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I refuse to believe those groups are terrorist organizations because the CIA has never armed them.

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It's just like Elons definition. To these people freedom of speech means freedom to say what they want and not be challenged by pesky things like facts.

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US doing a bang up job of curbing that far right terrorism problem. At least this one wasn't part of the armed forces.

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Disobeyed Judges orders so hes gonna be held in contempt right? Were not going to keep reinforcing to this child that he doesn't get any consequences right? . . . right? The US Justice system is doing this to itself, and every day it proves itself inadequate to contain this threat.

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When the truth makes profit uncomfortable, guess who's gonna overpower who.

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When one group became openly hostile to multiple populations of people based on things like race and sexuality, it's no longer 'voting with your feet', it becomes 'go somewhere they're not gonna shoot my son'

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I like how they quickly glance over the fact that you need line of sight to connect and call that a good thing because people behind a wall cant steal your data.

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Anything resembling a more left leaning insurrection will get a very different response than the last one. You will be murdered by the state on the spot. The feds bombed a civilian neighborhood in the 80s for less than that.

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No balances, only cheques I suppose

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File this under examples of why there are no good apples.

Im skeptical a fair bit of time about those congressional 'lefties' but this is true, for the most part they're doing what they can. What I do like most about them is when they show up outside of a legislative capacity, like showing up at strikes or going to meet unions. I think many people discount how important that boots on the ground work is. Imagine being a franchise owner of something trying to snuff out union efforts knowing you're gonna have US Lawmakers who agree with your workers physically there with the workers. You better come correctly in that situation.

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What kind of backwards world has AI becoming animators and screenwriters while actual people slave away at jobs that slowly kill them?

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New X url is now xvideos, the sites never been better imo.

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I like how every layman said that this is what was happening but in the moment you could find half a dozen 'economists' on national news networks explaining it as if it was all just normal and no one was benefiting from it. Economics is a fake science, it's not even worthy of the title social science. It's literally just learning how to justify rich peoples actions and nothing else.

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Really proving the point that cops cannot be trusted with any more power or resources.

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Just here to remind everyone while piracy is important, it's also very important to teach the less tech savy among your acquaintances how to pirate too. Conglomerates only learn when their bottom line is effected after all, so teach all your friends how to hoist that black flag.

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"Website that never made a profit thinks it's worth over 6 billion dollars. Yes US dollars."

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Now that is how you write a headline about that guy.

“We’re not going to change it back, because this is a sexually explicit game, and also fuck them.”

Lmfao I live for this quote.

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Ahh yes, labeling the progressives a problematic 'shadow party' for wanting . . . checks notes popularly supported human rights . . .

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Well you didn't do something silly like give control over the means of monitoring the police to only the police right? . . . right?

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Annually they kill more people than mass shooters and steal more than burglars though 'asset forfeiture', they also have no duty to protect you if bodily harm could possibly come to them. Weakest most scared people in America by a country mile. Getting rid of police would end more crime than the cops end.

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Hell yeah, I hope it works for orcas too so I can thank the ones that have been trashing the yachts.

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Babe wake up, new marketing term for concentration camps just dropped.

I suppose better than nothing but 'better than nothing' is a low fuckin bar for intervention in ongoing genocide. Unless there's reprecussions on the state of Israel, who condones and empowers settelers, this seems like sanctioning the Houthis while simultaneously arming Iran.

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Thank fucking god. Imagine the kind of monetization that would exist inside an Apple car. You think subscription seatwarmers are bad, and they are, but I can guarantee Apple had much worse in mind, and that most companies would simply follow suit.

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Jesus would not recognize modern Christians by almost any measure.

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Yeah I guess in much the same way using ublock origin could lead to me missing out on hot milfs in my area.

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Seems the law works differently depending on which party you more closely align with. Isn't that right Judge Cannon?

Make more dumb TVs and my interest in buying a new one goes up significantly. Im actively avoiding buying a new one even though I have to furninsh a good sized living room and all I have right now is a bit small for the space. It'll still work.

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The eclipse crossed into Texas from Mexico and was bussed to Buffalo, New York using Texas state taxpayer money authorized by Greg Abbot. I saw the whole thing.

These proposals would ultimately manifest in insurance for white peopel costing less and black people and hispanics costing more. All this does is price minorities out of gun rights. The whites will be fine, good thing they're not the ones comitting the vast majority of gun terrorism . . . Oh wait I've just received some devastating statistics . . .

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The terrifying part to me is that cops across the nation have a long history of seeing that the tech they want to use is unreliable and based on junky science, but they still push it through anyway. Aren't police dogs about as reliable as a coin-flip when their handlers aren't nipping at their neck to get them to jump at anything? They don't care if it's right as long as they can use it to justify their behavior, so they make it policy.

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Replacing critically deficient infrastructure has been declared a progressive issue in todays overton window. So no chance places like Texas do it.

'Hey you're not a lawmaker you can't do that!'

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I remember when they said letting women in the military would do exactly the same thing. They don't even make new arguements anymore.

Great right from coin miners to the "AI" fad. Tons of carbon shot into the sky and for what? A more unequal society on both counts.

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This isn't better but they actual did knock, but then waited less than ten seconds before they used the ram, so they busted the door down as the resident was approaching the door.

In fact I'd agrue it's worse because they turned a (presumably) knock warrant into a defacto no knock by refusing to wait for a response. These cops clearly wanted to play storm trooper.

"can't wait for all that meta content"

the content: someones racist uncle yelling at you in the comments

You shouldn't automatically get the right to drive SUVs just because you have a license.

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