122 Post – 929 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

smol, femme, nerd

libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

No discourse on farts is complete without mention of the Dutch oven. The type of cover material used to create the oven is just as important as what is eaten prior to the farting itself

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Alternative title: use these words if you want your kid to never say them again

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So you’re saying you’re getting blown less now

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See, your mistake is confusing people with brain rot as bots, brain rotted humans are more likely to fail this test fyi

Though seriously, I think I’d like to find a way to catch bots in the wild, not sure what’s a good strategy for that. A game of werewolf? If account is not colluding with other players in DMs you know that account is sus

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You get out of here with that smol frog, no way! I call fake news

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How many frogs are juiced per bottle? Poor froggies

You know, the least you can do if you’re dumb is not be a racist piece of shit. Dumb and racist is just too much


So you’re saying we can get the bots to organize their own game of werewolf? The prompt injection sends them to a bot only instance and you can’t join/comment the instance unless you enter via that injected link, but can still view it

Yes, but also OP is a giant

The yapping will only stop when the sun goes supernova

Read this as bread in soup and was like, “awww thanks”

Maybe because of too much lead exposure?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing quality assurance work, but I think the workers are being fooled into thinking it’s less valuable work than their old job. In fact, based on QA in other industries, I’d say these workers should be getting paid more. This is why unions are important, otherwise people just get fooled or bullied into accepting bad deals

He has the facial expression of someone patiently waiting for someone else to stop talking

Wow, you can never tell with people. Go to someone’s house, and maybe they’re secret toilet-brush-in-dishwasher people. And there you are, innocently using their dishes.

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The cover cushioned the phone so that anything it hit would have a chance to survive. It’s for the protection of everything else

How about customers just flat out refuse to fly on Boeing planes?

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I know it’s a shitpost, but the idea behind something like this is counter to the point of rehabilitation. Civilization should move towards rehabilitation instead of punishment as the idea is that you want to integrate someone back into society. I am not sure inducing trauma and mental damage is conducive to rehabilitation.

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The context your tldr is missing is that the hospital she went to ignored her and left her waiting.

This bench needs just one accessory

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I believe the correct term is foofy for all types of bun

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By virtue of being a man, anything you do is manly, including banging soft ladies ☝️🤓

Edit sorry couldn’t resist ^^

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Tasteless! MSFT can have their armies of skilled people do this instead of leeching off FOSS contributions. It’s just not an acceptable move from a profit-driven entity to expect free labor, regardless of the FOSS philosophy of the project!

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By law, religious people should not be allowed in government or policy making. Delusional people cannot be trusted with such work.

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One of these is not like the other

The car in the fourth panel is white

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Cabal of gay demons always have the funnest things.

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There’s also this one ^^

I like this version

That’s when social media started earnestly taking a foothold. I am guessing maybe this has to do with depressed females (there are studies which indicate social media use affects females more and also depresses them). Depressed females likely have different preferences and standards than those who are not, perhaps. If you don’t like yourself, you’re unlikely to pursue and welcome relationships.

Alternatively, that was the time of the Great Recession. Perhaps some young adults in general are too economically stressed to do normal activities?

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isn’t this something else that is illegal? It’s so irresponsible for Trump and GOP to constantly use bullying tactics to silence people. If something happens, Trump and GOP are responsible. These people have become full on terrorists

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Knowing your shortcomings is half the battle!

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It seems she’s devoid of personality, which explains her bile against people who have any. She’s just a useful idiot for the culture war assholes

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I am not sure that just because someone produces sperm vs eggs delineates them as male vs female. You could produce sperm but have endocrinological phenotypes (driven by genes) affect your physiology, so it wouldn’t make sense to keep insisting that one is male then.

Also, how does this definition take into account intersex people who produce both types of eggs? They’re a man? Or woman? What subcriteria would you use to define them, and then why wouldn’t you use that same subcriteria on single-cell producers?

At a socio-political and cultural level, it seems useless to worry about how someone’s sex is defined. There’s no purpose served other than to create a class of people who can conveniently be othered and used as a means to distract from people who are truly damaging to society—the greedy and resource hoarders.

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Ugh I hate misinformation, it’s completely missing the part where your dissertation committee does a coin flip to determine if you’re fighting snakes or sharks

Conservatives are a scourge on humanity. Backwards thinking cowards

No, Transylvanian

Isn’t it fun that you can’t tell?


OTOH, bi women don’t face the same kind of discrimination. I blame society.

Seriously tho, I think it’s likely because men aren’t allowed to be emotionally vulnerable.

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