Trump 'does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,' Judge Chutkan says, issuing gag order to – 760 points –
Trump 'does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,' Judge Chutkan says, issuing gag order | CNN Politics

A federal judge on Monday issued a gag order on former President Donald Trump, limiting what he can say about special counsel Jack Smith’s federal prosecution into his alleged attempt to subvert in the 2020 presidential election.

The order restricts Trump’s ability to publicly target court personnel, potential witnesses, or the special counsel and his staff. The order did not impose restrictions on disparaging comments about Washington, DC, – where the jury will take place – or certain comments about the Justice Department at large, both of which the government requested.

“This is not about whether I like the language Mr. Trump uses,” Judge Tanya Chutkan said. “This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice.”

“His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs,” the judge added.


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And the consequences when he breaks this order less than 24 hours from now?

Fucking right?! Can we just lock him up just this once? I'm sick of him dominanting the discourse. I just want universal healthcare/ basic income.

You just want things that our current overlords will never give us. Don’t worry, I’m on your side. We’ll get there, eventually.


Better happen sooner then later. America is just asking for a John Q moment.

Can you indulge a non American idiot. What's a John q moment. All I'm finding when searching is a denzel Washington movie with the synopsis not giving quite enough context to fit

It's essentially what took place in that movie. Health care wouldn't cover a life saving procedure for Denzel Washington's character's child. So he held up the hospital until his child got care. I honestly forgot how it ended. But if I had to guess he gets shot and his kid gets to live.


John is ultimately acquitted of attempted murder and armed criminal action, but convicted of kidnapping and false imprisonment. His lawyer assures him that he will likely serve no more than two years. As John is escorted from the courthouse, Lester proclaims him as a hero, and a now-healthy Michael gains eye contact with his father, saying "Dad!" and then, "Thank you".,of%20kidnapping%20and%20false%20imprisonment.

I honestly think there's going to be a mass shooting at an insurance or pharmaceutical company. Someone's eventually going to go after a CEO out of spite

For some reason no media seem to have linked to a copy of the gag order, but prior reporting suggests that the judge's threat if Trump violates the order is to do one thing he really doesn't want the court to do, which is move up the trial date.

Which is a quite reasonable move.

"Dude continues with his threats? Alright, let's get this over with. And add his threats to the pile of evidence."

The theory is hey, if he's going to keep trying to tamper with witnesses and jurors, were going to expedite the trial to minimize his opportunity.

Probably along with fines.

And the consequences when he breaks this order less than 24 hours from now?

Sneak peak from the future.


Unless you can show me a stealthy mountain

Mt Rainier

Stealthiest mountain I ever seen

"oooh are ya gonna see me today? Maybe, maybe not"

Edit: misspelled

Rainier? 😅🤦🏼‍♂️

The irony is thick in this one.

It is so stealthy, people don't even know the name correctly.

Looking at you, Mr James Bond...

Lets hope for the best. Don't they have these solitary confinement cells that are painted in pink floor to ceiling?

Supposedly having the trial sooner.

"That were three more violations in yesterdays speech, so we will move the trial back another three weeks. See you in court next Tuesday, Mr. Trump."

Same thought here.

This ultimately means nothing if he doesn’t face any consequences for breaking the court order.

It's been widely reported that she will move up the trial date which is the last thing he wants since his strategy is to delay until after the election at which time, if he wins, none of this will matter. The theory is that doing so gives him less time to intimidate witnesses and officers of the courts.

I'm not a lawyer, but that should be felony contempt for violating a direct court order.

I think for people with a reputation for not paying bills, this kind of thing should be held as a deposit.

Just so they can't delay paying it for years.

It's just gone the moment the judge decides it, and he has to appeal it back

I mean, it's an awful precent for everyone else, but for him and Rudy and Alex Jones there's really no other way to get the cash out of them.

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