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Joined 9 months ago

I used Sync. Sync went to Lemmy. I moved to Lemmy.

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Send me a text or call me. The family and friends I want to talk to will make an effort. The rest I don't really need to know about.

Apparently i should install Linux.

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Well Netflix is gone. Still using Disney plus cause I swapped my HBO max password for it. I guess soon I will have no streaming services on my tv at all seeing as both Disney plus and HBO are cracking down on password sharing. Shame. They had a good thing going before they all got too greedy.

Back to the high seas. It was nice while it lasted. But Gaben is right. And I havent pirated a game since he got the formula right. Netflix had it. But everyone got too greedy, created their own services splitting the products over multiple services.

It's like Alan Wake 2. Sure I wanna play it. But until the Epic exclusive deal is over and it hits Steam, I aint gonna be playing it.

You honestly think I don't have enough hate in my heart for 2 rich assholes flying around in private jets?

Well yeah. It was how we heated our home when I was a kid growing up in England.

Why does your government not want a healthy work force? Healthy workers are more productive. Even with the right wing focus of your entire government, having healthy workers just feels like a no brainer.

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Would have great internet too if the telecommunication companies didn't just pocket the money for installing fiber infrastructure. Twice.

Wait. What? Is this real? Firmware and drivers behind a pay wall? Are they insane?

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For godsake. That copy used to sit on my childhood bookshelf but got lost in a move somewhere along the line.

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Finally gonna play the first 3 games of The Longest journey and Dreamfall. I am convinced Funcom are great story tellers but awful mmo creators. See Anarchy Online, The Secret World, Conan Exiles. Great story telling. Terrible mmos.

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Dark Souls 3. Well I say Dark Souls 3. Reality is its Sister Friede. Over and over and over again. Stage 3 is easy to get to. But she kicks my ass in stage 3.

I think you will find he did write with a ball point pen. Blackadder Back and Forth. 13:27 and 27:39.

Its the Redbull party truck. Seen one on Gotland this year in the summer. You open up the roof when it is parked and there is a full covered dj booth inside. Gives a real rave at then end of the apocolypse vibe.

Did you just not play Super Mario Bros?

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Couldn't find one when it came out. Covid happened, lost my job. Struggled financially. Finally getting back on my feet. Riding cost of living and inflation eating all my spare cash. Cant afford one now. Sigh. If only they were available at release I would have got one.

Shadow of the Colossus. The urge just hit me and I am just knocking out 3 or 4 Colossus a day. Enjoying exploring and seeing the world in hdr cause I only remember the ps3 hd remake. The ps4 hdr remake is jaw droppingly stunning to look at.

Thats Finland.

Being poor. Lost 20 kilos.

I usually have Rice left over in the fridge cause I always cook it in big batches. Egg fried Rice is so quick and simple.

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Shit. That's the entire population if the island i live on. Just gone.

Finally finished Halo 2 and it was a slog. Now on to Halo 3 and straight away more fun, better movement and better gunplay than halo 2.

Finished Zero Entropy 2 and wow. Its canon in my mind. Feels like Half Life 2 Opposing Forces Episode 2 if valve had shown us the combine side. Now will 3 come? 3 is cursed so I just putting it to one side.

Finished Pony Island. Weird game. Not too sure what was going on but ok. Its off the list now.

And heroes of the storm ofc. Started storm League with a friend and we are having a blast together. Aram when I am solo.

Why? Why!? I am old and grumpy. Cosmetics are things you earn through game progression. Not locked behind pay walls. Oh It'S oNLy CoSmETicS BrO. Fuck you. Fuck this attitude. Fuck the never ending agreed. Fuck natural game progression. Everything is a locked behind pay walls nowadays cause of this oh its only CoSmETicS bro attitude.

From an app called Retrowave Wallpapers. It is constantly moving towards the horizon too. I like it.

Just flip it over to charge of course

And the first album is gone. Just deleted from existence. I really liked that album. But my god. The depravity of that man.

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Now do Bloodborne

This. So tired of having a discussion and some wise ass comes in and says oh I cant stand headlines with this word. So? Why share with the class? It adds nothing to the discussion besides letting the person stamp their feet in indignation while at the same time adding nothing of any value whatsoever. Congratulations. You shared an opinion that offers nothing but smug self glorification.

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Still Heroes of the storm every day. And going through the master chief collection. Enjoyed Halo Reach. Halo Combat Evolved was fun game play with a well paced story. Halo 2 is just a slog. Such long levels. Much of it just the same section repeated because padding. Story all over the place and jumping around between characters so no real sense of cohesion. Just need to slog through it so I can start on Halo 3. Oh. I have never played Halo before so this is all new to me.

I remember someone telling me at the start of the conflict that it would be more economically viable to keep the war on going than it would be to end it. The west has the fire power to end this conflict whenever it wants. But it wont make as much money ending it as it would prolonging it. I thought that was a very cynical view point. That was nearly 2 years ago now.

Hard agree. One Red Hot Minute was really the beginning of the end.

I just cannot get any clay pot recipe to work. Everything just tastes like early 90s brown and cheap run down council estate houses with peeling wall paper and damp infecting tye whole building. Not a flavour I am looking for in a good home cooked meal.

Stranger in a Strange Land. Read that many times.

Not on the Swedish Spotify. Geo locking is a thing.

Magnus Opus yes. With Teeth is still an amazing album.

We were. But now number one Gun crime country in Europe. Woohoo!

Feels weird too say that my wifi is being shit cause of sharks but its true!


Funcom have a habit of having good ideas and not following through on them. The Secret World is the first time I encountered them. And to be fair the game has a story that I find really intriguing. It is a shame such a fun story is locked behind an mmo when as a single player experience it could be so, so much more.

Peaked at Pablo Honey. Radiohead after that was meh. Take it or leave it.