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All it would really take is internet providers to black hole the China AS numbers in their BGP configs. Then boom China basically can't talk to the rest of the world.

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In Canada even if you lease to own a phone it's not carrier locked anymore, you have to pay the remaining balance if you leave, or possibly can return the phone (but that's just throwing your money away)

They aren't commercializing it, it just means they will require fewer flights to get scientists and their equipment down there. And the new plane is more efficient than the older ones they used.

Literally all of them, but look at OpenSSL for a good example.

Literally everything runs off it these days, and it's like 3 guys and a trenchcoat working on it most of the time.

It's just how open source / the industry / people are. We all have our own stuff we want to do, so as long as the stuff your using works you don't tend to care, and if it doesn't you often don't have the time or resources to do anything other than tell the owner to fix it.

They don't want in, they setup camp outside the doors and pick fights with people who walk by. So staff are probably "closing" the entrances so people don't accidentally walk out into a warzone.

Canada geese are evil mean bastards

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First of all fuck you,

Second I haul more sports equipment in my hatchback than most bro dozers ever do in their life.

Hell I've probably moved more construction materials than them too.

I know it's a quote, but if the brakes failed on an escalator then yes it would be unusable even as stairs, however you wouldn't be stuck on it at that point, you'd be in a pile at the bottom.

No it's not because people here don't like Spotify, but the stupid ass takes y'all have that lead to Spotify hate bleed through in half the other content on here that people don't like either.

That fact that you thought ops comment was about disliking Spotify specifically reinforces it.

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Continuing to speak is a bad look on you.

You talk shit out of your ass.

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First off fuck Boeing. Second off. When a part falls off of a 30 year old plane it's typically because the airline that owns it fucked up in the maintenance of the plane, sometimes it's the manufacturer not stating a correct procedure, or having the stated intervals too long, but just as many aviation accidents have been caused by fuckups during maintenance.

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Epic games made their store UI so bad that buying games on it initially was actually frustrating and difficult. It might be better now, but at the time you had no shopping cart and had to go through about 10 menus to purchase anything.

Steam lets me add many games to my cart, and then 2 pages later I'm installing them.

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Tell that to all the tankies that suck off Putin every chance they get then.

The comment you quoted has zero issues, and just paints you as a crazy fucking psycho.

Usb could have been great, then they decided that with every minor version bump they needed to go back and fuck with the name of the previous version..

Like FFS just do 3(5gbps) 3.1(10gbps) 3.2(20gbps) etc or whatever the fucking difference even is between them all at this point.

YouTube, google drive, Any readthedocs site with more than 1 page

50 cents per kWh sounds fucking insane to me. That's like 5-6 times more than I pay in Canada.

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We'll Tesla's happen to be a shitty book cover to cover, written by an asshole.

So they could at least try to make the cover appealing, even if they are incapable of making the rest of it so.

This is a stupid take.

Coal power puts out more radioactive waste than nuclear does, and coal sends it right into the air where we can't manage it.

Nuclear waste is kept solid, and contained. We know exactly where it goes and as long as the rules are followed it's not at risk of polluting anything.

Sure solar and wind don't have any by product once they are setup, but they also don't fit the baseline power need that nuclear does.

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The man is an asshole and stain on society, his death would likely marginally improve the world's future outlook.

"my guy" is used as a general reference regardless of the gender of the target, especially if on the internet, when discussing someone who can't use a fucking garbage bag, but if you wish we can refer to you as "shit for brains" because you certainly don't have anything useful up there.

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That's why we have governments though, for the long time low return infrastructure, like power grids.

Somehow we are willing to spend billions yearly on new roads but can't be assed to build a new nuke plant once a decade to grow power production.

You sound like your an absolute pain in the ass for anyone who has to be in the same fucking room as you.

Its a stupid as hell law, but I think the not having news on Facebook could be good? Since anything posted is basically all outrage baiting anyways, this would be reducing that and forcing people to leave their circle jerks/echo chambers for actual news.

Though people will probably just fuck it up more and start quoting hearsay without even nothing to find an article...

Then how the hell did Trump win in 2016 and nearly win in 2020? He is literally antithetical to everything conservatives say they are, yet they still fucking turned out and voted for him instead of someone else.

Unfortunately stockholders have about as much capacity to see the consequences of their actions as a toddler does.

They don't care that 5 or even 2 years from now their cuts will mean planes falling out of the sky, they just see profits go up next month.

You rule out the other options first, and then you shoot them in the face.

Well if you don't actually mention what part you are comparing people are going to assume its the part the majority use, ie VDSL and fibre.

Everyone has always known normal satellite internet sucks dick, it's slow and high ping.

But musk is too stupid to market his starlink as a replacement for that, instead trying to win over VDSL and fibre users.

Because plastic is shit for the environment, and wood literally grows on trees?

Like why do you want to replace lumber with plastic?

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Sometimes people go for more than a single day, or you book weeks in advance and have to deal with whatever shit weather you get.

Weather can also suddenly change over a single day.

But celery is blocky and has gaps and doesn't pack well, the amount you get changes drastically depending on how fine you chop it and on random packing.

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Shouldn't matter. You don't throw kids in jail just because they are assholes.

Ah yes the military famous for their bright minds, or was it crayon eating? I can never remember since all I did was take computer science, physics, and math courses in university.

Your wording was probably a little confusing, I read "jumping on Biden" initially as in "voting / rooting for him", but you likely meant it in the context of them "questioning everything he does". Depending which one is used changes your phrasing from criticizing Biden to supporting him.

Why are you even mentioning matrix? We don't want a chat server corpo or not, we want a real functional forum with topics and history and indexed by search engines, not a single chat log that disappears into the void after 24 hours of use.

The only way to not have crossed Russia's supposed red lines would have been for Ukraine to never exist in the first place.

No matter what was done Putin would have found some way to justify his invasion.

Less often than you are.

Every time you speak lies and wrongness comes pouring out, if you stopped speaking and listened to experts onece and a while you'd be better off in life.

Pdfs are like the best for reading. Consistent format on every device.

They just suck to create or edit.

Fuck you

OPG manages power production for all of Ontario, with 2 nuke plants putting out over 3 GW each, for a total of ~6.5GW, OPG generates about 18-19GW so 30% is covered by two plants

The majority of the remainder is hydro across 66 fucking plants. And nothing else comes even close in output

And these are CANDU reactors, they don't require refined uranium, and don't contribute to proliferation like other plants, they also don't meltdown explosively since boiling the coolant reduces the nuclear reaction rate.

A nuclear gravity bomb is a standard nuclear bomb that is dropped from a plane, instead of launched on a rocket.

This isn't some kind of new nuclear technology

I'm not Italian and I'll fight anyone who tries to make spaghetti by snapping the noodles in half.

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