
1 Post – 1092 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Right? Who knew refusing to vote for someone you don't support is more damaging than storming the capitol.

wants to effect left-wing ideology using authoritarian methods

Odd. I'm getting called a tankie because I just won't vote for Biden (or Trump). Someone must have gotten confused.

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If Biden loses, you can be certain, they were not responsible, they are most likely less than 1% of voters

Nah, they'll blame us the same way they blame us for losing the 2016 general election. We are simultaneously too small to matter but able to turn the tide of the largest election in the United States.

The DNC went to court and said they're not obligated to follow their own rules. The judge dismissed the case against them based on that.

If they turn around and claim they have a legal obligation to follow their own rules it would mean they perjured themselves in court.

Can you help me understand what Biden meant when he shouted "We finally beat Medicare!" I found that confusing.

are doing more damage than the people voting for the fascist party.

Hooooooly fuck this gets 27 upvotes? There it is folks. Leftists are doing more damage by refusing to vote than the people who stormed the capitol. This hot take brought to you by lemmy.

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They need to be crushed.

Then the way to do that is find a candidate in the primaries who appeals to everyone you need to make that happen. It was never a secret Biden was not that person.

It's a free country though. Feel free to go with whatever pitiful strategy you want. But you won't get the pro-corporate genocide supporting brain dead geriatric with my help. Let me know when you're ready to negotiate.

Did you watch the debate? Can you explain to me what Biden meant by "We finally beat Medicare!" What was he trying to say? Was he trying to say "We finally beat Medicare for all!"? Because that would make sense to me.

If you're referring to the "uncommitted" votes in the primaries those people aren't in the middle bud.

I'm seeing a lot of complicated explanations so I'm gonna go with a simpler one.

Say you build a fence for somebody and they pay you $1000. You have to report that income to the IRS. Let's say the tax rate is 40% so they say "Well you owe us $400." But instead you provide them with receipts saying you bought $500 of supplies in the form of lumber, screws and such. You have "written off" your expenses and shown the IRS you really only made $500 so you only owe $200 in taxes.

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I remember when they had the same conversations about packet sniffers.

Turned out the answer was to use encryption and switches.

United states of decay

NoBoDy Is PaYiNg AtTeNtIoN!!

Is this dude for fucking real?

Obviously you don't have a business degree.

We defeated Trump in 2020. Nothing changed and Biden spent his entire term catering to liberals and moderates.

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Because Boomers can't take it with them.

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The rail union contract expires this year meaning they can strike in 2025.

If Biden is serious about how dangerous Trump is he should promise to back the rail unions and veto any legislation which would block their ability to strike. That's a small price to pay for democracy and would cement his legacy as the most pro-union president in history.

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And where are the footholds on this slippery slope? Or do we keep trading away rights for temporary security while claiming to hate fascism?

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And you tell the public they're in prison for life.

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The minute he gets elected "whoops I forgot I can't do shit without the Senate. Sorry everybody"

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Sounds like you'd rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists and progressives.

The problem compounds as they post more and more content creating a feedback loop of terrible information.

Fucking delusional pricks.

Yes the capitalist class has been waging war on the working class for decades through wage suppression. What do you propose be done to turn things around?

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As someone who voted for him in 2020: I don't.

The same thing that happens when you view an image in your browser. It's all downloaded my dude.

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Interrupting labor is the most peaceful way to threaten the capitalist class. If you object to this, you advocate for more extreme measures. Be careful what you wish for.

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44 Democrat senators, 36 Republicans and Joe Biden all worked together to pass a law forcing a union to accept a contract it's members had already voted on and rejected.

Fuck all of them.

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I think the most painful thing is how nihilistic our culture has become with just…being ok with this. Like yeah, we’re supposed to think it’s normal.

Boomers won't admit to causing most of the issues and keep making things worse. When the only solution for Millennials appears to be fighting Boomers for their lives it's no wonder many choose to just... check out mentally. It's parental abuse on a generational scale.

In the same way we all do. Those weapons can't be built without a reliable economy. Interruptions in labor produce ripple effects which disrupt the atrocities of the capitalist class.

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39 Democrat senators (40 if you count Sinema) and 32 Republican senators.

I'd also like to remind people that 44 Democrats and 36 Republican senators voted to block the rail strike.

Procorporate trash. All of them. Fuck Joe Biden.

Biden would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists and progressives.

Lol! I expected him to make material compromises with the millions of progressives and leftists who held their nose and voted for him. The fact that you seem completely unaware of these factions Democrats depend on to win elections is just... a perfect example of how out of touch liberal and moderate voters are. They can't win elections without our votes. They need to start acting like it.

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It's crazy how quickly people Boomers, managers, executives and capitalists flip flop between "Salary is performance based you don't have set hours" to "You didn't work every hour from 9-5". This hypocritical nonsense only drives more people to take on anti-work perspectives.

The moment Trump was defeated in 2020 liberal and moderates did exactly what they always do: demand priority over leftists and progressives in every policy disagreement and Biden was happy to oblige.

No. Moderate voters, liberal voters, the DNC, establishment Democrats and Biden will all reshape now or lose to Trump. Make a choice.

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Yes I expect the capitalist class to continually escalate violence against the working class rather than make meaningful compromises for the betterment of all.

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If you want me to make executive decisions then pay me like an executive.

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When will you? Stop electing procorporate trash in the primaries. You think we're bluffing?

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Labor can't win under these conditions. On the one hand Republicans are chipping away at worker rights and establishment Democrats cut off opportunities for us to fight back legally.


The cognitive dissonance people seem to have about how much damage the Republicans are doing while defending Democrats who prevent us from fighting back when we can is crazy. This is a class war. If we're not willing to take any risks we lose.

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Did you look at the picture of the protesters? You think those people are GenZ?

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