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2 tips.

  1. Negative air pressure is your friend. If you open the windows upstairs and down and blow air out of the house it'll suck air from the downstairs to the upstairs cooling the entire house.

  2. Bernoulli's principle is your friend. Rather than having fans right next to the windows you'll move more air if you back the fans a meter or so from the window.

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Yeah, ain't gonna happen because Biden would have to step aside. The time for him to do that was last November.

This is going to be really bad and I blame Biden and the Democrats in 2020 that decided an 80 year old was a good pick.

This is not the left cannibalizing itself. This is the democrat leadership taking advantage of a candidate who will end democracy and instead propping up progressively worse candidates election after election. Instead of going with a candidate that is even moderately popular with the left of the party, the democrats put in a candidate who is best known for compromising with the right.

It's, frankly, the result of the wealth of the democrat party stomping down anyone that would potentially raise their tax burden.

Don't you love how a cop who drunkenly threatened his girlfriend with his pistol and has multiple discipline actions on record for excessive violence is still allowed to be a cop?

Pretty crazy. Mexico has traditionally been VERY catholic. The fact that it has become more progressive than the US on women's rights really speaks volumes about how terrible the US has become.

I suspect a LOT of abortions happening down in the west texas town of el paso.

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but I'm not exactly sure what he was expecting. Storing files is an ongoing expense

He was expecting a company that promised unlimited data to not reneg on their advertised product. Or to simply delete data they promised to store because it's inconvenient for them.

Yeah, it costs money to store things, something Google's sales, marketing, and legal teams should have thought about before offering an "unlimited" product.

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Shows how big a lie the election is stolen narrative is.

Jordan, if he were in Congress where he knows he can't be sued for defamation, would have ranted for 20 minutes about Dominion voting machines. But put him in a place where he knows he'd get a defamation lawsuit and all the sudden that congressional fire goes ice cold.

He's a supreme weasel and he covered up rape for years.

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Originalism is nothing more than a mechanism for the Supreme Court to undo past precedent they don't like. Welcome to the new lochner era.

Hopefully we end this one like we ended the last, with a wave of socialism and a tough president willing to pack the court.

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This is all wishful thinking.

We've had politicians with clear signs of dementia still being elected years after those signs show up. Ronald Reagan was said to have very clear signs of dementia in the run for his second term.

The only thing that will keep Trump off the ballot at this point is his death. He could be catatonic in a wheel chair and he'll still be on the ballot. There's simply no mechanism the RNC could pull even if it wanted to to keep him off the ballot.

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Which is actually pretty hopeful. Once the dude got out of a media ecosystem telling him what to think and feel, and he was presented with the facts in an irrefutable way, he did what was right.

Right-wing media is all about creating an information bubble keeping inconvenient truths out.

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What's terrifying about MAGA isn't Trump, it's who comes next.

A second term for Trump will be terrible, but it'll end fairly quickly as I don't think he's going to live another 10 years.

However, if you take a look at the "Next generation" they are all copying trumpism but just making it a bit more crazy. Vivek is the poster child for this behavior. They are finding more and more than just abandoning pretext and saying the quiet part outloud doesn't lose elections.

The only way to stop this is having the GOP lose over and over and over again. After Biden's presidency the GOP cannot see power for at least another decade otherwise it will just snowball into more extreme craziness (it may do that anyways as the insane base will keep moderates out of office).

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Good ole fascism.

This is a play to delegitimize the courts. Fascists know that Trump deserves to be knocked off the ballot and that Biden does not. They don't care. It serves them well to have their case laughed out of court so they can campaign off removing the deep state from the courts.

Man I wish there was a way to penetrate fascist propaganda.

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This is worse. Bush v Gore was about an election that just happened. It was about an actual case.

Here, the supreme Court took a very narrowly decided case, ignored the decision, and then changed the question being asked to one they want to answer.

Further, the special prosecutor asked them months ago "hey, can you take up this case now rather than delaying everything" which is something previous courts have done (for example, Bush v Gore).

But instead, they delayed, pushed to the lower court, delayed since more,.

It's rat fucking to the extreme. The Supreme Court has no legitimacy.

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Not quiet. This is a key witness that testified in trump's defense, and even went to jail for trump. Now, however, he's struck a new deal in a different case to testify against trump... which isn't great for the ongoing case where he already testified for trump.

In other words, this is terrible news for both Trump AND Weisselberg.

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11 or 13. You don't do even numbers on the SC so there aren't voting ties.

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And frankly, I'm really ok with this.

Trains should be the backbone for shipping. They are WAY more fuel efficient, like 3 to 4x more efficient than shipping by truck. Rail requires far less maintenance. And there's always the option install a 3rd rail and use electricity instead of fossil fuels to ship.

The issue we have is that the checks for a bad actor are impeachment and elections. The founders thought "surely, elected officials would put country over party". They were wrong there, so now impeachment is ineffective.

The founders thought "surely, voters wouldn't elect an immortal leader". Again, dead wrong.

Voting is really the only effective check at this point, which is why Republicans try to undermine it at every turn. Vote in every election!

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No matter what happens Trump will trumpet "the deep state is rigging things against me".

To me, it's a nothing that he does this. His followers already believe this regardless of what happens. Everyone else knows what happened J6.

So what is there to fear following the law? His supporters won't get less violent or treasonous.

Much much simpler than that. Remember how just a few months ago everything the right didn't like was "woke"? And a few months before that how everything the right didn't like was CRT?

Well, we are here now. All problems are a result of DEI. It really does not matter that it's completely insane to view the world like this. Right wing media has it's current swear word of the month and that word (or in this case acronym) is DEI.

What's super effective about this tactic is exactly what the mayor hints at. It's a way to say the n-word without saying it.

The angle here is the right is a bunch of racist bigots and framing all the ills of the world in terms of that racist bigotry makes their lizard brained viewers happy (well, angry, but at the right people).

Quiet literally how Nazi propaganda worked. Blame all the problems of germany on the jews and the non-jews right wing morons will happily nod along with "yer right, it is the Jews' fault our society is crumbling!" It did not have to make sense or be reasonable. You just constantly plant that fear and suspicion in your dumbass follower's brains.

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Look at all these human shields... shielding the food and medical aid. Guess we better mow them down.

The terms here are how the commission should have been running debates from the beginning.

Trump will never agree to these terms as they undercut his entire debate strategy. With no crowd there, Trump can't feed off their responses. With the mic time limit he can't interrupt and interject like he wants to do. That leaves him with his rambling disconnected thoughts.

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Seriously, it's because right-wing grifters (especially Trump) have been sucking up all the cash.

It used to be (in the Republican party) that after the elections Republican candidates would contribute their campaign funds back to the party. Trump put an end to that which has cash starved the local elections.

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Meanwhile, I reported comments calling for the mass execution of LGBT folk and "this is not against community standards".

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Yup. Not only that, years earlier they were under investigation by the doj for their chloroprene emissions.

Denka's arguments here are ridiculous. They are trying to play like chloroprene isn't horribly toxic. It's a human pesticide. No emissions are safe, and that means they can't run their 60 year old cancer factory without rebuilding. Booo hooo.

The published order is just that. It doesn't explain the why or whatever just "We are reducing the bond amount and not removing the other limitations of the ruling"

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The reason Blue Cross took this case all the way to court is simple, to send a message to anyone else denied "be prepared to spend millions fighting us, oh and you still have cancer so you'll likely die soon".

The medication, Bicillin (penicillin G benzathine) is a mold byproduct. It's produced by fermentation. The only reason pfizer wouldn't be producing enough of it is that the profit margins aren't high enough.

You could convert a brewery to a Bicillin "factory" and have enough of it to supply the nation.

Pfizer wants to act like this is somehow a result of not enough employees or equipment or whatever. But the real problem is they haven't spent the probably $100k to buy a new vat to produce the stuff.

This is why there shouldn't be drug companies. It's criminal that such an old and well known drug is being left in the hand of these crooks trying to rob the public in dire health straights.

Oh, and yes, it is THAT penicillin. The one discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

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"our job is to harass brown people, not to protect the public"

Communicating through official channels "This is the winner!" seems like it's more of an issue for them. It's not a 3rd party misreporting the numbers, it was the company itself publishing the winners itself.

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Friendly reminder to everyone to check your registration status, like right this instant. Because some of these states have REALLY bad registration laws to try and keep you from voting.

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If trump is bankrupted by this, it doesn't mean the show is over. He is still almost certainly going to with the nomination for the republican party and, frankly, I don't think any of his supporters care that he's a criminal.

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No need to be unconvinced, right wingers have explicitly said that's what they want. Benny Shaps recently said something to the effect of "It's unhealthy to retire, everyone that retires ends up dying in a few years. We should all work as long as possible."

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Waaa? Didn't you read the supreme court's real official and super enforceable and cool ethics standards they published in response to Thomas's million dollar modest vacations?

I'm sure the upstanding justices will LEAP to follow their own guidelines. /s

He knows he's not winning. This is either to try and be Trumps VP, or is to promote his books and podcast (or both).


Trump was not wrong that his career with republicans was basically ended. However, Pence was ideally setup to end Trump's career. Had he testified in the impeachment hearing, it would have been DAMN hard for the republicans to spin that as "Oh, opsie, this was just a little crimin'"

Instead, the dipshit thought he'd be loved enough to get a presidential nomination this year (TF?!?!). He's a moron.

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Exactly this. Finance transparency should be a requirement for public officials. I honestly don't care if my politician has a NW of 10 million. I do care if that's tied to industries they are supposed to be regulating. I also care if they started out with nothing and became millionaires after joining politics.

That said, billionaires should be barred from ever interacting with politics. Congratulations, you won capitalism, now leave the rest of us alone.

If you are in idaho (like I am) please go sign a petition for the ballot initiative on ranked choice voting and open primaries.

Especially if you are in rural idaho! In order to get on the ballot we need enough people from every county to sign the petition. The rural counties are the hardest places to get signees.

This is so important. And you can see how important by how the far right idiots are reacting to it. They are TERRIFIED of it because they know they can't get elected if RCV is implemented.

This is the best way to make idaho politics a bit more sane.

The other theory I've heard that makes some sense is lead exposure. From 1925 to about 1976, lead was commonly added to gasoline. Lead is known to cause psychological problems including irritablity and general mood disorders.

Pretty much everyone born during that period was exposed to aerosolized lead.