bible in a manner appropriate for historical analysis rather than religious dominance.

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lots of ads and mailers before the election that when they show their ID to vote they’ll be arrested and taken away

I've seen a mailer providing false information that a certain very liberal group (out-of-state college students) wasn't allowed to vote, but I've never seen something like this. Do you have a link to an example of it?

the Catholic Church is their competition when it comes to running private schools and otherwise lucrative community support institutions

I generally agree with what you've written, but I think you're assuming more pragmatism here than is actually present. Bitter hostility between Protestants and Catholics is as old as Protestantism (and much older than the institutions you mention).

Also, as a side note, there are plenty of Catholic Republicans. (37% vs 44% that identify as Democrats, according to Pew.)

Then it becomes “okay, call this prick the c-word. Now I need to also cite this fact that is part of my border security answer. And then I need to talk about… jesus christ are we actually talking about global warming right now?”

That would be an understandable reaction from the average person but the president should be a lot more capable than the average person. Even if this specific sort of thing isn't something he needs to be able to handle, he still needs to handle things a lot harder than this and his performance here isn't reassuring me that he can. Trump is so predictably rude that Biden should have been totally ready for it.

I should clarify. I'm not saying that most people who distrust the justice system are going to like Trump more after his conviction. I'm also not saying that I think he's likely to reform the justice system in a way that helps people affected by racial bias.

However, many of Trump's supporters consider his conviction evidence that he's genuinely an anti-establishment candidate rather than proof of wrong-doing. (See the variety of "I'm voting for the convicted felon" merchandise.) This attitude requires a distrust of the justice system. We've already seen that Trump's conviction hasn't hurt his poll numbers very much and that he currently has more black support than he did in '16 or '20 so I'm saying that his conviction might actually lead to a small increase in support for him from black people (the majority of whom are still never going to support him) because more of them distrust the justice system.

I'm not old and I think I might forget some of the words, especially since I would be so anxious.

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When I bought my Windows 11 laptop a month ago, I was able to set up a local account after turning on airplane mode. (I had entered my wifi password in an earlier step since I thought it was just for installing updates.)

A better title would be "Supercomputer that could conceivably simulate entire human brain, based on a rough estimate of what it would take to do that if we had any idea how to do that, will switch on in 2024".

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So today I drove five hours to see the eclipse, had a tire blow out, didn't see the eclipse because of thick clouds, and got stuck in traffic for hours on the way back. (I'm still not home.) But at least I haven't been shot by maniac, yet.

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I wish Biden would make the following announcement:

It has come to my attention that Mr. Trump's lawyers are currently attempting to convince the Supreme Court that it would be legal for me, the President of the United States, to have Mr. Trump killed. I imagine that this is a source of concern for Mr. Trump and so I want to reassure him and the American public that I believe doing so would, in fact, be a crime.

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I'm pretty sure Putin also thinks that Ukraine had nothing to do with it.

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Well, not so much in the literal sense...

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If Tourette's involves a compulsion to say socially inappropriate things, what happens if those things don't turn out to be socially inappropriate? Does the compulsion switch to something else? Does it fade?

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It makes sense if you read "I can only" as "I'm only allowed to". The AI wants to write you a story about a snail, but it can only do that while obeying the letter of the law.

For journalists, it raises a question: Should a public official’s family be held to the same standards as that official themselves?

Bullshit. It raises the question: Should a Supreme Court Justice be believed unconditionally when he offers an excuse for what really looks like inappropriate bias? The discovery that another flag associated with the January 6 attack flew in front of Alito's beach house has shown that the NYT was correct not to accept his story about his wife. I'm honestly surprised by the discussion of how a judge's family is expected to behave - it's as if a dead body was found in Alito's house, he said that he had no idea how it got there, and the press started talking about whether or not he had a responsibility to monitor access to his property more closely.

Keep in mind that these jurors are from NYC. In 2020, Manhattan voted for Biden 86.7% and Trump 12.3% and that's certainly not representative of nationwide popularity.

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Too bad I'm not a celebrity, because my shirts now don't just look like my shirts from twenty years ago, they are my shirts from twenty years ago.

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I'm unconvinced by this attempt to create a moral panic. IMO nothing here is shocking or offensive once I remember that people could already use their imaginations to picture celebrities naked.

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A real car guy wouldn't have anything in particular against EVs because he already drew the line at automatic transmissions.

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As of press time, the alleged massacre had not been independently verified.

It is irresponsible to publish such serious accusations without verification.

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He might have still been better off pleading the 5th and losing the civil trial than he will be testifying, probably losing the civil trial anyway, and also opening himself to potential criminal liability.

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Note that this is about a temporary injunction directing Starbucks to rehire these workers until the courts come to a decision about whether or not the firing was legal. It is not a decision about whether or not the firing was legal.

With that said,

they allowed a television news crew into the Starbucks cafe after hours to talk about the union campaign

I find it entirely plausible that Starbucks would fire anyone who lets a news crew into the cafe after hours, even if it had nothing to do with unionizing.

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This is why I was so disappointed after the first time I appropriated someone's culture.

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A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, "this is where the light is".

Concealed-carry permit holders aren't the ones who commit gun crimes, but because they're the ones who actually follow the law, they're the ones that are targeted by these draconian rules.

In California, no shooting by a CCW holder has ever occurred at an existing protected location or one proposed by SB 2. In fact, lists just 5 homicides having been committed by CCW holders in California in the last 24 years.

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Now, I must tell you kids, Admiral Sokolov has laryngitis and a bad back, so he won't be saying anything or doing anything.

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I don't think the title is accurate. I don't have access to the full text of the WSJ article, but according to the Guardian

He underscored that an immediate ceasefire is essential to stabilize and improve the humanitarian situation and protect innocent civilians, and he urged the prime minister to empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home.

Unless I'm missing something, Biden is not demanding a unilateral Israeli cease-fire. The cease-fire is still conditional on the release of the hostages.

I admit that I have been surprised by Biden's strong leadership since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but part of the reason I'm surprised is that I don't think it will help him much politically - I think he sees how important these things are right now and he prioritizes them over his own longer-term political prospects.

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Is it just me or is being tied up and "saved for later" actually kind-of hot?

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Before anyone gets too excited: some of their electrodes are no longer able to record a signal from the patient's brain. They're reprogramming their software to work with fewer electrodes. No one is being turned into a borg drone.

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Their problem:

So apparently NetHack has a mechanic that slightly changes how the game plays every time it's full moon according to your system clock

The model wasn't trained on a full moon. They had a system to set up the environment for replicable results but it didn't include modifying the system time.

It reminds me of another bug with the system time, which a friend of mine encountered. He was working on hardware and he was getting a lot of units that worked fine at the factory, immediately failed at the client's location, and then worked again when they were returned to the factory. It turned out that when these machines were turned on, their embedded OS automatically queried some server to update the current time. The client's internet connection had such high latency that the server's response only came back after the machine was already in use. This generated a huge delta-t value that triggered the sanity checks and shut the machine down. The factory had a much lower-latency connection and so the race condition could never be replicated there.

As for the weirdest bug I ever encountered myself: a compiler generating bad machine code. I have often said that the worst part of programming is that the computer always does exactly what you tell it to, but that was the one and only time in twenty years that the computer actually didn't.

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There's not going to be a moment when the world suddenly goes from having oil to having no oil. Some oil reserves are relatively cheap and easy to extract. Other, very large reserves are currently so difficult and expensive to extract that doing so isn't profitable. As the easy oil gradually runs out, the supply drops, the price rises, and sources of oil that were not profitable at the old price become profitable. This maintains the supply of oil and stabilizes the price.

Eventually oil will become so expensive that alternative technologies will be cheaper than it. This will happen with plenty of hard-to-reach oil left. So it's true that the amount of oil is in principle finite, but that limitation isn't really relevant.

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My experience with the healthcare system, and especially hospitals, is that the people working there are generally knowledgeable and want to help patients, but they are also very busy and often sleep-deprived. A human may be better at medicine than an AI, but an AI that can devote attention to you is better than a human that can't.

(The fact that the healthcare system we have is somehow simultaneously very expensive, bad for medical professionals, and bad for patients is a separate issue...)

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2015? I demand a reset to 2000!

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Is this unusual? I thought wild-caught fish often (usually?) had parasitic worms in it, and that they were generally not dangerous to humans, at least as long as the fish was cooked. There's a video I saw, which I don't suggest looking up, in which a chef explains that he knows the fish is fresh if the worms are still moving.

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The Linux market is too small for nVidia to care.

The Linux gaming market is too small for Nvidia to care, but the GPU computing market isn't.

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I am static_casting the nut_t*. Pray I don't static_cast it any further.

It used to be that Republicans couldn't cooperate with Democrats. Now Republicans can't even cooperate with other Republicans. I think the next stage will involve the various body parts of each individual Republican turning against each other. Is your liver not Making America Great? Better cast it out, just to be sure...

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The longer you have your license, the cheaper your car insurance will be if you do eventually get a car. From the point of view of an insurance company, having the license and never driving is exactly like having the license, driving a lot, and getting zero tickets or accidents.

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“I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Justice Alito said in an emailed statement to The Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

Another Supreme Court wife causing trouble, eh?

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