
4 Post – 553 Comments
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Piecemakers.us A gaming + fan art 3D print shop making all of our fellow geeks' imaginations come to life, one gamepiece/collectible at a time! πŸ”₯πŸ€“

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Religion. Whole cloth.

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Fuck AMP. Ignore it, don't use it, let it wither and die off. Today.

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Stop. Using. Chrome. FFS.

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The Expanse, hands down.

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Why does that look like a miniskirt/boy-briefs from behind, with the X conspicuously centered?

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Seriously. What is this propagandist bullshit? Fucking sorry excuse for "journalism", Bloomberg. Blame the prols? Is that it? Push us to judge each other, to shame our fellow replaceables until what? We roll out the guillotine again? I'm here for it.

I'll even paint mine up so it says "Heroes work here!" right up at the top, so everyone knows who's pulling the ripcord. How about that?

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That's it, folks. Pack it up, thread's closed. This guy wins.

For fucks sake, man. 😐

You got someone to marry you with that habit intact?!

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"Discovered"... Uh hunh.

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You dropped this


I had no idea that "the gays" were notorious shills. 😱

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  1. We're not on Reddit.

  2. Those same manufacturers don't give a flying fuck if you drive. They'll still make fuel for airplanes, ships, industrial machinery, etc., and will still continue to blatantly ignore regulations in pursuit of profit.

  3. If you're gonna gargle corpo dick like bulldog on a firehose, at least be honest with yourself, son.

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We all used to shit our pants, so don't judge yourself too harshly. At least you've learned from this mistake more quickly. (I assume.)

This new network will only allow you to Xi Jinping it.

Sincerely? I don't want to hear another word about him until he doesn't get back up. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

NGL, the first time an old friend got dropped off for some random D&D one weekend way back when, the rest of us were waiting on the porch for his always-late ass. A red Ranger turns to roll past the house and I check out the driver, assuming it was just passing through (golden olive skin, so many freckles, long hair in a loose ponytail)... but while I watched, it pulled over across the street from us and said friend hops out to hurry on over.

I called out, clearly having all the game in the world, "Daaayum [name], I didn't know you had a sister!" and he yelled "STFU, that's my mom!" and I looked past him to the truck: she was trying to keep from laughing and I barely heard the others around me giving me shit for being such an awkward jackass. I was in love in that instant, and spent the next ten years wondering how I could take my shot.

She's still a damn knockout, but her son's now a creepy conspiracy nut/prepper/sov cit, so πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

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Unless you can show me a stealthy mountain

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Little known fact: the Philosoraptor was created by a young engineer as a funny tee shirt template to sell at the local Saturday Market. His name is Sam, and he actually finds it hilarious that his design has gone on to become a globally recognized meme. (He's also created an affordable set of bluetooth headphones specifically for use in "silent disco" parties.) πŸ€“πŸ€ŒπŸΌ

This woman right here. ✊🏽

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Thing is... they're gonna do what pumped up hate-fueled idiots always do, no matter how much factual reality differs from their oh-so-sacred claims. It doesn't matter if this asshat lands in jail or at the bottom of an empty elevator shaft. They're going to erupt in violence and will need to be put down in kind.

Just, yank the fuckin' bandaid already, get this over with, FFS. Waiting doesn't make it better for anyone.

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Utah. Sacred home of the Mormon cult. Is suing, unironically I might add, for the above reasons...

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I notice you didn't put down the hot dog.

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Or that they were doing the middle class any favors by fucking up the nation's credit score (as it were) with their smooth-brain fuckery. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

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There is no God.

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"But the City cannot feasibly provide shelter for everyone”

After spreading its collective cheeks for every big money developer buying up small homes by the block to put up overpriced complexes that sit empty for decades...

Fuck everything about this propaganda. Open your damn eyes, neighbors. We're next.

Watch the Ukranian drone ops teams taking contracts after this is all done. The Winged Hussars ride again! πŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ’€

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I wish someone'd trick her back through whatever gate she squirted through. No idea what they used for bait the first time, though. Rural gym bros?

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No, that the admins "discovered" her account as part of some official investigation, rather than subbing avidly before ratting her out from their own unprocessed self-loathing (or getting caught perving, who knows).

edit: I'm not even gonna begin to unpack the sociological content of "cheerleader coach" and "sexualized teacher".

Are you five?

I dunno. I could go for one about him launching himself to Mars in a carbon-fiber & titanium capsule, piloting via gamepad, ya know? Especially if he brought Bezos, the Koch bros. & Gates along. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ It'd save time at least on setting up the ol' woodchipper down the road, ya know?

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She makes bespoke handbags from upcycled Trader Joe's wine boxes and he day trades on heirloom potato futures. She wanted a place "walkable, but not downtown" and he just wanted a home office with floor to ceiling windows looking out over his neighbors' rooftops. Next week on "Go Flip Yourself"!

There're no "spoilers" as it's a malfunctioned spell during the end scene, nothing more. That said, anyone clicking through to an article with "rarest ending" in the title deserves whatever kick in the head they get from reading about an ending scene... πŸ™„πŸ€ŒπŸΌ

So... A babelfish?

Which destroyed my hometown by forcing the corn farmers to produce for syrup/ethanol instead of food, leading to inflation across the board, driving farms to fail and the community to die off. Fuck the corn syrup industry and all the greedy capitalist bullshit like it. πŸ–•πŸ½

Frankly, OP's words are closer to a summary of the quotes you provided than you seem to be insinuating...

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Life Pro-tip: don't turn your car off unless you're safely parked. Not only is it insanely unsafe, but you're actively blocking traffic even if it's stopped around you; in the event of a wreck involving your car in said inert state, you're in legal trouble in a number of directions. Don't be a dumbass.

The infinitesimal amount of "saved" fuel is absolutely nothing compared to the mind-bogglingly enormous amount of commercial waste that pushes our civilization to the brink. You're not "doing your part" in any way at all with this bullshit. Stop already and think, FFS. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

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What's funny is that the most obvious side effect to this is the most realistic: molecular manipulation in this way causes an incredible build-up of energy that either expresses as kinetic or thermal, depending, and almost always exponentially explosive from the moment you turn time back "on"... to say nothing of the disastrous effects at the fringes for such time-stop powers...

tl;dr: The Flash would've incinerated the entire planet long before he discovered how to keep from glassing it simply by practicing his powers.

Put down the pipe, son.