
76 Post – 408 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

ghost riding the apocalypse cuz there’s no way off this ride

nah, those ears ain't right. this is like part of a rubber mask on a dog or photoshop.

They put a far right super majority in the supreme court, are trying to put their candidate in Congress as speaker and then re-elect him to the executive branch.

We all know they're fucking Nazis, but, just saying, this sure seems like some 1930's Germany shit, right now. Like it's obvious and all, but still needs to be said out loud.

Would be a lot cooler if we were not trying to replicate that shit.

14 more...

And SpaceX as a whole. It's entirely government funded anyway. Should have kept that money in NASA where it belonged. Fortunately, there's an easy way to put it all right back.

(Also, archive link of top article here: https://archive.is/H6rzo )

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Humans are burning down the wrong Amazon.

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Remember when people who employed fascist rhetoric, incited riots at Capitols, tried to destroy democracy and kill a sitting Vice President were considered terrorists by everyone and weren't to be negotiated with?
Pepperidge Farms does.

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Copper sulphate is a listed "organic" fungicide despite not having any carbon atoms.

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This rule is actually "an order of magnitude best estimate", which means it's more of a range, somewhere between 0.1 to 10 deaths per 1000 tons of carbon burned.

That leaves a lot of room for scenarios even more dire than the one outlined here.

"When climate scientists run their models and then report on them, everybody leans toward being conservative, because no one wants to sound like Doctor Doom," explains Pierce.

"We've done that here too and it still doesn't look good."

Translation: 10 billion people will die.

2nd translation: Almost everyone will die.

13 more...

If the first was Monday as he describes, every 12th would be a Friday. There would be exactly zero Fridays on the 13th of any month.

Every 13th would only be Friday if the first was on Sunday.

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Cops trying to further victimize victims anytime they get the chance.

Did something bad happen to you? Don't fucking tell the cops and don't seek any help because people are awful and want to make you as miserable as possible whenever they can. That's the unfortunate reality we live in.

And we wonder why noone wants to have kids....

6 more...

This is so fucking disgusting. We ought to be tarring and feathering these execs and their largest investors, then taking their wealth for the public benefit.

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Republicans negotiated with, capitulated to and were just steamrolled by a small cadre of political terrorists who'd held their party and the US government hostage and they won't suddenly make everything okay? You don't fucking say...

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but he has refrained from explicitly condemning Moscow for the war, while suggesting it may have been provoked by the enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Europe’s east.

Countries' decisions in how they defend themselves is self-determination in internal affairs.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is unmasked aggression outside of their borders without provocation.

Equating the two is wrong. Full stop.

NATO is only designed to kick into action in the event of attacks on member countries. It is a defensive treaty organization. If Russia wasn't being a bunch of dickholes, they'd have nothing to worry about from NATO.

9 more...

Motherfuckers pulled up the rugs, roads and rails behind them and can get entirely fucked. They had generation after generation invest in their eventual well-being and then spent like mad. Devastated everything. Fuck them. No contact. No grandkids.

Or, ya know, maybe just the result of metabolic acidosis from kidney disease, kidney failure or untreated diabetes.

3 more...

New platform? Who dis?
Seriously, it's just a user database now. The brand is gone. It's a new company. New URL. New direction.
Asking 50% of Twitter's rates is way too high. Go back to square one, hoss. Start over. From the ground.
Hopefully no one buys his bullshit.... or trusts them with their data.

Soo...... bout tree fiddy

When I was a teenager, an older friend told me how he learned in college history how the first Emperor of China wrote the language, made all these scientific discoveries, etc, etc. And I, knowing fuck all about Chinese history, was like 'you mean he killed all the historians and advisors, then burned all the libraries, so he could take credit, right?' My friend is like 'uhhh.....'

Yeah, so turns out that's pretty much how more recent readings of it say it went down.

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Never have understood wooden retaining walls. A landslide is an expensive, dangerous way to find out the pillars have rotted out and need replacing.

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The story here is that Ukraine treats Russians with more dignity that Russia treats their own people. Hopefully, any Russians able to follow the story can see that.

Executives are assholes and should not be listened to, ever.

Looking forward to the day Putin gets done like these warships he's been losing, and hopefully by the Russian people. Fucking scumbag war criminal.

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Autopilot engineers in meeting: 'Oh, hi.... You're.... here.'

He's repeatedly shown that he's willing to throw even close allies under the bus, not even for cause, but just to distract or get himself back in the news. Even if he put you in office and/or you've supported him in the past, he's made it increasingly clear to judges and everyone else that it's not worth tying their career and livelihood to protecting him. His well poisoning is not just ridiculously public; his toxic behavior has become impossible to ignore even to the most self serving and delusional of would be allies.

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More info on the bacteria here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibrio\_vulnificus

"Vibrio vulnificus wound infections have a mortality rate around 25%. In people in whom the infection worsens into sepsis, typically following ingestion, the mortality rate rises to 50%."

"Increasing seasonal temperatures and decreasing salinity levels seem to favor a greater concentration of Vibrio within filter-feeding shellfish of the U.S. Atlantic seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico, especially oysters (Crassostrea virginica)."

Remember when all those Employee Assistance Programs, marketed as ways to get mental and other forms of help for workers, were found to just be sharing data with HR so companies could have reasons to fire you? Cause Pepperidge Farms does.

Never trust your employer with sensitive information.

It was never going to make the landing. The landing camera (ESA's PILOT-D) was pulled (along w Sweden's LINA-XSAN science mission) due to Russia's war on Ukraine. This satellite was always going to be DOA.

They just launched it for political points, so it's likely that blaming failure on a micro-meteorite en route is a ploy to save face.

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This motherfucker wants someone "who understands the ‘importance of dialogue'" after he invaded Russia's neighboring country, straight up stole land & children and sanctioned his troops raping, pillaging and murdering civilians?!?

Putin is not a serious person on any level. His words and actions have no business being treated in a serious manner.
He should be hunted down and disposed of like a rabid dog.
He's not a human. Just trash.
Fucking cancerous trash.

Every time he gets fined he pulls millions in donations. Throw his ass in the can. Keep him there until his legal troubles are sorted. He's facing 90 something felonies. (think I've seen 91 and/or 94 different charges referred to.)

He should still be able to make most of his court appearances from MDC Brooklyn. They've dealt with high profile inmates plenty of times. Stop letting him play the legal system like a fiddle for personal gain.

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A fever is a symptom and similarly it is one that must be treated directly to save the life of the patient.

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Pretty sure the first minds to be controlled by generative AI work on the floor at the stock exchange.

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An analysis by the IMF warns that government financial aid for polluting energy sources continues to grow, and calls for its complete elimination

This would have been so great 20 years ago.

adults in the 2000's: "just remember, anything you put online is gonna be there forever."

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Of course not. Rich people are fucking weasels. How do you think they get rich? They weasel the system. They weasel the profits of other people's productivity. They leave death and chaos in their wake. They lie, cheat, steal and rewrite the rules to suit them.

Democrats should make him the poster child Republican. The most honest shining member of the bunch who at least admits he's blatantly lying. The one they all banded together to save. They deserve him.

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Well, you see, one of the primary offenders went and bought the platform. And, like, everyone else just let him because money.

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They're not a political party. There's no actionable platform, no leadership, no direction. It's not possible to band together around things that they're against and still get things done. Cry all day about it, but any adult knows you can't turn back the clock.

To lead you have to have a way forward. Republicans haven't been able to figure this out for decades because they aren't a cohesive group. They're a backwards coalition of bastards and need to be divided into their corners under dunce caps until they can coalesce into separate parties under actionable terms.

Look, everyone knows that the climate is fucked. It would take a big all in push to fix it. We haven't even started. And, having just tried to get our act together to drive a new emerging disease into extinction, something that should have been relatively easy, we failed and devolved into such fractious infighting over that simple thing that no one even wants to outright acknowledge how fucked we are.

So, yeah. You could say there's a bit of an unshakable gloom, if that's what you're into.

Can we do some more CEOs and bankers, now? Start a trend. Keep the ball rolling. Puhleeeze.

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Yeah, I'd be increasingly certain I was about to get murdered throughout this whole little journey.