Americans Are Less Motivated to Work This Year Compared to Last, New Data Shows to – 406 points –
Americans Are Less Motivated to Work This Year Compared to Last, New Data Shows

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Seriously. What is this propagandist bullshit? Fucking sorry excuse for "journalism", Bloomberg. Blame the prols? Is that it? Push us to judge each other, to shame our fellow replaceables until what? We roll out the guillotine again? I'm here for it.

I'll even paint mine up so it says "Heroes work here!" right up at the top, so everyone knows who's pulling the ripcord. How about that?

What is this propagandist bullshit? Fucking sorry excuse for “journalism”, Bloomberg.

It's literally named after a billionaire. What did you expect?

Ach. You're so right. 😅🤦🏼‍♂️ How soon we (I) forget.