"My juror": Trump believed a loyalist on the jury could save him, until the very end

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 398 points –

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Which is actually pretty hopeful. Once the dude got out of a media ecosystem telling him what to think and feel, and he was presented with the facts in an irrefutable way, he did what was right.

Right-wing media is all about creating an information bubble keeping inconvenient truths out.

"no one is the villain of their own story."

I strongly believe that the majority of Trump supporters (maybe not the supremely rabid ones) truly believe that they're doing the right thing based on the propaganda they're exposed to.

I live in a rather red area of my state and while I definitely know racists and selfish assholes (this is NY so they're everywhere) most of the Republicans i know are generally good people that are just submerged in a propaganda ecosystem. Hell one of my coworkers is absolutely a way better person than I am: volunteering and giving to charity, giving a lot of their time to others, but they're also a die hard Republican.

If anyone checks my history I say this a thousand times: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS they are a cancer on society...

And right wing/conservative policies are all about creating a class of people in society who can be exploited and abused

Also forcing them to communicate with real people in real life makes a HUGE difference. Combine those two things and you have a potentially powerful force of deprogramming.

It's almost like forcing the Germans to walk through the camps after they were liberated... Except hopefully before it gets to that point.