After 9 months, the New Orleans Police Department’s use of facial recognition has resulted in zero arrests and multiple false positives to – 1367 points –
New Orleans police use of facial recognition nets zero arrests in nine months - Louisiana Illuminator

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The terrifying part to me is that cops across the nation have a long history of seeing that the tech they want to use is unreliable and based on junky science, but they still push it through anyway. Aren't police dogs about as reliable as a coin-flip when their handlers aren't nipping at their neck to get them to jump at anything? They don't care if it's right as long as they can use it to justify their behavior, so they make it policy.

Only the drug dogs are ineffective. Bloodhounds and tracking dogs have been a staple of hunting down people, and German retrievers can take a man down effectively as well.

When they are trained with incentives for finding something, instead of incentives to be correct, then they will find something. Same is true for man or beast.

A lot if forensic "science" is utter bunk. Yet it continues to be used. Having a fair and equitable system was never the point.