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Joined 1 years ago

That would be the ones that shot us all in the face with brexit

The rich text editor my work uses in its product dud this 🤣

While they are looking to jump to something else they will get at least 1 or 2vyears worth of fees out of them

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Wow that's pretty horrible.

It's amazing what you miss due to 10 years of browsing with RIF and RES as mandatory installs

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While you are not wrong it's worth noting he was not elected by the public and even worse before he was basically handed the job he ran (internaly) on a platform of fixing the economy he fucked as chancellor of the exchequer

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Probably need to be client side tbh but when someone mass posts the same article across multiple communities and instances I only see it once with a list of where its posted if you go into it.

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At least they got a rejection

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Indeed know a guy who got played 9ff by big blue. He was the only one who could do his job so he has screwed them as a contractor for 500 a day 100% working from home and a loooooong termination clauses

Edit sorry this is in the UK not us

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Yeh 2 or 3 but normal people can't afford them due to the price of fucking everything going up a lot.

In seriousness I like how the ps5 feels to play but due to slow releases unless it's the last of us re re re master master deluxe lack of time or just not having a free 70 quid that month I buy 1 or 2 games a year.

Multiplayer games are not my thing.

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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

Seems pretty apt for this one

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It's worse than that.

My work upgraded my Windows phone to an iPhone 12. Every single feature I relied on is missing in its.

How bad do you have to be to be worse than a windows phone

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The whole credit system is a scam.

I was lucky enough to pay off my mortgage a few months ago due to the money saved working from home going to that since the 1st lock downs

What happened my credit score instantly went down.

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I tend to wear cotton t shirts so I tend to just grab a corner of that to clean em.

Been doing this for 20 yrs and never had to replace a set before my eyes said otherwise.

Frames on the other hand...

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I got a warning for saying I wished tory voters get to experience the policies they voted for. Same reason

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Honestly glad I left. For now at least when I see that new message number I'm not terrified of what I'll find inside

It's not though. There was way less loading screens in skyrim

Ffs can you lot just have your civil war already so the rest of us can deal with the fall out

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Hi bing. How do I stop a nuclear reactor from going critical?

For those correcting my error It was just a joke. The only things I know about nuclear power I learned from the simpsons and Kyle hill

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The problem here if the breaking of herd immunity that protects those that can't have vaccens e.g. immunocompromised

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This from someone who clearly benefitted from migration.

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Is this collective action to force change?

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I could have sworn I saw something saying Google caved on this due to pressure.

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All I see is Homer Simpson

Remind me again why IoT is a good idea

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. In fact IIRC, the fact that they're covering themselves up is what tips off God that they ate the fruit.

You mean the all knowing all seeing deity didn't know about it until they got dressed?

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Very distant

We're both in our 40s now with my sister being 4 yrs younger.

I recently went to a therapy thing that dug up allot of the past. This made me reach out to her to see if it was as bad as I remembered.

Turns out it was way worse with her having a similar journey just before me. We sat in the pub drinking coffee and chatting for 5 hours.

During that conversation we realises thar even to this day our parents were manipulating us to keep is distant.

The worst manipulation was when our kids were young we had a silly argument over you forgot to get my kid a present for a birthday (we hadn't just not gotten it to a mutual drop off point with it. Usually my dads) pater that yr my youngest landed in hospital forest of the year. Thought she was going tondie levels of terrified.

They manipulate her with that stupid argument to make her terrified to visit. She did phone the hospital for updates but avoided talking to us while my parents made comments to me about her not being interested.

I don't think we will ever be close but we are in a way better place and now know the shit our parents are pulling to better avoid the traps.

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When I was at uni lecturers would often state that exams were thr worst measure of grasping the subject material but its all we have at the moment.

I saw this my self with some of my class mates testing very well but when discussing or problem solving outside of the class there was nothing there.

I think llms fall into this category but with way better recall.

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Let's not forget. Yes or not till I accidentally click the wrong button

That's only 1 ip (single host)

Ass is pronounced ass and arse is pronounced arse

They are generally used differently at least in the bit of the UK I'm from

Ass is the body part/animal and rarely used as an insult

Arse is primarily used as an insult "I don't like him the man's an arse"

I have zero clue how it evolved this way beyond (to me at least) calling someone an ass just sounds wierd.

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Arnt they all.

I got the original vive which just my beatsaber player but due yo having a wife a job and chit to get done it lives in its protective case and when I do get a min yo use it both controler batteries are dead due to time living in a box

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I'll be honest as an IT professional of 25 plus years I don't know .y passwords either but that's because I let a password manager deal with it for me.

I have had people older than me complain the comp forgot the pass in my desktop days.

There was also it's cousin. I am definitely meeting the complexity requirements why isn't it saving

I find myself hitting the same issues with ddg as with Google. The 1st page trys to sell me the thing I want info on

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Pretty sure that was one of the plot threads in 2.5 men

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From my very basic understanding of it yes. It in effect checks what's loaded against what was served and if there's a discrepancy it does its thing.

Note. If I have misunderstood please someone correct me.

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Honestly as a non yank I'm bored just do the fucking thing and let the world get on with it.

Deal with your fuckwits or let them roll over you (and yhe rest of us)

I'm just sick of the will the won't they and I say that as someone who has to deal with Boris Johnsons ilk

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i try to train words that i use as shorthand or slang for years it completely ignores me. i accidently end my email address .comd instead of .com once 5 years ago!! will that thing forget it no never

You forgot jacked the price on games up because reasons

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Having done no research on the subject I always assumed it was highly radiated already what with the no atmosphere and little if any magnetosphere for protection

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I miss the days when it was rare to need to goto the second page. Now you have to in order to get passed the all the shite. Even ignoring the sponsored shit Google wants to sell me the thing I'm trying to get a review of on the firs and second page

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A variation of this that drives me nuts at work

Trying to highlight part of a url it decides nope you getvall or nothing.