Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan, kills in 48 hours

nifty@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 121 points –
Rare tissue-damaging bacteria spreads in Japan

Thread with more comments, didn’t see it before: https://lemmy.world/post/16594476?scrollToComments=true


It's a type of strep, wash your hands, don't touch your mouth in public, etc.

I got this a few days after I had a tumor removed in my arm 2009 and was in the hospital for a week. Luckily they caught it in time. Arm saved.

What is the mortality rate

Read the article lol. It's literally in like the forth paragraph

It's right there in the teaser on on this page.

All I see if the kills in 48 hours. Plus it's good to learn about shit that kills you that quickly.

Wash your hands because it's in your poo!