
6 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cropped memes. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetics and linguistics most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head. There's also the high contrast color pallette, which is deftly woven into the message. Lemmy users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike cropped memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in longing for the bottom half of the text, "Join our Discord". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the meme's genius wit unfolds itself on their smartphone screens. What fools..

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Can you imagine if this was normalized for the president, and then over time became acceptable for other people?

"You can't have congress people worried about whether some lawyer will go after them."

"You can't have CEO's worried about whether the DA will go after them."

"You can't expect your boss to worry about whether you will go after them."

"You can't expect your pastor to worry about whether the faithless will go after them."

Good for him, glad he's found what makes him happy and that he has the freedom to do it.

Less, "blissfully unaware," more, "generally apathetic because I didn't realise I had a dark cloud contaminating the positive experiences in my life."

Respectfully, I think there are plenty of legitimate criticisms we can make without resorting to making fun of her appearance.

Edit for clarity: Imagine if you were a woman who disagreed wholeheartedly with Lauren Boebert, and found her a wretched human being, but happened to look a lot like her. Then you see others who think like you do attacking her appearance.
Why would we create an environment that alienates people on anything other than ideological or moral grounds? The only people our criticisms should repel are people with dangerous ideologies that we don't want to be associated with.

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I wake up, all the chores were done the day before. I have nowhere to be. My wife and I make our coffee and sit outside. The weather is cool enough to be comfortable with a blanket. We sit in silence mostly, observing the changing autumn leaves.

We meander, doing nothing of importance all day and go nowhere until we pick up a deep dish pizza from our favorite local restaurant. We take it home and eat it on out couch while our cats watch enviously.

We go to bed, and fall asleep immediately.

For me at least, there's a weird "zen" to the dysphoria and fear. Not that it's pleasant, of course, but if I feel that strongly about something, even in a negative way, it reinforces the identity that much more.

"I wouldn't be afraid if this didn't matter to me. Avoiding opportunities for dysphoria means the incongruence with my body is real, I am not making this up."

I really hope I say this without sounding rude. People who look pretty or attractive by society's standards put a lot of effort into their appearance. It's a lot to maintain your skin, hair, strength, weight, etc.

I'm sure you put effort in, I'm not trying to discount that. I do think there are some things you could be doing to help feminize your appearance however.

  • Getting your eyebrows shaped can be a game changer.
  • Adding eyeliner or changing your approach to it can help a lot also.
  • You have gorgeous hair with great volume. I love how it is now, but sometimes a change in hairstyle helps us change how we see ourselves.
  • You may not believe this, but your face shape reads feminine to me. That being said, the effects of HRT may become more prominent if the fat could redistribute again with some weight loss/gain.

The disappointing thing is that most of those things I just mentioned won't change, or will change very little from HRT. I hope you can find support and encouragement to do what makes you happy. All I mean to say is that you may need to explore some options in addition to things you are already doing. It is not hopeless!

When we were dating, my wife and I would poke our fingers in each other's mouths when the other person started yawning. It was funny, but we got tired of it really fast and made a pact not to do it anymore.

We've been together for 8 years and we still nervously side-eye each other when we yawn. If we're feeling mischievous, we will flinch towards the one yawning to scare them.

I'm in the minority of people who really like the design, I just wouldn't ever consider buying anything from Tesla.

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I have all the issues with Discord that you mention, but struggle to find a better alternative. Do you have any recommendations?

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Sorry if this type of post isn't allowed, I got excited because Natalie's videos have been a pretty big part of my journey.

Was the shade in your lens at least 12 I hope?

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Here is a reply I made to Alteon which I think adds helpful context. I do think some of their concerns had validity, even though I don't believe they applied to my situation. Also, thank you for moderating this community!

"Thanks for sharing your perspective. I read through your other comments as well. Thankfully, my wife is in a very solid place at the moment. I was able to take the first 2 months off work to help raise our child, and we made sure to make financial arrangements where she could take extended time off work before returning to her career. We haven't had any sort of "Mac and Cheese" moments like you mentioned. A big part of why I haven't already told her anything is because I wanted to be sure she felt secure and comfortable when we had this conversation.

Another thing I'd like to add is that having a child was a very difficult decision for me. Obviously it's a big deal for both of us, but she actually wanted a child. When she and I were dating, we agreed not to have children. About a year into our marriage, she changed her mind. We talked about it for years, and eventually we agreed to be a one-and-done family. I wanted her to be happy; I didn't want to deprive her of a child. Furthermore, I realised I would rather have her in my life with a child, than no child without her. She never gave me such an ultimatum, but I never wanted to get close to something like that. I certainly don't think I have "saddled" her in the way that word implies.

About this conversation we are planning to have. I do expect it to go well. I am not certain, but I expect it to. Part of the reason is I am not sitting her down to say, "this is how things are, deal with it." Like the rest of our relationship, we will have an open dialogue about what works best for us. I have made many sacrifices for her over the years, and I will happily make many more. She has done and will continue to do the same for me, even if it doesn't necessarily look the way I would hope it to. That is the nature of compromise.

If all that comes from this is that she knows about my dysphoria and the daily struggle it is for me so that I can confide in her about it, that's okay. Even better if she is fully supportive, but I want to continue having a relationship where we share our strengths and weaknesses with each other. This is the one piece of me that hasn't been shared.

If this makes me sound like an asshole, then I don't know what to say. Hope you continue having a nice day."

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Really? Bee W was right there.

You are incredibly lucky to have a mom like her. Happy for you ☺️

I've been saying since EVs hit the market that I couldn't wait for them to be cheap enough used for me to justify purchasing one. That hasn't happened yet. Most I've ever spent on a car was $7k.

The title seems to imply that it's a bad thing? Why should he let go of it? Should Minecraft devs let go? Terraria?

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I think if widget factories could have that tight of margins, the issues would be totally different.

No competent business owner would employ someone whose value could become non-viable with a fluctuation in fuel cost.

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I find this opinion hard to reconcile with Lemmy users' general stance that Reddit/Google are in the wrong for using comments to train AI without asking permission.

I bit my nails my whole life. One day I tasted lime. I hadn't eaten anything with lime for 3 days. I had wiped my ass maybe 10 minutes prior. That experience yucked me out of biting for good. Been over 2 years now since I've so much as nibbled.

Damit andere Länder nichts verstehen können.

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I think you're asking for advice, so here's mine on makeup: practice makes perfect.

It is an art, like sketching, painting, or anything else. Even if you find a good tutorial, you're still going to need to practice. Part of your learning process may include an afternoon where you apply makeup, wipe it off, and apply a few more times so that you can really hone in on some things.

Don't be afraid of cheap makeup, especially while you're learning. Once you know what works for you, then you may decide you want to get some fancier products.

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Since the intention is to communicate to people from outside this community, it needs to be clear to anyone at a glance. Rather than bogging down the title of a post, it might work well to make a banner at the top of a post's description. Such as:

[Seeking engagement from anyone]
[Seeking engagement from the Transfem community]
[Seeking engagement from cisgendered people]

Easy for anyone to find if they open the post, while not bogging down the feed with text if the person isn't going to engage with it.

Also, thank you for putting in the time to keep this place safe and encouraging for us!

We both think that she's an idiot. Why does she have to look stupid? If some right wingers were talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this way we would find that repugnant.

American libertarians are conservatives who don't like that label, and have a big stick up their butts about taxes.

Steve Jobs was wealthy despite having a salary of $1 per year.

Thank you ❤️

Thank you for this. I've asked her some probing questions, and I get a lot of uncertainty from her. Now that I'm writing that, uncertainty means she would have to doubt what she used to think. Seems obvious, but I'm only just realizing that.

if they do hate you when you come out then they never loved you really.

I've read this before, but it's hitting me different now in a good way, I think. Thanks again.

You're right, sorry to be confusing. The post title was meant to refer to how I have previously chosen to postpone transitioning ever since realizing I am trans; a choice I am no longer content with.

Terraria was released in 2011, and still gets free updates with similar frequency to Stardew. Minecraft alpha was released in 2010.

Sure, Eric won the cozy farming genre. He is also clearly passionate about the game. Maybe looking out for his own health is exactly why he continues to dabble with the game.

Worth noting that Michigan lets people vote on either the democratic or republican ballot, regardless of how they are registered. Lot's of people like myself chose to vote on the republican ballot against Trump because we felt confident in Biden winning. That probably put him closer to 80%.

I have had conversations with evangelicals who believe retiring is morally wrong, based entirely on this one passage:

For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: Anyone unwilling to work should not eat. 2 Thessalonians 3:10

I can't begin to wrap my head around this.

Hitler's mustache is now so closely associated with nazis and fascism that we would rightly mock anyone who unironically kept their facial hair that way. Lauren Boebert's eyebrows don't feel like they deserve the same treatment, since it is very normal for many women with leftist values to keep up their appearance in a similar way. The eyebrows are not the problem; her beliefs are.

What brand/model do you have? I've been looking into purchasing one.

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This just makes me sad because until today my only association with Baraboo was whimsical childhood memories of the circus there.

So in this example, the revenue is $1100 a week per worker. If the worker does make $1000 for that time, that does spell doom.

Let's work it the other way. A typical business allocates 15-30% of its revenue to payroll. If an employee is making $1,000 a week, that means that if this widget factory was making enough to be a reasonably successful business in the US today, their revenue per worker would range from $3,333 to $6,667. This means the company would be "losing" somewhere between $667 to $1,333 a week by paying the same wages but losing 1 widget.

Overhead is not exclusively the $1,000 you pay Joe. It is also whatever else you pay to keep the factory in business and Joe working. Some of this, like electricity, will decrease when Joe is at work less.

Now if you consider that for decades the widget factories have been making more widgets, but paying the workers lower wages, we have a healthy widget empire more than capable of supporting a 4 day work week.

Examples like these are only helpful if we use realistic numbers. $1,000 a week for a worker's wages is plausible. $1,100 in revenue from that work is not.

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As little fun as this is to hear, I hadn't considered this and appreciate your insight. I will hold on to hope, thank you.