153 Post – 1136 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

Haha, they’re all related to caves in some way, descent is about cave exploring, cloverfield is about subterranean dwelling stuff and 10 cloverfield place is about basement dwelling, at least that was my logic 😊

Such are my mysterious ways

So, moving soon?

That’s part of the plot of the movie

::: spoiler spoiler

Descent :::

Edit: it sucks that I can’t say the movie without ruining its surprise, what a useless spoiler tag 😭

For anyone who doesn’t want to ruin the surprise: it’s one of these movies: 10 cloverfield lane, cloverfield, and descent

There, now you won’t know which one exactly (if you haven’t seen all three) but you’ll get a ballpark sense of which movie to watch

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Like, I can drink out of this thimble deep

Me too 🙌

Yeah, under the spectrum of feminist choices being a trad wife is one of them. However, you don’t get to tell other women (or men) how to be. That’s feminism, freedom of choice across genders

Who was the Judas? It was big bird wasn’t it?

They invoke “civil war” phrase every time they feel threatened, and then wonder why their candidate faced an assassination. Who do they think is the dumbass here? Their voters? Or the opposition?

Calling them punks is an insult to punks, they’re just scum

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The issue is that people don’t appreciate that DEI etc. are not about race per se, but about the problems and conflicts which happened (and still do) because people have different skin colors.

You cannot create ideology based on racial supremacy, and then complain when other people want to block degenerates like you from acting on that ideology.

Wooooow, him calling her unqualified is so cringe

Just compare their education and work

He’s straight up only qualified to run fucking Tennessee, what an embarrassment for him to call anyone else unqualified

This scale is so exaggerated, I am short and know tall people, they do not tower over me like that haha

I know, I just disown them from the punk label

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“I think American politics is a joke,” Salah said. “I think we’re seeing that no matter which party is in power, no matter which face it is, it’s kind of the same system.”

Anyone who thinks only American politics are a joke is naive af, and needs to read more non-American news or history

Then go lie down on the beach to relieve stress, flip yourself over after you’ve slightly browned

Polls mean nothing, the trends on polls aren’t guaranteed if people get complacent and don’t turn out. Voter apathy is the worst thing that can happen to Dems in this election

Ironic considering his wife is an Indian immigrant

I think it’s a good move, make way for fresh talent!

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Well, yeah. In healthy organizations, the old guard almost invariably makes way for the next gen

Edit to remove out of context comment, linked here for reference:

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A dragon never overcomes its nature. It mediates and transforms, but it’s essentially itself always: a snacky and peckish bastard

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How bigoted, the trans black men should start their own fraternity and invite all black men to join.

Nobody wants to melee with you OP, you’re drunk on Taco Bell hot sauce. Stop imagining things

Yes, it’s not like Ohio is facing any issues at all because of climate change,

Drinking water treatment and grid maintenance? Fiscally irresponsible expenditures.

Republicans are clowns

Wait, what’s the complaint? I read a lot of comments complaining about her prosecutorial record, so I was like what’s her record exactly? Then I shared the article. Are…are you complaining about how the internet works?

Edit: I also think she’s a reasonable prosecutor given she had to work during the “tough on crime” era. I can’t judge for what she did when everyone was doing the same wrong thing. In fact, I think she tried to be better? The question is what would she do differently now.

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For me, I get super emotional like a week before haha

That’s not a computer, that’s a cool-puter. You can play some cool VR games on it! I was just looking to build a pc gaming rig yesterday

It’s just lifting it’s pinky to drink tea, how fancy

I often say “it’s yuge” 😔

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Oh man, I replied to the wrong thread 🤦‍♀️

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Same development firm got the contract?

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Well, as mentioned that’s just the internet doing its thing. Perhaps touch some grass?

So, she was literally reflecting the will of the voters with some of her decisions. Given that, I think her choices make sense.

In one instance — her handling of California’s “three strikes” law — Harris was arguably ahead of the time. Under the law, someone who committed a third felony could go to prison for 25 years to life, even if the third felony was a nonviolent crime. But Harris required that the San Francisco district attorney’s office only charge for a third strike if the felony was a serious or violent crime.

California voters in 2004, the year that Harris took office, rejected a ballot initiative to implement a similar reform statewide — though the ballot proposal had some pushback on the details, leading to Harris’s own opposition. It wasn’t until 2012 that voters approved the change.

“There’s been incredibly rapid change in public opinion, in attention to criminal justice,” Silard said, citing his decades-long experience in the criminal justice system and current experience as president of the reform-minded Rosenberg Foundation. “Bringing a reverse lens to that is not fair, and also doesn’t recognize folks who were courageous at that time.”

Emphasis mine

Oh my god, I would do this

The rural population folks are pawns being manipulated by the greedy uber rich. In fact, they’re deliberately kept destitute and sick so they can’t move to other states, and they're fed a constant stream of hate media to get them vote against their own interests. There’s no war but class war.

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Nazis, neo or otherwise, think of being gay as a mental illness. Being a billionaire might insulate Thiel from the face eating leopards, but only in so far as the leopards have other targets. Neo Nazis are going to clean up house of minorities and gays once they have sufficient legal foothold.

As for conservatives, they don’t care about how much money someone else has, but rather how much they can use someone else’s money.

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I find that adding an electrolyte mix helps me drink more water, maybe that might help encourage refilling?

Thanks for pointing it out lol

What would it take to implement even a part of the Nordic model social welfare here in the U.S.?

Not an economist, but I think it would take taxing corporations a fair share of the resources, human and otherwise, they enjoy.

So much wealth is misappropriated as undeserved CEO pay, and restructuring CEO pay even just a little to allow paying for greater corporate taxes will create enough revenue from taxes and implement social welfare for 100s of millions.

Housing support for families and individuals who need it, free healthcare for all, and free K-12 education for all should be a bare minimum. Moreover, if people are losing work and income due to AI, there needs to be retraining.

But why do all this? Why reduce suffering and misery? Less worry about money and health = happier lives = stronger bodies and minds = more resilient people = communities which can withstand shocks from natural or manmade disasters. In some way, having stronger communities ensures homeland security.

More than that, everything which supports the work of corporations relies on civilized society and the structure gained from civilization. These are the basics which are ignored in favor of shortsighted policy making benefiting only the greedy.

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Let’s gooooo! Harris/AOC, maybe? That would be wild

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