2 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

New roof and floor. Plus whatever other damage to the room, plus a bit of buffer for legal fees.

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Ubuntu is basically what you are describing.

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Possibly for government use? I know of a few systems running on the oldest software possible.

They have a taskbar and stuff now I think

“Goolsby now has four dogs, seven cats, a fish and a bird.”

The woman in the article has over 10 animals. This isn’t a renters vs landlords thing this is an irresponsible pet owner.

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Without endless dlc? Who do you think Paradox is???

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None, these types of cases barely ever go to trial, they will end with a settlement of which the lawyers will take a portion as compensation.

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Fake AF

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This raid is in connection to sex trafficking allegations, though four other people have accused him of sexual assault and rape.

They weren't arrested for the texts being racist or anti gay. They were arrested for admitting to beating up black and gay people then destroying evidence in the texts. Shit headline but it's the right thing to do.

Back to the pirate life I guess.

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Guess a state with a big enough user base finally tried this horse shit lol.

Don't worry, it has to be painted good to impress the ladies.

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They’re scared of a file called “System 32.” Delete it and the little people should come back.

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OMG this is just like my Heckin Disney showerino!!!!

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It shows every time you try and sideload a different app. Overall it’s probably a good idea but unlike every other warning on android there is no option to silence it forever.

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That is a failed revolution wrapped in totalitarian capitalism.

Bro said the most wrong thing I’ve seen all week and won’t respond.

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That’s for femboys, which if you are call me.

“But these are the bad guys so it’s okay”

  • Israel

The DC liscense plate says just that.

Only the drug dogs are ineffective. Bloodhounds and tracking dogs have been a staple of hunting down people, and German retrievers can take a man down effectively as well.

United Methodists have always been a very liberal and progressive church. This isn’t a gimmick or boost for the masses but bringing their teachings in line with their sayings.

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It’s a very odd choice.

The Supreme Court is probably waiting for something more impactful. Like a full on challenge instead of just this request that halts the stop date.

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Essentially the people have the ability to go backwards or go forwards in time. To go back or forward in time you need to go through an entrance, red means forward, blue means backwards. Their weapons and bullets have the ability to do this by themselves. The bad group wants to acquire the original source of this power and rewind the entire earth to undo climate change, the good guys believe this would destroy the world instead of saving it. The protagonist is the creator of the group in the future, but sends his associates back in time to recruit his younger self and put an end to this group. The main way they attack in this movie is by one team attacking at one point in time and another team attacking backwards in time. Eventually, the bad guys get all parts of this source and begin the process to reverse all of Earth, but the protagonist wins in the end. This is when its revealed he recruited all these people in the future to save the world, making the ending also the beginning.

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Entire local economies are run around chip manufacturing in South Korea and Taiwan. Plus it’s seen as a matter of national security, the US is more likely to defend and support them if they have these valuable chip plants.

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I assume being in Silicon Valley means you are around other tech startups and people in the tech industry. Half of being a startup is getting industry connections and getting your name in the paper.

Bro was doing side quests when Japan was fucking up the main game attacking Pearl harbor.

I get the sentiment but damn are the trans memes painfully unfunny. Y'all gotta get better at making memes or this instance is gonna remain mid.

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It's even more fun because the US has corruption and lobbying. It's like double dipping but for politicians.

There's a plaque by the lake he was found in, it's bulletproof because people kept shooting it.

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Insane they can just steal kids like that and not face any reprocusions.

Everything the cinema did can be considered fraud and false advertising. Potentially millions if they play it right.

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During his administration only or all of history?

McCain was captured by the Vietcong, held as prisoner there for a longer than average time. Then came back to the US, became a senator, and advocated for close US and Vietnam relations. McCain was an early adopter of the "If you can't beat them, crush them economically until the become a capitalist country" approach to Vietnam. In honor of his commitment to close ties between the US and Vietnam despite his long capture, McCain is revered in the country.

Skaters have always been super inclusive to everyone but scooters. The queer skaters aren’t something new to be gawked at, they’ve always been here.

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Because that’s not technically illegal until the gag order, which went into effect after the post was made.

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