6 Post – 524 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The worst piece of tech that I have ever owned in my life is a CD Cleaner I bought from GameStop back in the day. That shit was straight up a sacrificial altar. It never cleaned. Only consumed.

Oh shit, I remember those. They "cleaned" by using an abrasive spray to "polish" the CDs. Those things were straight-up evil.

The number of young men getting vasectomies also shot up, but men still get sterilized much less often than women.

I got mine in September. I'd kicked the can down the road for years but finally pulled the trigger largely because of Roe being overturned.

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So, following the "every accusation is a confession" it would stand to reason Trump is doing all of those things. Which tracks actually...

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Also, what exactly are "Biden people?" Are there actually people that are like, hard-core Biden supporters?

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I feel called out on some shit, but you aren't wrong. I don't like Biden, but I still will vote for him again in November.

I take offense to some of that, but I applied to be an admin back in Q3 of last year. After the video interview I got ghosted. Thought I would give this a shot, had another video interview, and yeah I'm not expecting much. So yeah, I'm not even sure the process actually does anything other than waste time.

I do have a very well paying job, family, but you may have called me out on the "no life" thing... Though I do have a car that's become a bit of a project so I don't waste as much time on "IT" shit.

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He wants it to go all the way to the supreme court so they can rule in his favor and further erode the separation of church and state. Fuck these assholes and this timeline...

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"We need to freeze the border and send that message to the world to stop the death and casualties along the way," says Dolan. "The Republicans are right on this issue. But that doesn’t make me a Republican. No party is right on every issue."

On his campaign website, Dolan who has served as managing director at banks including Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, puts the city’s current plight thus: “Bail reform a disaster, the National Guard in the subway, toothpaste locked up in drugstores but criminals running free.


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This is the way.

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So, how long before we get a man-baby tantrum from the orange turd on his safe-space social media platform?

Oh cool, good to know we were told we were safe in Columbus. I'll look forward to my $3 check when I get cancer 10 years from now. Fuck these corporations.

From the article:

However, campaign staff will be prohibited from interacting with their respective candidates during these intermissions, denying them the opportunity for strategic consultations or to touch up the candidates’ appearance.

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Makes me think of the skydiving scene in Deadpool 2 where pretty much the entire team dies and Wade asks who could have seen that coming? I think it was Domino that responds with everyone, everyone saw that coming.

Ok, maybe I'm just spoiled somehow, but that's REALLY high for sleeping. If it's over about 72 I just straight-up cannot sleep. I can flex that a little with good airflow and low humidity (windows open).

I can't possible imagine having to sleep in that temp after a full day of strenuous physical activity. I guess if you were somehow used to it but that seems crazy.

Furthermore, does this cooling strategy (minus the AC units shipped in) even come close to offsetting the burned fossil fuels to actually move all these athletes to another country and set up the games? Asking cause that seems kinda relevant....

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It can be both at the same time which is why the problem is so exacerbated right now.

Get fucked you gigantic asshole. I hope you end up broke and living under a bridge.

This is pretty much true of any of the large pizza chains. Watch the specials, use coupons, take advantage of discounts for things like ordering through the app or texting (because reasons). It's dumb, but you have to play their game to get a decent price.

That said, I can't fault OP at all. Trying to grab a quick meal for a kid means you can't spend the time to piss around and try to get a better deal.

huh, non-corrupt judges? In this timeline that seems wrong...

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I would be EXTREMELY surprised to know if there any that haven't committed crimes.


This is my retirement plan (I hope). I'd love to do it sooner even if the wife and I both end up with remote jobs. I'd love to just travel all over then US then find a spot to plop down for like a month and explore. After we are done move on to another spot.

lol that would be hilarious actually, I can picture it in my head. As the commercial break ends the camera fades to black then the stage slowly fades in. Both candidates are passed out in their chairs drooling all over. An infomercial for dentures blares from an unseen TV. As the TV is turned off both of them jolt awake and hobble slowly back to their podiums.

Wait what? How is that WAY more expensive than say beer which also has an extra tax?

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90 days for trying to overthrown the government and verbally attacking the judge. What a fucking joke of a sentence.

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When it comes down to it, this is a hell of a deal for the US. We spend a tiny fraction of our military budget to de-fang Putin and don't have to fire a single shot ourselves.

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Dude took one for the team, hope he gets off with a minimal sentence.

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And the consequences when he breaks this order less than 24 hours from now?

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Of course the can pay their drivers but think of the poor shareholders who may see 0.1% less profit or the CEO who may get only 99% of their usual bonus. Oh the horror!!

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Ok, bye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

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Party of small government my fucking ass. Also, isn't the free market allowed to produce any product and compete for consumer spending? Isn't that capitalism?

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"He's trying to injure his opponent," said Trump. "They're trying to hurt the opponent because they can't win fair and square—"

At this point, the network cut away, announcing an upcoming segment on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Hmm...wonder if this has anything to do with the settlements on them airing false election claims.

Hmmm...any guesses if he actually will? Cause I bet there is zero chance that he does.

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It has been discovered that manipulating DLL functions with AMD’s technology could result in a VAC ban.

So actively altering game code can be misconstrued as trying to cheat. Well consider me fucking shocked.

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Good, leave this piece of shit broke and living under a bridge. He deserves FAR more than he's gotten thus far. Fuck him!

write me a tone deaf, mealy mouthed, corporate doublespeak screed that completely ignores everything that’s happened for the last month. Be sure and add lots of bullshit about how we will now “listen to mods” and have useless meetings every month.

LMAO I literally fed your prompt into ChatGPT adding only last month WITH REDDIT and the result is...well I'll let you decide for yourself:

Dear Valued Members of our Community,

We hope this message finds you well. As a corporation committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive online community, we must acknowledge that the last month has been filled with important developments. We understand that you may have concerns and feedback about recent events, and we would like to assure you that we are dedicated to addressing them in a meaningful manner.

Our commitment to transparency and openness remains unwavering, and we are fully aware of the importance of listening to the voices of our valued moderators. We recognize their invaluable contributions to our platform and are eager to collaborate with them more closely moving forward. To that end, we are excited to announce that we will be implementing monthly meetings where we can engage in productive conversations and work towards mutually beneficial solutions.

These meetings will serve as a unique opportunity to foster a culture of continuous improvement. We believe that by providing a forum for discussion, we can collectively identify challenges and collaboratively explore ways to enhance our community experience. Your feedback is integral to our growth, and these sessions will enable us to listen to your concerns and ideas actively.

At our core, we remain committed to upholding the principles that have made us a beloved community. The spirit of openness, diversity, and respect are cornerstones of our platform, and we intend to reinforce them further through the establishment of task forces, committees, and subcommittees dedicated to addressing specific issues.

We understand that recent events may have raised questions about our corporate values and practices. We are keenly aware that the phrase "tone deaf" has been used in recent conversations, and we genuinely want to acknowledge your concerns. As we move forward, we are committed to learning and growing as a platform, acknowledging where we have fallen short, and working diligently to improve our processes.

Your trust is paramount to us, and we appreciate your continued support as we strive to create a positive and enriching experience for all members of our community. We firmly believe that together, we can build a stronger, more empathetic, and more inclusive environment.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. We value your feedback and look forward to the journey ahead as we make our community even better, together.

Best regards,

[Corporate Representative's Name]

[Corporate Title]

[Company Name]

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Well, they’re gonna do what they’ve done from the beginning, which is remain calm and protest at the ballot box on November 5th. There’s nothing to do other than make your voices heard loud and clear and speak out against this.

From the party that literally lead a violent insurrection intended to overthrow the government and install Trump as a dictator for life.

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I am very good friends with a trans women who I worked with for a number of years. She is seriously considering leaving the US because of this bullshit. So yes, please vote for Biden.

Also, I hope you son is doing well! It's a hell of a process.

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