Apple Cancels Work on Electric Car, Ending Decadelong Effort to – 335 points –
Apple Cancels Work on Electric Car, Ending Decadelong Effort

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Thank fucking god. Imagine the kind of monetization that would exist inside an Apple car. You think subscription seatwarmers are bad, and they are, but I can guarantee Apple had much worse in mind, and that most companies would simply follow suit.

Or blaming customers for problems, "You're shifting it wrong."

Not sure if you're aware that EVs don't "shift" or if that's an indictment to the level of idiocy that would likely be employed by Apple.

It's a reference to an actual response from Jobs when the iPhone 4(?) had a bad antenna design.

Thank you. Apparently my half joke has rustled some jimmies.

I think it's more that you missed Dan's joke than anyone being upset.

Porsche begs to differ.

All you had to do was a basic search for what EVs have multiple gears, but you didn't.

What I like is that a bunch of idiots seemed to take offense to my comment which was meant more as a joke. I do admit I wasn't aware there were EVs with gears. Though this is mainly because I won't be in the market for my next EV for hopefully years. When I was looking into it, it was largely seen as unnecessary.

Yeah I'm aware. There is mostly no reason for EVs to shift, but Toyota was trying to add a manual transmission to an EV for some reason.

But "you're shifting it wrong" would be a scenario like the car wouldn't shift from P to D and Apple blames the driver.

Genuinely, this is the best news I've heard in a while for the reasons you listed. Apple is already fucking up the phone industry with anti-consumer policies that become industry trends. I shudder to imagine how deeply and irrepairably they would have fucked up the car market for consumers.

They would come up with a charging port that only existed in the parking lot of Apple stores

Also it would on the bottom of the car

Deserves a shoop

alt-text: actual Apple Mouse charging via its bottom port

(Interesting, this guy says it gains hours of charge in three minutes, and thinks Apple knew some would leave it plugged it at all times. Intentional sure but not exactly “brilliant”.)

Up to a certain point only. In most places you cannot hope to be able to sell a car that has not a minimum set of features mandated by the law.

And Apple cannot hope to compel states to change the rules just because so they can sell their car.

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