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Joined 1 years ago

Feels a bit ridiculous.

Even low-balling Trump's supposed wealth, that's like setting bond for the average person at $7.50.

20 more...

Yeah, but see: she worked incredibly hard to

  • defeat hate crimes prevention legislation
  • prevent extending disaster aid to Kathrina victims
  • prevent the expansion of the Voting Rights Act
  • prevent the Armenian genocide from being declared a "genocide"

and she firmly stood her ground in telling everyone that Obamacare was a danger to the nation bigger than any terrorist attack on America ever could be.

That's a lot of hard work, you see?

You'll never completely eliminate all possible bias from human beings serving on a nation's highest court, but out of the things that could be done, the United States is doing exactly nothing.

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There's also such a thing as systemic racism that is very easy to ignore of you're not affected.

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Euphemism treadmill.

In any sensitive, socially fraught context, terminology will just change faster than in other areas of life.

That's why we no longer use terms like idiot, retard, cripple, imbecile, etc. as neutral, objective terminology. Instead, terms that where initially used as objective, clinical terminology are now exclusively used as slurs and insults.

It's just that when it comes to race, some people (and it's often people not affected by it) have a hard time accepting that concept.

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Clearly the driver is at fault here, but a case can be made (and apparently, was) that this would not have been possible had you not provided access to the car to the perp in question.

This is the equivalent of holding gun manufacturers culpable if someone buys a gun from them and then uses it to commit murder - right?

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Refuse to pay bills for your clouds infrastructure.

Refuse to pay rent for your offices.

Big brain time.

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He also says

Our Founders lay this case out. There’s actually a provision in the Declaration of Independence that a people will suffer abuses while they remain sufferable, tolerable while they remain tolerable. At some point abuses become so intolerable that it becomes not only their right but their duty to alter or abolish the existing government.

But he's not just asking a philosophical question. He's one of the people at the core of the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election and keep Trump in power.

Here, he's providing his ideological underpinnings that he believes gave him the right to alter or abolish the existing government.

Sure, here he's just asking the question if revolution is necessary - but he already answered it in deed when he tried to keep Trump in power against the expressed wish of the electorate.

"I'm sorry that I didn't know there was video evidence."

That's because they like the idea of a Trump dictatorship. They simply assume they'd be on the side that's going to do the dictating.

it's a losing issue. It's never passing through this Congress, and if it ever did, the Supreme Court would strike it down.

You know, that's exactly what people said about Roe v. Wade and about banning abortion.

Turns out that you can keep losing on an issue for 50 years, yet winning only once will drastically change the trajectory of the entire issue.

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College Republicans United are inviting a Nazi to speak?

Next thing you know they'll get upset over getting called "Nazis" just for inviting Nazis to speak at their events...

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There have to be millions of restaurants, cafes and other places that already have unisex bathrooms, and apparently that's never been a problem. Weird, huh?

Honestly, though: good for those Catholic laypeople in Texas to complain to the friggin' Vatican that this guy is a compete nut job!

These cars don't even go onto highways or areas where accidents are more likely.

Accidents are less likely on highways. Most accidents occur in urban settings. Most deadly accidents occur outside of cities, off-highway.

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People who go to college and then university and then intern somewhere to get a junior position and then a senior position are in their mid 30s when they're in a stable enough position to plan for kids.

By contrast, a lot of people who are happy with a high school degree have kids before they're 20.

This is not a value judgment, but separating people by when they're having kids segments the population of into very distinct strata.

It's not hard to guess why a billionaire who's running a right-wing social media platform would prefer a certain demographic.

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Strong echoes of Microsoft's "embrace, extend, and extinguish" strategy...

it still feels weird when he walks into the bathroom with me

Are they? What if someone still feels weird when a Black person walks into the bathroom with them? Should we take that person's feeling into account and simply give Black people their own space where they can be comfortable and let everyone else be comfortable too?

If no: why not?

It's what the Tea Party and the Freedom Caucus and the MAGA Republicans did with the GOP.

If you want the party to move in your direction, you have to become the party.

Are we really going to act like "people of color" and "colored people" are wildly different terms that could never be confused?

In a vacuum, those are similar terms.

In the real world, one is a term used in Apartheid South Africa and in Jim Crow America that has huge racist and white supremacists connotations, while the other one is the preferred term used by the community to refer to themselves.

In the year before Roe fell, roughly 1,230 people told the National Domestic Violence Hotline that they had endured some kind of what anti-domestic abuse activists call “reproductive coercion,” including being denied an abortion or being forced into one. In the year since it was overturned, 2,442 people said the same. That’s a 99-percent increase.

Let's not pretend that banning abortion just didn't make any kind of difference.

I think the internet at its best is when it's ad-free, not harvesting and selling user data, and free to use.

Wikipedia is one of the most successful projects on the internet, and it works exactly like that.

Hypothetically, I wouldn't be opposed to some kind of compensation model. But experience shows that as soon as you introduce a for-profit model, people in charge will eventually ask the question "hey, if this is making money, couldn't we squeeze much more money out of it!?!?"

They want to rule, and if they don't get to rule then they're happy to burn everything to the ground so that other people don't get what they want either.

And it doesn't matter if those "other people" are Republicans, too.

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Pocket Casts is available as Android and Windows app; Apple Podcasts isn't.

Pocket Casts syncs between MacOS, iOS, Android, Windows and Abby device that asked you to open the wenn player; Apple Podcasts doesn't.

It's not garbage per se, it just doesn't fit the same use case.

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They're doing two things:

  • They're trying to make Trump's impeachments appear less severe than they were, and
  • Use impeachments to remove democratically elected officials from office without cause.

Which is why they released women for the other 7 days. Love how this article contradicts itself in the first sentence.

Here's the entire sentence:

Israeli official says Hamas doesn’t want to release remaining women because it doesn’t want them speaking publicly about what they endured on Oct. 7 and in their time in captivity

which clearly implies that Hamas was fine releasing female hostages that were treated okay, but is refusing to release the remaining female hostages that have possibly been abused, raped, sexually mistreated.

You obviously don't have to agree with that analysis, but where exactly do you see the contradiction?

Republicans don't know how to govern.

That's not it.

Republicans don't want to govern. Governing means compromising, it means achieving things for people who might not always agree with their position, it means achieving positive outcomes for society as a whole - for other people. And that's just not something Republicans want.

Republicans want to rule.

Despite all the empty talk about "freedom" and "liberty," they want to impose their belief system on everyone, and punish those who disagree. Benefits for the in-group, harsh punishments for the out-group. And as soon as a member of the in-group dissents, they'll be thrown under the bus, labeled a traitor, and be treated as the out-group as well.

Yeah, this has some slight "whew, glad this Beer Hall Putsch is over" vibes to it.

take one for the team?

The GOP is the party of ruthless, naked selfishness, and Republicans have over and over and over again demonstrated that they'd rather let the entire nation descend into chaos than act against their own, personal self-interest.

I doubt anyone in the current GOP even knows what "taking one for the team" means.

The mods never had leverage

Of course the mods had leverage: they could have just walked away.

The reality is that there's no difference between mods and users: everyone is just too addicted to their routines and habits and mindless opening of Reddit and doomscrolling that the vast, vast, vast majority of people just wanted to go back to how things were.

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They think that the Ukrainians were being mean to their good friend Vladimir Putin who only has the best interests of America in his heart and is a very good friend to Trump, who has never done anything wrong.

Also, being a hypocrite is part of being a MAGAt.

The law should still apply equally to every company, shouldn't it?

As we’ve seen over the past decade (well, past few decades, tbh), changing the word only moves the objectionable meaning onto the new word.

It's been going on for much longer. Just look up all the clinical terms that came into use in the Victorian era. There's been an ongoing effort to come up with better terminology. Words came into existence in an effort to have neutral terminology to refer to certain symptoms or conditions or to categorize people or chronic illnesses or ethnicities etc.

It's just that we no longer use terms like "moron" or "lunatic" or "retard" or "fool" or "insane" or "Mongol" as neutral, objective, clinical terminology.

I think many people get used (and attached) to the terminology that they learned when growing up, unaware that this terminology has been changing at a rapid pace for centuries now, and then get all bent out of shape when they're being told that the words they were taught as kids are no longer the preferred way of referring to certain conditions/ethnicities/demographic groups etc.

And of course, then there are people who use those expressions with the full intention to insult and malign, only to feign ignorance when called out: "But that's the word people have always been using! Why are you getting so upset?"

had already introduced articles of impeachment on Joe Biden for the border, asked her to co- sponsor mine she didn't" Greene told reporters Wednesday. "She basically copied my articles and then introduced them and then changed them to a privileged resolution."

So much for McCarthy being in charge of the House majority.

Give in to the demands of the fascist faction, have your party run by the fascist faction.

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He's running low on money to stage his own rallies.

Now he's forced to show up to all of these events that are not staged by his own campaign and where he can't control who gets in.

He's trying to choose places and events where there's still a very large likelihood that thousands of people will cheer for him instead of boo him, but he can no longer threaten to throw people out or have them beaten up if they don't like him.

Must be hard for him.

There are Republicans who spent a decade fighting tooth and nail against Obamacare, and still took credit for Obamacare provisions in their home states.

Nope. Read it again.

So what is it?

Support Ukraine in the war against Russia - or all wars are equally bad, only chickenhawks support wars?

People whine about how shitty the API has become and how shitty tech support is and how there's no one to talk to when they run into bugs - yet they keep paying Musk $42,000 a month for that privilege.

Seems like if he got the position he would just sit dumbfounded and make shit up as he goes.

So same as him being president?