
3 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

nope. sorry taylor. if your plane's tracking information is public knowledge it's allowed. if it's good for elon it's good for you too.

if anyone thinks this is acceptable behavior in any house of legislation, substitute what is happening here with an islamic call to prayer and prayer session.

did your opinion change? why is it okay that christians can do this and no one else?

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so that's nearly a HALF BILLION DOLLARS in fines owed to multiple entities by the (alleged) billionaire who is also the leading candidate to one political party.

now would be a real good time for that party to remove themselves from trump. because if they stay hitched to that wagon, they ain't winning shit. but the hilarious thing is that if they get behind haley right now they'll have an even shot at winning but she's so unappealing to the base they'll never do it.

it's great. 🤣😆🤣😆

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free speech gym.

companies have the right to advertise wherever they choose to advertise. platforms for advertising are not guaranteed advertisers.

not unless you want to force them to advertise on platforms they don't want to be on. but that would no longer be capitalism, what would that be? I can't think of it it's right at the tip of my tongue...

wow, they're really got the pulse of black america by focusing on the hot button issues like checks notes the price of menthol cigarettes.

say nothing about improving education, making going to the doctor more affordable, and the overwhelming targeting by police in black areas.


are they going to do something about making malt liquor more available?

tell me you don't have a clue about black america issues without telling me you don't have a clue about black america issues.

who else but a genius would buy a social media company, remove the things that made it functional and useful, reintegrate and allow to overpopulate elements that made it worse, and destroy a multi-billion dollar icon and name render useless a word that the thing you bought created and is universally understood because he thinks calling stuff X is cool?

not only a genius but ta soooper genius.

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fuck him. he should resign from the senate completely.

sincerely, lifetime kentucky resident

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🎵🎶every sperm is sacred🎵🎶

where has this guy been?

it's been that way since fox news went on air. every media outlet was terrified that the fear of missing out on a story because if one major outlet is reporting a story the others aren't and it blows up, those other places lose credibility.

right wing media thrives on OUTRAGE and that outrage brings the revenue. the only reason why other media doesn't do it is that either the market won't tolerate that kind of thing and would turn it off or there are still a few (a very few) people still in the works who have the journalistic ethics to not cover news in that fashion.

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stupid republicans. they were convinced that by putting the squeeze on pornhub they could dictate how that site operates when

  1. this isn't the web 1.0 anymore. websites have been able to geoblock content for at least 20 years now

  2. vpns exist. it's not going to stop people in texas from still visiting the site, nor is it the only free streaming porn site and

  3. unless a credit card or drivers license is required, age verification is easy to get around. "this content is restricted to adults 18 and over (21 in utah). by clicking yes you acknowledge that you are of legal age by penalty of perjury. are you 18? (yes) (no)". I was on adult sites at 16.

this law proves these people have no goddamned clue how the internet works.

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you know I wish people would stop pussyfooting around the issue and just come out and say it: the israeli government is committing a genocide in gaza. if they're worried about being called antisemitic, don't. they're calling you that anyway and they throw that word around so much that the word has almost no shock value or meaning anymore.

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the leading contenders for the new national party leadership have said in plain english and on right wing media that if they get in and take charge that every dollar the party raises will go to electing trump. they are saying this with one big state without state chair, one swing state with a state chair under indictment, and one big swing state with a party civil war. this is notwithstanding me at last reports literally having more money in my checking account than one state's party.

the national party's funds won't go to repair the local infrastructure. or to protect vulnerable members in the house and senate or state houses that are in the balance. the national party's funds will be going straight to trump. the money not going to pay his legal fees that is.

let's hope that their fears come true. because as soon as trump got to power, the republican party has acted like nothing but a cult with a strong religious ferver. having one national party being a literal cult acting as a political party in a country this size is not good for anybody.

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you know what the quickest way is to make a kid resent their country? force meaningless ceremony on them every day.

i was forced to say the pledge of allegiance every day up until high school. it was a bit of a shock to not be forced to say it my freshman year. I can't imagine how bad it would be to be forced to say the pledge and sing the anthem every day. especially if you get some of those teachers who have a flagpole stuck up their asses that they will give some sort of administrative punishment if you sang the magical flag song wrong. I think I'd tell my parents I was just going to live in detention all year.

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I'd honestly like to know what they're protecting kids from.

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if he actually is innocent, the absolutely best thing for him to do is to get them over with, then when he is acquited he can use his witch hunt and fake news talking points and gain votes.

pushing all of these trials and trying to bank on winning an election to get out of the majority of these charges (he can't get around georgia that easily) is a 1% strategy in my opinion. that's how I know he's guilty. his entire post indictment behavior is one of a guilty party. I don't really need to follow each case that closely to come to that conclusion. trump has telegraphed that he's guilty.

I'm just worried that someone in his cult might end up on one of the juries.

it says a lot about the political coverage in the media and half of the voting population, but I'm not sure it says something about all of us. some of which were raising alarms and flags for 50 years (I'm not that old but I know people that were) and were ignored. sometimes intentionally.

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so you are equating the government of a secular nation to a religion, and that criticizing the actions of that government is the same as being against the existence of that religion.

see I can't really get upset about this because people with pro jewish only israel agendas have thrown that word around so it means nothing. it's about as effective as calling a democrat a socialist and communist.

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I think it was more like a literal handful of arizona gop state legislators realized how bad of a look not repealing this law would be for the state republicans up and down the ballot this year and took away a cudgel the state democratic party was going to hammer every republican on the ballot with.

is it really that much of a surprise that the most conservative and conservative christian states really love imposing the harshest old testament level punishments on as many people as possible?

forgiveness and rehabilitation? that sounds like something christ would do. fuck that, string him up on the old maple tree in the park so we can make an example out of him.

notice the same states proudly claiming to be pro life lead the nation in infant mortality, post birth mortality, and death sentences. it only shows that "pro life" only emphasizes the developing life, not any of it fully developed.

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would you like to know more?

this is a state court decision. unless there is a federal issue to base an appeal on, scotus can't save him.

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elon should be ecstatic that there is no viable scaled alternative to his site because I am sure pissing off probably one of if not the most powerful woman on the planet and her legions of fans is not good for business.

and because there's no alternative he's not incentivised to do anything about it so the problem will persist.

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I can't get over the fact that women actually vote for these men. if no women vote for these creeps, they all lose in a landslide.

I seriously want to know the thought process that says "this politician thinks I'm sentient livestock, I'll vote for him".

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conservatives by their actions want women either pregnant or at home taking care of children, whether they are theirs or someone else's, or both. they especially want them silent and totally reliant on their men since hod forbid they get paid for their work.

liberals want to provide equal rights and equal opportunity.

from my perspective, if you aren't white, male, wealthy and christian, I don't know know why you are a republican since the party doesn't care about you.

so what's going to be their punishment? this is the only question that matters. because if the sanction isn't significant, there's nothing stopping this group or similar groups from doing the same thing.

the republican congress is causing all of this chaos, but because their republican congressperson isn't the one making this mess they will be reelected back to congress.

I was once told to never blame the voters, blame the elected people. yeah, no fuck that. I absolutely blame the degenerate regressive voters who intentionally put chaos agents in power. when uvalde in the aftermath of the robb elementary shooting where

  • elementary school kids died

  • the shooter was barely 18 with multiple assault weapons legally obtained

  • the local police stood outside for hours after the shooting started doing nothing

still overwhelmingly votes for abbott, blame the voters because the voters are the problem.

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you only need 4 to hear the case, and I'm pretty sure I know who the 4 are.

they're taking the case, not to reverse the decision but to stall the cases, hopefully past the election where trump would win and moot out these cases.

and in that situation, watch them rule 9-0 after trump is sworn in that the immunity trump says he has doesn't exist.

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I don't think he'd survive that long. and if he did, that syphilitic brain of his would prevent him from even being viable to everyone but the ones who have trump flavoraid for blood.

yes, way to not only suffocate your electoral bench by sending every ha-penny to trump but now you're intentionally reducing your potential voting pool and expecting to win bigly.

it would be goddamned hi-larious except for the fact that I know there will be a bunch of local democratic parties that will absolutely fuck this opportunity up.

his base which is a very loud minority of the people aka not the person who win you elections. tell the low information voter in september and october that trump owes $88 million to one person for sexually assaulting her and lying about it and $450 million for cheating on his taxes and lying to get bank loans and don't be shocked if one of the red wall states flips in november.

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woke anti america thinking. because how dare a teenager be able to think for themselves and realize that this country did and does unjustifiably shitty things and hasn't acknowledged or apologized for them.

didn't elon just have twins with a tesla staffer or am I misunderstanding? cause if that's true I can very much see that kind of thing going on at spacex too.

the government should investigate that, and they really could do it since spacex has that multibillion dollar government contract.

I wouldn't buy one. good job. elon destroying your brand name.

I honestly believe that is because rural areas are almost always represented by republicans, voted in by majority republican voters. both groups of which are extremely disinclined of making the entirety of human knowledge easily and quickly accessible, because then people might see how much things are better in other countries and start asking questions to their federal representatives.

this is why I don't take seriously anyone who says that both parties are the same or two side of the same coin. maybe you could make that argument 40 years ago. but these days saying that is a shorthand to me that "I don't pay attention to what's going on in the news." clearly one party's mainstream has gone extreme and you have to be willfully ignorant to not see it.

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the president should nationalize all of those guardsmen and tell them to stand down or have them protect the border patrol who will be removing the razor wire.

what the fuck is an "influencer" anyway?

maybe it's because I have always thought for myself, but when I hear influencer I think in my head "online attention w. hor. e. whose 15 minutes ended 15 hours ago".

if kids are not paying attention to narcissistic craving it and thinking for themselves as a side benefit it can only be a good thing.

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you continue to assume that all of those uncommitted voters will be not biden voters in november and you assume that all of the haley voters will vote for trump. you are also assuming that everyone who voted in the primary are the total number of people who will be voting in november.

I'm not the one who doesn't understand how voting works here.

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university of southern california, a profile of courage

normally debating draws clearer distinctions between the candidates and helps the low information voter in making their decision.

this isn't a normal election.

you have one candidate who is a normal politician willing and able to make his case for what he feels is best in moving the other forward. the other is a raving ranting tax cheat and sexual predator who has absolutely no clue about foreign policy, domestic policy, financial policy and is transparently going after one type of person. that other person is also easily swayed to do everything that a minority of a minority population wants because that demographic cheers him and praises him as a god king.

there is absolutely nothing to be gained from a debate between the two major party candidates other than the disgust of a nation when one of them spews his vitriol about the non whites and the stochastic terrorism he inspires from his unchecked hate speech. it is in the best interests of that candidate to not debate, since the political media does every fucking thing in it's power to not accurately or report in a timely fashion the utterly bizzare and undemocratic statements he makes on a regular basis. letting him fly free to direct questioning will only drive away the middle of the voting population, the ones who actually vote people into office.