Donald Trump's own judges are ruling against him to politics – 442 points –
Donald Trump's own judges are ruling against him

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He's repeatedly shown that he's willing to throw even close allies under the bus, not even for cause, but just to distract or get himself back in the news. Even if he put you in office and/or you've supported him in the past, he's made it increasingly clear to judges and everyone else that it's not worth tying their career and livelihood to protecting him. His well poisoning is not just ridiculously public; his toxic behavior has become impossible to ignore even to the most self serving and delusional of would be allies.

I agree with you, but I just wish you threw in a few notable examples for people that might stumble on this comment and not believe it or just not be aware of it. I'll throw in two pieces of shit he famously fucked: Gulliani and Cohen.

Also Kevin McCarthy. And Chris Christie. And Rex Tillerson. And Omarosa. And Steve Bannon. And Scramucci. And Reince Priebus. And Mike Pence. And Michael Flynn. And John Kelly. And Sebastian Gorka. And John Bolton.

There are literally hundreds of people who swore allegiance to Trump, only to be thrown under the bus.

Think of it this way; he had a lottery where the winner got to have dinner with the President and First Lady at the White House. In more than four years there was never a single MAGoo invited to the White House.

His people don't care. He's their man, and they'll follow him to the gates of Hell

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