The Glasses! They do NOTHING rule. to – 650 points –

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Was the shade in your lens at least 12 I hope?

Nope. 10.

Mine too lol. I know that isn't technically enough, but we aren't talking instantaneous damage like a laser here. You need to be much more careful around stuff like that.

Regular UV radiation is a gradient, like going outside without sunblock. You're gonna burn if you are an idiot about it. Don't stare at the thing for 60 minutes straight. We looked, we saw, and then we stopped looking.

Yeah i just looked at it from about 80% to the diamond ring stage. Not more than 5 minutes

I mean that is the stage most likely to cause damage, since there is a bit less light so your eyes dilate to take in more, but it is still just as intense.

Hasnt changed anything on me yet. I weld often enough to be acclimated i guess