Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck to Not The – 698 points –
Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck

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I'm in the minority of people who really like the design, I just wouldn't ever consider buying anything from Tesla.

In a sucker for the low poly aesthetics.

It's sad that literally everything else on this thing is a dumpster fire

Oh, it looks cool, you're not wrong. It's just a shame it's apparently shit.

The aesthetics are nice in my opinion, I wish there were more distinct and unique vehicles out there.

he really should not have bought Twitter that is what I think pissed people off the most

Think he didn’t really have much of a choice given his public comments, and the fact that to lay folks those comments were credible because he has the resources to follow through.

If I posted “BRB, buying Twitter and taking it private,” it would be a joke. But coming from someone who already has a crazy amount of money, positions in companies, etc., and who knows or should know the ins and outs of securities law…

That was an ill fated statement that he should never have made and probably expected to be taken as a joke. Don’t think he expected the Twitter board to take the chance to cash out and call it good, either.

For someone with that level of impaired judgement to be running companies…. Jeez, how do I pull that off? I can rant publicly, I just don’t know the magic incantations that being in billions.

Hope that MFer gets meme stocked, shorted, and pump and dumped. As we’ve seen again and again, it doesn’t take all that much to do those things.

Am abs against the meme stock crowd, they are straight up bad actors, but might be able to do some good here.

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I disagree emphatically re the design, it’s bizarre and foreign to me, but separating “pretty, IMHO” (and design is always in one’s opinion) vs “company is crap” is something not all humans are able to do, and which I respect.

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